Jacka, Benedict
Veiled, Alex Verrus #6, Kindle
Bound, Alex Verrus #8, Kindle
Jacques, Brian
Redwall, Ace, Ace edition / June 1998, 0-441-00548-9, pbMossflower, Ace, Ace edition / November 1998, 0-441-00576-4, pb
Jakes, John
On Wheels, Warner, First printing, May 1973, 0-446-75123-5, pbBrak: When the Idols Walked, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published February 1978, 0-671-81373-0, pb
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, Award, 1973, AN1241, Planet of the Apes #4 2 copies, pb
Brak the Barbarian, Avon, First Avon printing, July 1968, S363, pb
I, Barbarian, Pinnacle, First printing, August 1976, 0-523-00971-2, pb
Witch of the Dark Gate, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1972, 75-415, Cover art by Frazetta, pb
The Asylum World, Paperback Library, First Printing: December, 1969, 63-236, pb
Brak the Barbarian, Tandem, Reprinted 1976, 426-16707-4, pb
The Sorceress, Tandem, Reprinted 1976, 426-16715-5, pb
Brak the Barbarian, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published, July 1978, 0-671-81278-5, pb
Brak vs. the Sorceress, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published November 1977, 0-671-81372-2, pb
Mention My Name in Atlantis, DAW #025, 1972, 0-87997-025-1, pb
Jameson, Malcolm
Bullard of the Space Patrol, World, First Edition 1951, Library copy 2 copies, hc
Janifer, Laurence M.
Bloodworld, Lodestone, 1968, B-5018, pb
Impossible?, Belmont, A Belmont book - March 1968, B50-810, pb
Javor, Frank A.
The Ice Beast, DAW #828, First printing, September 1990, 0-88677-443-8, pbScor-Sting, DAW #814, First printing, April 1990, 0-88677-421-7, pb
Jelli, Raymond
Zugzwang, Kindle
Jensen, Kris
Freemaster, DAW #807, First printing, February 1990, 0-88677-404-7, pbJeppson, J. O.
The Last Immortal, Fawcett, First printing: March 1981, 0-449-24385-0, pbJeter, K. W.
Dr. Adder, Signet, First Signet printing, February 1988, 0-451-15197-6, pbMorlock Night, DAW #343, 1979, 0-87997-468-0, pb
The Edge of Human, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition: September 1996, 0-553-57570-8, Blade Runner #1, pb
Farewell Horizontal, Signet, First printing, November 1989, 0-451-16278-1, pb
The Glass Hammer, Signet, First printing, January 1987, 0-451-14766-9, pb
Noir, Bantam, Bantam Spectra paperback edition / September 1999, 0-553-57638-0, pb
Replicant Night, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition: November 1997, 0-553-57775-1, Blade Runner #2, pb
Johnson, James B.
Trekmaster, DAW #719, First printing, September 1987, 0-88677-221-4, pbDaystar and Shadow, DAW #427, First printing, March 1981, 0-87997-605-5, pb
Habu, DAW #780, First printing, May 1989, 0-88677-350-4, pb
Jones, D. F.
The Fall of Colossus, Putnam, Book Club Edition, hcJones, David Lee
Zeus and Co., Avon, First printing: June 1993, 0-380-76963-8, pbUnicorn Highway, Avon, First Avonova printing: April 1992, 0-380-76506-3, pb
Jones, Dianna Wynne
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, pb
Jones, J. V.
The Baker's Boy, Aspect, First mass market printing: April 1996, 0-446-60282-5, The Book of Words Volume I, pbA Man Betrayed, Aspect, First mass market printing: November 1996, 0-446-60351-1, The Book of Words Volume II, pb
Jones, Neil R.
Space War, Ace, G-650, Professor Jameson #3, pbThe Sunless World, Ace, 1967, G-631, Professor Jameson #2 $2.25, pb
Twin Worlds, Ace, 1967, G-681, Professor Jameson Space Adventure #4, pb
Jones, Raymond F.
