I'm going to quote extensively from the book, as there is example after example of the problems in our system here; I can only give you a taste.
"The real myth in this debate is not the existence of voter fraud, which exists; the real myth is the claim that voters are disenfranchised because of voter ID requirements."
In 2009 "...ACORN had hired 59 inmates from a nearby prison work-release program to collect registrations. Several who had been convicted of identity theft were made ACORN supervisors: the group was hiring specialists to do its work."
"...former Alabama congressman Arthur Davis, a Democrat turned independent who says he regrets having opposed laws cracking down on voter fraud even though he knew it occurred in his district; as a reformer challenging an entrenched machine, he had to calculate ho many phony votes he would have to overcome to win."
"The Department of Justice prosecuted its larges voter fraud case ever in Chicago - prosecutors estimated that 100,000 fraudulent ballots were cast in the 1982 gubernatorial election."
"Chris Matthews...explained the scheme: Someone calls to enquire whether you voted or are going to vote, and 'then all of a sudden somebody does come and vote for you.' Matthews says this is an old strategy in big-city politics 'I know all about it in North Philly - it's what went on, and I believe it still goes on.'"
Does Matthews now support voter ID laws? I suspect not.
"Another method entailed collecting, during nominating petition drives, the names of registered voters who had died or moved - deadwood voters. Crews were hen sent to vote under those names."
During a city council election in 2007 in Hoboken, NJ, a group of imposters were caught. "The imposter admitted to the police that the group was from a local homeless shelter and each person had been paid $10 to vote using other people's names."
"...the North Carolina Board of Elections admitted that it had caught at least a dozen people trying to vote in more than one location, and election officials acknowledged that 'it would be hard to catch anyone who intentionally double-voted across state lines, because states don't share their voter databases.'"
Noncitizens are on voter registration lists all over the country.
"Up to three percent of the 30,000 individuals called up for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not citizens. While that may not seem like many, just three percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presidential vote margin in Florida in 2000."
During a 1997 investigation into voting by noncitizens:
"...the INS refused to cooperate with the criminal investigation. An INS official was quoted as saying, '...if word got out that this is a substantial problem, it could tie up all sorts of manpower.'"
"Why would an illegal alien register to vote?...the federal I-9 form that employers must complete for new employees provides a list of documentation that can be used to establish identity - including a voter ID card."
Two to three thousand individuals summoned for jury duty in Orange County in 1998 claimed an exemption from jury duty because they were not citizens. 85 to 90 percent of those individuals were summoned from the voter registration list, rather than DMV records.
In a case of voter fraud in Greene County, Alabama in 1994 being investigated by the Justice Department and the FBI, the NAACP sided with the conspirators, provided their defense funds, instead of siding with the black voters whose voting rights were being thwarted - mostly because the leadership of the NAACP were friends with some of the fraudsters.
Unfortunately, there's a revolving door of sorts at the Justice Department, similar to the revolving door between the U.S. Congress, its staff, and the lobbying firms who buy their influence. The Justice Department is mostly staffed by lawyers who have worked for the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others who have a belief in "racial payback". Acting Assistant Attorney General of Civil Rights, Loretta King, told staffers in the Voting section how excited she was that "We now have two black men running the country." If a white man made that sort of comment, you can imagine the uproar from the media, but all we hear of this is crickets chirping.
Fund discusses the movement to change from the current electoral college system to a National Popular Vote, and analyzes the problems with this idea, as well as the reason behind the necessity of the electoral college established by the Constitution. He exposes the causes of low voter turnout by our military families, and the shameful way that many states have ignored the laws passed by Congress to make sure that their votes can be counted. In conclusion, Fund outlines a number of steps that we can take to limit voter fraud, including requiring voter ID, making sure all voters are U.S. citizens, preventing absentee ballot fraud, making sure voter registration databases contain valid data, compacts between the states to make sure people don't cast votes in multiple states (the problem is huge between New York and Florida - site of the disputed 2000 election, by the way), fixing the same-day registration and provisional ballot regulations, making sure our troops get their ballots in time to vote and return them before election day, and getting involved in our communities as election workers, a position filled now mostly by a vanishing corps of patriotic seniors.
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