The Cybernetic Brains, Paperback Library, First printing: March 1969, 610-63063, pb
Jordan, Robert
The Fires of Heaven, Tor, First mass market printing: October 1994, 0-812-55030-7, The Wheel of Time #5, pb
The Shadow Rising, Tor, First mass market printing: October 1993, 0-812-51373-8, The Wheel of Time #4, pb
A Crown of Swords, Tor, First mass market edition: November 1997, 0-812-55028-5, Wheel of Time #7, pb
Conan the Magnificent, Tor, First edition: May 1984, 0-812-51593-5, pb
A Crown of Swords, Tor, First printing, October 1996, 0-812-55028-5, Wheel of Time #7, pb
Conan the Destroyer, Tor, First printing, July 1984, 0-812-54328-X, Movie Tie in, pb
The Eye of the World, Tor, First mass market printing: November 1990, 0-812-51181-6, The Wheel of Time #1, pb
The Dragon Reborn, Tor, First mass market printing: October 1992, 0-812-51371-1, The Wheel of Time #3, pb
The Great Hunt, Tor, First mass market printing: October 1991, 0-812-51772-5, The Wheel of Time #2, pb
Lord of Chaos, Tor, First edition: November 1995, 0-812-51375-4, The Wheel of Time #6, pb
Jorgensen, Ivar
The Deadly Sky, Pinnacle, First printing March 1971, 523-00023, pb
Judd, Cyril (Cyril M. Kornbluth & Judith Merril)
Gunner Cade, Tor, First Tor printing: April 1983, 0-523-48570-0, pb
Juster, Norton
The Phantom Tollbooth, Random House, 1972, 0-394-82199-8, juvenile ?, osKadrey, Richard
Metrophage, Ace, Ace edition / February 1988, 0-441-52813-9, New Ace Science Fiction Special, pbKahn, James
Return of the Jedi, Del Rey, First edition: June 1983, 0-345-30960-X, osKandel, Michael
Strange Invasion, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / September 1989, 0-553-28146-1, pbn Between Dragons, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / September 1990, 0-553-28814-8, pb
Kane, Stacia
Unholy Magic, Downside Ghosts #1, NookKangilaski, Jaan
The Seeking Sword, Del Rey, Second printing: February 1981, 0-345-29073-9, pbHands of Glory, Del Rey, First edition: February 1981, 0-345-28489-5, pb
Kapp, Colin
Search for the Sun, DAW #545, 1983, 0-87997-858-9, Cageworld #1, pbStar Search, DAW #588, 1984, 0-87997-942-9, Cageworld #4, pb
The Tyrant of Hades, DAW #572, 1983, 0-87997-919-4, Cageworld #3, pb
The Lost Worlds of Cronus, DAW #557, 1983, 0-87997-885-6, Cageworld #2, pb
Karr, Phyllis Ann
Frostflower and Thorn, Berkley, Berkley edition/ November 1980, 0-425-04540-4, pbFrostflower and Windbourne, Berkley, Berkley edition/ October 1982, 0-425-05591-4, pb
The Idylls of the Queen, Berkley, Berkley edition/ September 1985, 0-425-08080-3, pb
Wildraith's Last Battle, Berkley, Berkley edition/ August 1985, 0-425-08026-9, pb
Kato, Ken
The Way of the Warrior #1, Questar, First printing, May 1992, 0-446-35180-1, Yamato II, pbThe Way of the Warrior #2, Questar, First printing, June 1992, 0-446-36265-4, Yamato II, pb
A Rage in Heaven #2, Warner, First printing: August 1991, 0-446-36189-5, Yamato I, pb
A Rage in Heaven #1, Warner, First printing, July 1991, 0-446-36141-0, Yamato I, pb
Kay, Guy Gavriel
The Wandering Fire, Arbor House, Book Club Edition, The Fionavar Tapestry #2, hcThe Summer Tree, Arbor House, Book Club Edition, The Fionavar Tapestry #1, hc
The Darkest Road, Arbor House, Book Club Edition, The Fionavar Tapestry #3, hc
Kaye, Marvin & Parke Godwin
The Masters of Solitude, Avon, First Avon printing, July 1979, 0-380-45112-3, pbWintermind, Bantam, Bantam edition / April 1984, 0-553-24169-9, Sequel to the Masters of Solitude, pb
Keel, John A.
Strange Creatures from Time and Space, Fawcett, T2219, Non SF, pbKeith, William H.
Retief's Peace, hcKenyon, Kay
The Seeds of Time, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book, June 1997, 0-553-57861-X, pbKern, Gregory
The Gholan Gate, DAW #CK07, 1973, 0-87997-108-8, Cap Kennedy #7, pbEater of Worlds, DAW #CK08, 1974, 0-87997-113-4, Cap Kennedy #8, pb
The Paradise Game, DAW #CK10, 1974, 0-87997-123-1, Cap Kennedy #10, pb
Seetee Alert!, DAW #CK06, 1973, 0-87997-103-7, Cap Kennedy #6, pb
Galaxy of the Lost, DAW #CK01, 1973, 0-87997-073-1, Cap Kennedy #1, pb
The Genetic Buccaneer, DAW #CK12, 1974, 0-87997-138-X, Cap Kennedy #12, pb
A World Aflame, DAW #CK13, 1974, 0-87997-144-4, Cap Kennedy #13, pb
Slave Ship from Sergan, DAW #CK02, 1973, 0-87997-078-2, Cap Kennedy #2, pb
The Ghosts of Epidoris, DAW #CK14, 1974, 0-87997-159-2, Cap Kennedy #14, pb
Mimics of Dephene, DAW #CK15, 1974, 0-87997-168-1, Cap Kennedy #15, pb
The Galactiad, Daw #539, First Printing, July 1983, 0-87997-846-5, pb
Beyond the Galactic Lens, DAW #176, 1975, 0-87997-211-4, pb
The Galactiad, DAW #539, 1983, 0-87997-846-5, pb
Monster of Metelaze, DAW #CK03, 1973, 0-87997-084-7, Cap Kennedy #3, pb
Kerr, Katherine
Daggerspell, pbFreeze Frames, Tor, First edition: May 1995, 0-312-89044-3, hc
Kesey, Ken
Sorcerers, Ballantine, First edition: March 1978, 0-345-27626-4, osKidd, Chico
The Printer's Devil, Baen, First printing, June 1995, 0-671-87668-6, pbKidd, Paul
Greyhawk Justicar II - Descent into the Depths of the Earth, pb
Greyhawk Justicar III - Queen of the Demonweb Pits, pb
Kilian, Crawford
Rogue Emperor, Del Rey, First edition: September 1988, 0-345-35078-2, Chronoplane Wars #3, pbGryphon, Del Rey, First edition: August 1989, 0-345-35730-2, pb
The Empire of Time, Ballantine, Fifth printing: September 1987, 0-345-34759-5, Chronoplane Wars #1 2nd copy 1st edition: 1978, pb
Eyas, Bantam, A Bantam book / August 1982, 0-553-20930-2, pb
Killough, Lee
Liberty's World, DAW #620, 1984, 0-88677-023-8, pbThe Doppelganger Gambit, pb
The Monitor, The Miners, and The Shree, pb
Aventine, pb
Spider Play, pb
Dragon's Teeth, pb
King, William
Space Wolf, pbKinnison, Jeb
Red Queen, Substrate Wars #1, KindleKirchoff, Mary
Kendermore, TSR, First printing: August 1989, 0-88038-754-8, Dragon Lance Preludes #2, pb
Flint the King, TSR, Preludes II Vol 2, pb
Kirk, Richard
Raven: Swordmistress of Chaos, Raven #1, pb
Kirstein, Rosemary
The Steerswoman, Del Rey, First edition: September 1989, 0-345-35762-0, Rowan #1, pb
The Outskirter's Secret, Del Rey, First edition: December 1992, 0-345-36885-1, Rowan #2, pb
Klein, Gerard
The Mote in Time's Eye, DAW #134, 1974, 0-87997-151-7, pbThe Day Before Tomorrow, DAW #011, First printing, June 1972, 0-87997-011-1, pb
Kloos, Marko
Terms of Enlistment, Frontlines #1, Kindle, NookLines of Departure, Frontlines #2, Kindle, Nook
Angles of Attack, Frontlines #3, Kindle
Chains of Command, Frontlines #4, Kindle
Fields of Fire, Frontlines #5, Kindle
Knaak, Richard A.
FireDrake, Popular Library, First printing: May 1989, 0-445-20940-2, pbWolfHelm, Popular Library, First printing: June 1990, 0-445-20966-6, pb
Shadow Steed, Popular Library, First printing: December 1990, 0-445-20967-4, pb
Ice Dragon, Warner, First printing: December 1989, 0-445-20942-9, pb
Kaz , The Minotaur, TSR, First printing: April 1990, 0-88038-910-9, Dragon Lance Heroes II Volume One, pb
The Legend of Huma, TSR, First printing: March 1988, 0-88038-548-0, Dragon Lance Heroes I Volume One, pb
The Shrouded Realm, Warner, First printing, June 1991, 0-446-36138-0, The Origin of Dragonrealm, pb
Children of the Drake, Warner, First printing, December 1991, 0-446-36153-4, The Origin of Dragonrealm, pb
Knight, Damon
A For Anything, Berkley, F1136, pb
The World and Thorinn, Berkley, Berkley edition / December 1981, 0-425-05193-5, Beyond the Barrier, Corgi, S7502, pb
The Rithian Terror, Award Books, 1965, AS1008, pb
The Other Foot, McFadden, 75-433, pb
In Deep, McFadden, 75-444, pb
Hell's Pavement, Fawcett, 449-02410, pb
Turning On, Ace, 1966, 020-07677, Collection, pb
Orbit 5, Putnam, Book Club Edition, Series Anthology, hc
The Best of Damon Knight, Pocket Books, First printing, September 1976, 0-671-83375-8, Collection, pb
A Century of Science Fiction, Simon & Schuster, Second printing, 1962, Anthology, hc
Knight, E.E.
Way of the Wolf, Roc, Vampire Earth #1, pbKocher, Paul
Master of Middle Earth, Del Rey, First edition: October 1977, 0-345-27242-0, pbKoontz, Dean R.
Dark of the Woods & Soft Come the Dragons, Ace, 1970, 441-13793, Ace Double, pbA Werewolf Among Us, Ballantine, First printing, January 1973, 0-345-03055-9,
Kornbluth, C. M.
The Explorers, Ballantine, Second edition: March 1963, F708, Collection $1.50, pbThe Marching Morons, Ballantine, Third printing, July 1963, F-760, Collection, pb
The Best of C. M. Kornbluth, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Collection, hc
Thirteen O'Clock and Other Zero Hours, Dell, 1970, 440-08731, Collection, pb
A Mile Beyond the Moon, McFadden, Second printing - May 1966, 50-288, pb
A Mile Beyond the Moon, Manor, A Manor Book - 1976, 532-12395, pb
Kotzwinkle, William
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Berkley, Sixth Printing / June 1982, 0-425-05453-5, pb
Kratman, Tom
A State of Disobedience, Baen, pb, KindleCarnifex, pb
A Desert Called Peace, pb, Kindle
The Lotus Eaters, pb
The Amazon Legion, epub
The Axe and the Rod, epub
Caliphate, Kindle
Kress, Nancy
Beggars Ride, Tor, First edition, November 1996, 0-312-85817-5, hc
Beggars and Choosers, Tor, First mass market edition: February 1996, 0-812-55010-2, pb
Beggars in Spain, Avonova, First printing: March 1994, 0-380-71877-4, pb
Kubasik , Chris
Changeling, Roc, First printing, June 1992, 0-451-45163-5, Shadowrun #5, pb
Kube-McDowell, Michael P.
Alternities, Ace, Ace edition / October 1988, 0-441-01774-6, pb
Emprise, Berkley, Third printing, October 1986, 0-425-10239-4, Book One of the Trigon Disunity, pb
Enigma, Ace, Ace edition / July 1987, 0-441-20677-8, Book Two of the Trigon Disunity, pb
Empery, Berkley, Berley edition / June 1987, 0-425-09887-7, Book Three of the Trigon Disunity, pb
Exile, Ace, Ace edition / July 1993, 0-441-22212-9, pb
The Quiet Pools, Ace, Ace mass market edition / March 1991, 0-441-69912-X, pb
Kuebler, Harold W.
The Treasury of Science Fiction Classics, Hanover House, Book Club Edition, Anthology, hcKupari, Mike
Her Brother's Keeper, Nook
Kurland, Michael
The Unicorn Girl, Pyramid, First printing, November 1969, X1990, pb
Transmission Error, HBJ, First edition / January 1978, 0-515-04514-4, pb
Pluribus, Ace, First Ace printing: January 1980, 0-441-67145-4, Cover by Vallejo, pb
Tomorrow Knight, DAW #183, 1975, 0-87997-220-3, pb
The Infernal Device, Signet, First Signet Printing, January 1979, 0-451-08492-6, pb
Kurtz, Katherine
Saint Camber, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, The Legends of Camber of Culdi #2 2 copies, hc
Saint Camber, Ballantine, First edition: September 1979, 0-345-25952-1, Legends of Camber of Culdi #2, pb
The Legacy of Lehr, Avon, First Avon Books Printing: February 1988, 0-380-70454-4, pb
High Deryni, Ballantine, Sixth printing: January 19806, 0-345-28614-6, Deryni Chronicles #3, pb
Deryni Checkmate, Ballantine, Third printing: February 1976, 0-345-25291-8, Deryni Chronicles #2, pb
Deryni Rising, Ballantine, Third printing: February 1976, 0-345-25290-X, Deryni Chronicles #1, pb
Camber of Culdi, Ballantine, Second printing: November 1976, 0-345-24590-3, Legends of Camber of Culdi #1, pb
Knights of the Blood, pb
At Sword's Point, pb
Kushner, Ellen
Basilisk, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1980, 0-441-04820-X, Anthology, pb
The Privilege of the Sword, pb
Kuttner, Henry
Robots Have No Tails, Lancer, 447-75464, Collection of Gallagher Stories poor condition, pb
Fury, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1972, 0-447-75413, $3.00, pb
The Creature from Beyond Infinity, Popular Library, 1968, 60-2355, pb
Return to Otherness, Ballantine, 1962, F619, Collection $4.00, pb
The Best of Henry Kuttner, Ballantine, First printing: April 1975, Classic SF Collections #3, 345-24415-X, Collection, pb
The Time Axis, Ace, 1965, F-356, $4.50, pb
The Mask of Circe, Ace, 1975, 0-441-52076-6, pb
Mutant, Ballantine, 1953, F724, pb
Kyle, David A.
Z-Lensman, Bantam, A Bantam Book / August 1983, 0-553-23427-7, The New Lensmen #3, pb
The Dragon Lensman, Bantam, A Bantam Book / September 1980, 0-553-13741-7, The New Lensmen #1, pb
Lensman from Rigel, Bantam, A Bantam Book / October 1982, 0-553-20499-8, The New Lensmen #2, pb
Lackey, Mercedes
Brightly Burning, DAW#1150, pb
w/ Rosemary Edgehill, Music to My Sorrow, hc
Winds of Fate, DAW #861, First printing, July 1992, 0-88677-516-7, The Mage Winds #1, pb
The Eagle and the Nightingales, Baen, First printing, March 1996, 0-671-87706-2, Bardic Voices #3, pb
Magic's Pawn, DAW #782, First printing, April 1989, 0-88677-352-0, The Last Herald Mage #1, pb
Magic's Price, DAW #821, First printing, July 1990, 0-88677-426-8, The Last Herald Mage #3, pb
Winds of Change, DAW #891, First printing, August 1993, 0-88677-563-9, The Mage Winds #2, pb
w/ Ru Emerson, Fortress of Frost and Fire, Baen, First printing: April 1993, 0-671-72162-3, Bard's Tale #2, pb
Storm Warning, DAW #958, First printing, September 1995, 0-88677-661-9, The Mage Storms #1, pb
Magic's Promise, DAW #803, First printing, January 1990, 0-88677-401-2, The Last Herald Mage #2, pb
Children of the Night, Tor, First edition: August 1990, 0-812-52112-9, Diana Tregarde #2, pb
Jinx High, Tor, First edition: October 1991, 0-812-52114-5, Diana Tregarde #3, pb
Arrow's Fall, DAW #732, First printing, January 1988, 0-88677-400-4, The Heralds of Valdemar #3, pb
w/ Josepha Sherman, Castle of Deception, Baen, Second printing, July 1995, 0-671-72125-9, Bard's Tale #1, pb
Winds of Fury, DAW #921, First printing, August 1994, 0-88677-612-0, The Mage Winds #3, pb
Storm Rising, DAW #1000, First printing, October 1996, 0-88677-712-7, The Mage Storms #2, pb
The Fire Rose, Baen, First printing, October 1996, 0-671-87750-X, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, The White Gryphon, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, The Silver Gryphon, pb
Storm Breaking, DAW #1035, First paperback printing, October 1997, 0-88677-755-0, Mage Storms #3, pb
Firebird, Tor, First mass market edition: September 1997, 0-812-55074-9, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, Owlflight, DAW #1069, First printing, October 1998, 0-88677-804-2, pb
Oathblood, DAW #1082, First printing, April 1998, 0-88677-773-9, Collection, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, Owlsight, DAW #1099, First printing, October 1999, 0-88677-803-4, Darian's Tale #2, pb
Sacred Ground, Tor, First edition: May 1995, 0-812-51965-5, Jennifer Talldeer #1, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, The Black Gryphon, DAW #937, First printing, January 1995, 0-88677-643-0, The Mage Wars #1, pb
w/ Mark Shepherd, Prison of Souls, Baen, First printing: November 1993, 0-671-72193-3, Bard's Tale #3, pb
The Robin and the Kestrel, Baen, First printing, November 1994, 0-671-87628-7, Bardic Voices #2, pb
The Lark and the Wren, Baen, Third printing, September 1993, 0-671-72099-6, Bardic Voices #1, pb
w/ Mark Shepherd, Wheels of Fire, Baen, First printing, October 1992, 0-671-72138-0, Serrated Edge, pb
w/ Holly Lisle, When the Bough Breaks, Baen, First printing, February 1993, 0-671-72154-2, Serrated Edge, pb
w/ Josepha Sherman, A Cast of Corbies, Baen, First printing, February 1994, 0-671-72207-7, Bardic Choices #1, pb
Burning Water, Tor, First edition: February 1989, 0-812-52485-3, Diana Tregarde #1, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, Born to Run, Baen, Second printing, February 1993, 0-671-72110-0, Serrated Edge, pb
Arrow's Flight, DAW #720, First printing, September 1987, 0-88677-377-6, The Heralds of Valdemar #2, pb
w/ Ellen Guon, Summoned to Tourney, Baen, First printing, June 1992, 0-671-72122-4, Urban Fantasy #2, pb
The Oathbound, DAW #750, First printing, July 1988, 0-88677-285-0, Vows and Honor #1, pb
Oathbreakers, DAW #768, First printing, January 1989, 0-88677-319-9, Vows and Honor #2, pb
By the Sword, DAW #840, First printing, February 1991, 0-88677-463-2, pb
w/ Ellen Guon, Knight of Ghosts and Shadows, Baen, Second printing, December 1991, 0-671-69885-0, Urban Fantasy #1, pb
Arrows of the Queen, DAW #702, First printing, March 1987, 0-88677-378-4, The Heralds of Valdemar #1, pb
w/ Larry Dixon, Chrome Circle, Baen, First printing, August 1994, 0-671-87615-5, Serrated Edge, pb
In Celebration of Lammas Night, pb
The Fire Rose, pb
The Serpent's Shadow, pb
And Less than Kind, Nook
Bardic Voices: The Lark and the Wren, Nook
Beyond World's End, Nook
Born to Run, Nook
By Slanderous Tongues, Nook
Fiddler Fair, Nook
Four and Twenty Blackbirds, Nook
Ill Met by Moonlight, Nook
Invasion: Book One of the Secret World, Nook
Knights of Ghosts and Shadows, Nook
Lark and Wren, Nook
Mad Maudlin, Nook
Much Fall of Blood, Nook
Music to My Sorrow, Nook
Spirits White as Lightning, Nook
The Chrome Borne, Nook
The Otherworld, Nook
The Robin and the Kestrel, Nook
The Shadow of the Lion, Nook
The Wizard of Karres, Nook
This Rough Magic, Nook
This Scepter'd Isle, Nook
Werehunter, Nook
Lafferty, R. A.
Strange Doings, DAW #050, First printing, April 1973, 0-87997-050-2, Collection, pbThe Reefs of Earth, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, March 1968, X1528, pb
Nine Hundred Grandmothers, Ace, 1970, 441-58050, pb
Annals of Klepsis, Ace, Ace original / August 1983, 0-441-02320-7, pb
Fourth Mansions, Ace, 1969, 441-24590, Ace Science Fiction Special, pb
Lake, David J.
Walkers on the Sky, DAW #223, 1976, 0-87997-273-4, pbThe Wildings of Westron, DAW #247, 1977, 0-87997-306-4, pb
The Gods of Xuma, DAW #279, 1977, 0-87997-360-9, pb
Lancour, Gene
The Lerios Mecca, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hcLandis, Arthur H.
A World Called Camelot, DAW #202, 1976, 0-87997-244-0, Camelot #1, pbThe Magick of Camelot, DAW #437, First printing, June 1981, 0-87997-623-3, Camelot #3, pb
Camelot in Orbit, DAW #315, 1978, 0-87997-417-6, Camelot #2, pb
Langholm, Neil
Blood Sacrifice, Pinnacle, First printing, April 1975, 0-523-00527-X, The Vikings #1, pbThe Dark Return, Pinnacle, First printing, April 1977, 0-523-40058-0, The Vikings #2, pb
Blood on the Sun, Pinnacle, First printing, June 1979, 0-523-40610-X, The Vikings #3, pb
Lanier, Sterling
The Unforsaken Hiero, Del Rey, First edition: April 1984, 0-345-30228-1, Sequel to Hiero's Journey, pbHiero's Journey, Bantam, Bantam edition published May 1974, 553-08534, pb
Menace Under Marswood, Del Rey, First edition: October 1983, 0-345-30882-4, pb
Lappi, Kiti
The Demons of Khemas, AMZFourth Sword, AMZ
Laubenthal, Sanders Anne
Excalibur, Ballantine, Second printing: February 1977, 0-345-25635-2, pb
Laumer, Keith
Bolo, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, July 1977, 0-425-03450-X, pbCatastrophe Planet, Berkley, 2nd printing, May 1969, F1273, pb
w/ Rosel George Brown, Earthblood, Dell, First Dell printing - April 1980, 0-440-12313-5, pb
Envoy to New Worlds, Ace, Reprint, 020-20370, pb
Future Imperfect, Nook
Galactic Odyssey, Tor, First Tor printing: August 1983, 0-523-48589-1, pb
Galactic Odyssey, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, September 1967, X1447, pb
Gambler's World, Nook
Greylorn, Nook
It Could be Anything, Nook
Keith Laumer: The Lighter Side, Nook
Legions of Space, Nook
Nine by Laumer, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, February 1969, X1659, Collection 2 copies, pb
Odyssey, Nook
Once There Was a Giant, Tor, First Tor printing: July 1984, 0-812-54371-8, pb
A Plague of Demons, Warner, Third printing: October 1975, 0-446-86001-8, pb, Nook
w/ Gordon R. Dickson, Planet Run, Tor, Second printing, March 1983, 0-523-48525-5, pb
Retief!, Nook
Retief in the Ruins, Baen, First printing, November 1986, 0-671-65599-X, pb
Retief and the Pangalactic Pageant of Pulchritude, Baen, First printing, March 1986, 0-671-65556-6, pb
Retief at Large, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1978, 0-441-71501-X, pb
Retief: Emissary to the Stars, Pocket Books, First Pocket Book printing: October 1979, 0-671-82918-1, pb
The Return of Retief, Baen, First Baen printing, September 1984, 0-671-55903-6, pb
Retief's War, Baen, First Baen printing, August 1985, 0-671-55976-1, pb
Reward for Retief, Baen, First Baen printing, February 1989, 0-671-69804-4, pb
Rogue Bolo, Baen, First printing, January 1986, 0-671-65545-0, pb
The Great Time Machine Hoax, Award, AN1171, pb
The Glory Game, Tor, First Tor printing, February 1983, 0-812-54366-1, pb
The Other Side of Time, Signet, First printing, November 1972, 0-451-Q5255, pb
The Long Twilight, Berkley, Berkley edition / September 1982, 0-425-05629-5, pb
The Monitors, Tor, First Tor printing, May 1984, 0-812-54369-6, pb
The Yllian Way, Nook
Timetracks, Ballantine, First printing, April 1972, 0-345-02575-X, pb
The Time Bender, Ace, Fifth printing / March 1984, 0-441-81014-4, Lafayette O'Leary #1, pb
The World Shuffler, Ace, First Ace printing: April 1981, 0-441-91699-6, Lafayette O'Leary #2, pb
The Shape Changer, Ace, First Ace printing: May 1981, 0-441-76086-4, Lafayette O'Leary #3, pb
The Galaxy Builder, Ace, Ace original / February 1984, 0-441-27280-0, Lafayette O'Leary #4, pb
Imperium, Nook
Beyond the Imperium, Tor, 0-523-48513-1, Missing Title page, pb
Worlds of the Imperium, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, August 1977, 0-425-03466-6, pb
Laws, Robin D.
Liar's Peak, Warhammer, pbLazarus, Keo Felker
The Gismo from Outer Space, SBS, 1st printing - September 1974, TX 2881, juvenile, osLee, Sharon
Fledgling, NookAgent of Change, Nook
Lee, Stan
Bring on the Bad Guys, Fireside, 1976, 0-671-22354-2, Origins of Marvel Comics Villains, osSon of Origins, Fireside, 1975, 0-671-22170-1, History of Marvel Comics Part 2, os
Lee, Tanith
Companions on the Road, Bantam, Bantam edition / July 1979, 0-553-12697-0, pbElectric Forest, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
The Silver Metal Lover, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
The Secret Books of Paradys I & II, Guild America, Book Club Edition, The Book of the Damned & The Book of the Beast, hc
The Gorgon and Other Beastly Tales, DAW #615, First Printing, February 1985, 0-88677-003-3, Collection, pb
Night's Master, DAW #313, 1978, 0-87997-414-1, Demon Lords #1, pb
Days of Grass, DAW #651, 1985, 0-88677-094-7, pb
Tamastara, DAW #569, 1983, 0-87997-915-1, pb
Anackire, DAW #548, 1983, 0-87997-862-7, pb
Sung in Shadow, DAW #530, 1983, 0-87997-824-4, pb
Delusion's Master, DAW #448, 1981, 0-87997-652-7, Demon Lords #3, pb
Day by Night, DAW #408, 1980, 0-87997-576-8, pb
Kill the Dead, DAW #401, 1980, 0-87997-562-8, pb
Dark Castle, White Horse, DAW #665, 1985, 0-88677-113-7, pb
Death's Master, DAW #324, 1978, 0-87997-441-9, Demon Lords #2, pb
Cyrion, DAW #499, 1982, 0-87997-765-5, pb
Quest for the White Witch, DAW #276, 1977, 0-87997-357-9, Birthgrave #3, pb
Vazkor, Son of Vazkor, DAW #272, 1977, 0-87997-350-1, Birthgrave #2, pb
Volkhavaar, DAW #251, 1977, 0-87997-312-9, pb
Drinking Sapphire Wine, DAW #226, 1976, 0-87997-277-7, sequel to Don't Bite the Sun, pb
The Storm Lord, DAW #193, 1976, 0-87997-233-5, pb
Don't Bite the Sun, DAW #184, 1975, 0-87997-221-1, see Drinking Sapphire Wine, pb
The Birthgrave, DAW #154, 1975, 0-87997-177-0, Birthgrave #1, pb
Sabella, DAW #380, 1979, 0-87997-529-6, pb
Lycanthia, DAW #429, 1980, 0-87997-610-1, pb
A Heroine of the World, DAW #788, 1989, 0-88677-362-8, pb
Le Guin, Ursula K.
The Tombs of Atuan, Bantam, 7th printing, 0-553-10132-3, Earthsea #2, pbMalafrena, Berkley, Berkley edition / September 1980, 0-425-04647-8, pb
Tehanu, Bantam, Bantam Edition / February 1991, 0-553-28873-3, Earthsea #4, pb
Three Hainish Novels, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Rocannon's World, Planet of Exile & City of Illusions, hc
LeGuin, Ursula, The Lathe of Heaven, Scribner's, Book Club Edition, hc
The Beginning Place, Bantam, Bantam edition / February 1981, 0-553-14259-3, pb
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ace, Twelfth Ace printing: July 1976, 441-47805, Also one Third printing: November 1972 (441-478008), pb
The Farthest Shore, Bantam, 7th printing, 0-553-10131-5, Earthsea #3, pb
The Compass Rose, Bantam, Bantam edition / July 1983, 0-553-23512-5, pb
Orsinian Tales, Bantam, Bantam edition / September 1977, 0-553-10705-4, pb
The Wind's Twelve Quarters, Bantam, Bantam edition / October 1976, 0-553-02907-X, pb
Rocannon's World, Ace, Reprint, 441-73292, pb
Searoad, Harper, First printing: November 1994, 0-06-105400-3, pb
A Wizard of Earthsea, Bantam, 7th printing, 0-553-10135-8, Earthsea #1, pb Nook
Tales from Earthsea, Earthsea #5, Nook
Leiber, Fritz
A Pail of Air, Ballantine, First printing, July 1964, U2216, $4.50, pbThe Big Time, Nook
The Black Gondolier, Nook
Bread Overhead, Nook
Gather, Darkness, Nook
Swords and Deviltry, Ace, Reprint, 0-441-79174-3, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #1, pb, Nook
Swords against Death, Ace, 1970, 441-79151, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #2, pb, Nook
Swords in the Mist, Ace, 1970, 441-79181, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #3, pb, Nook
Swords Against Wizardry, Ace, 1970, 441-79161, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #4, pb, Nook
The Swords of Lankhmar, Ace, 1970, 441-79221, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #5, pb
Swords & Ice Magic, Ace, First Ace printing: July 1977, 0-441-79166-2, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #6, pb, Nook
The Knight and Knave of Swords, Ace, Ace edition / February 1990, 0-441-45125-X, Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser #7, pb, Nook
Ill Met in Lankhmar, Nook
The Book of Fritz Leiber, DAW #087, 1973, 0-87997-091-X, Collection 2 copies, pb
The Worlds of Fritz Leiber, Ace, First Ace printing: November 1976, 441-91640, Collection, pb
The Second Book of Fritz Leiber, DAW #164, 1975, 0-87997-195-9, Collection 2 copies, pb
Our Lady of Darkness, Ace, Ace edition / April 1984, 0-441-64417-1, pb, Nook
Changewar, Ace, Second printing / August 1983, 0-441-10259-X, pb
The Green Millenium, Ace, Reprint, 441-30301, pb, Nook
The Mind Spider and Other Stories, Ace, Reprint, 441-53330, Collection, pb, Nook
Night's Black Agents, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, March 1978, 0-425-03669-3, pb
The Night of the Wolf, Ballantine, First printing: July 1966, U2254, $4.50 2 copies, pb
The Night of the Long Knives, Nook
The Creature from the Cleveland Depths, Nook
No Great Magic, Nook
The Best of Fritz Leiber, Ballantine, First printing: November 1974, 0-345-24256-4, Collection, pb, Nook
Ill Met in Lankhmar, Tor, First Tor edition: March 1990, 0-812-50821-1, Tor Double #19 w/ de Lint's The Fair in Emain Macha, pb
Ship of Shadows, Tor, First Tor edition: February 1989, 0-812-55958-4, Tor Double #05 w/ Anderson's No Truce with Kings, pb
A Specter is Haunting Texas, Bantam, Bantam edition published October 1971, 553-06733, pb
The Wanderer, Ballantine, Fourth printing: April 1976, 0-345-24907-0, pb, Nook
What's He Doing in There?, Nook
The Oldest Soldier, Nook
Leigh, Stephen
The Abraxas Marvel Circus, Roc, First printing, April 1990, 0-451-45009-4, pbA Quiet of Stone, Bantam, A Bantam book / February 1984, 0-553-23893-0, Hoorka #3, pb
Dance of the Hag, Bantam, A Bantam book / March 1983, 0-553-23034-4, Hoorka #2, pb
Slow Fall to Dawn, Bantam, A Bantam book / October 1981, 0-553-14902-4, Hoorka #1, pb
The Crystal Memory, Avon, First Avon printing, September 1987, 0-380-89960-4, pb
The Bones of God, Avon, First Avon printing, November 1986, 0-380-89961-2, pb
Dark Water's Embrace, Avon, First Avon Eos printing, March 1998, 0-380-79478-0, pb
w/ Rudy Rucker, Alien Tongue, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / August 1991, 0-553-28875-X, The Next Wave #2, pb
Leinster, Murray
This World is Taboo, Ace, 1961, D-525, $6.00, pbMiners in the Sky, Avon, 1967, G-1310, $1.50, pb
The Wailing Asteroid, Avon, 1967, G-1306, $1.50, pb
Talents, Incorporated, Avon, 1962, G-1120, $2.25, pb
S.O.S. from Three Worlds, Ace, 1966, G-647, $2.25, pb
The Planet Explorer, Avon, 1957, T-202, $2.25, pb
The Other Side of Nowhere, Berkley, Berkley edition , May 1964, F918, pb
War with the Gizmos, Fawcett, s751, poor condition, pb
Space Tug, Belmont, Second printing - November 1968, 500-00846, pb
Operation: Outer Space, Signet, Fifth printing, 451-Q5300, pb
The Best of Murray Leinster, Ballantine, First edition: April 1978, 0-345-25800-2, Collection, pb
Time Tunnel, Pyramid, Fifth printing: December 1967, R1043, pb
The Pirates of Zan & The Mutant Weapon, Ace, 441-66525, Ace Double, pb
The Med Series, Ace, Ace edition / May 1983, 0-441-52360-9, pb
Space Platform, Pocket Books, 2nd printing - March 1953, 920, $4-6.00, pb
Doctor to the Stars, Pyramid, Second printing, March 1971, 515-2367, pb
The Hot Spot, Pyramid, First printing, April 1969, 511-01921, Land of the Giants #2, pb
Lem, Stanislaw
The Invincible, Seabury, First English translation, 1973, 0-8164-9123-2, hcThe Futurological Congress, Seabury, First English translation, 1974, 0-8164-9222-0, hc
L'Engle, Madeleine
The Arm of the Starfish, Dell, Fourth printing - May 1981, 0-440-90183-9, pbA Wrinkle in Time, Dell, Eleventh Dell printing - July 1977, 0-440-49805-8, os, Kindle
A Wind in the Door, Dell, Sixth Dell printing - July 1977, 0-440-48761-7, os
A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Dell, First printing - July 1979, 0-440-90158-8, pb
A Winter's Love, Ballantine, First edition : February 1984, 0-345-30644-9, Non SF, pb
An Acceptable Time, Dell, December 1990, 0-440-20814-9, pb
Lesser, Milton
The Secret of the Black Planet, Belmont, A Belmont book - October 1969, 500-01054, pbLevin, Ira
This Perfect Day, Dell, First Dell printing - June 1979, 0-440-18704-4, pbLewis, C. S.
The Magician's Nephew, Collier Books, First Edition, Fifteenth Printing 1975, Chronicles of Narnia #5, pbPerelandra, McMillan, Seventeenth printing, 1975, 08690, Space Trilogy #2, pb
Out of the Silent Planet, McMillan, Eighteenth printing, 1975, 08688, Space Trilogy #1, pb
The Horse and His Boy, Collier Books, First Edition, Fourteenth Printing 1975, Chronicles of Narnia #6, pb
The Last Battle, Collier Books, First Edition, Fourteenth Printing 1975, Chronicles of Narnia #7, pb
The Silver Chair, Collier Books, First Edition, Fifteenth Printing 1975, Chronicles of Narnia #4, pb
That Hideous Strength, McMillan, Sixteenth printing, 1975, 08692, Space Trilogy #3, pb
Prince Caspian, Collier Books, First Edition, Fifteenth Printing, Chronicles of Narnia #2, pb
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Collier Books, First Edition, Fifteenth Printing 1975, Chronicles of Narnia #3, Soft
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Collier Books, First Edition, Seventeenth Printing 1975, Chronicles of Narnia #1, Nook
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, epub
Out of the Silent Planet, epub
Perelandra, epub
That Hideous Strength, epub
The Screwtape Letters, epub
Till We Have Faces, epub
The Grand Miracle, epub
A Grief Observed, epub
Mere Christianity, epub
Miracles, epub
Spirits in Bondage, epub
Pilgrim's Regress, Nook
Lewitt, S. N.
Angel at Apogee, Berkley, Berkley edition / March 1987, 0-425-09637-8, pbDancing Vac, Ace, Ace edition / February 1990, 0-441-13668-0, Sequel to Cyberstealth, pb
Cyberstealth, Ace, Ace edition / August 1989, 0-441-13244-8, pb
Blind Justice, Ace, Ace edition / April 1991, 0-441-71843-4, pb
Ley, Willy
Satellites, Rockets and Outer Space, Signet, Third printing, November 1962, P2218, Non SF, pbLichtenberg, Jacqueline
Unto Zeor, Forever, Playboy Press, First edition, February 1980, 0-867-16598-1, A Sime/Gen Novel, pbMolt Brother, Playboy Press, First printing, April 1982, 0-867-21067-2, pb, Kren #1
House of Zeor, Pocket Books, First Pocket book edition, June 1974, 0-671-80937-7, Sime/Gen #1, pb
Mahogany Trinrose, Playboy Press, First Playboy Paperbacks printing August 1982, 0-867-21129-6, A Sime/Gen Novel, pb
Rensime, DAW #606, First Printing, December 1984, 0-87997-980-1, A Sime/Gen Novel, pb
w/ Jean Lorrah, Zelerod's Doom, DAW #682, First Printing, August 1986, 0-88677-145-5, A Sime/Gen Novel, pb
Farfetch, pb, Dushau #2
Lightner, A. M.
The Space Olympics, Tempo, Tempo books edition, 1972, 448-05336, pbThe Planet Poachers, Putnam, First printing, 1975, hc
The Rock of Three Planets, Putnam, First printing, 1963, hc
The Space Plague, Norton, First edition, 1966, Library copy, hc
The Day of the Drones, Bantam, 3rd printing, 553-05567, pb
Lindsay, David
A Voyage to Arcturus, Ballantine, Third printing, September 1973, 0-345-23208-9, pbLindskold, Jane
Legends Walking, Avon, First printing, December 1999, 0-380-78850-0, pbChanger, Avon, First printing: December 1998, 0-380-78849-7, pb
Lisle, Holly
Fire in the Mist, pb, NookSympathy for the Devil, Nook
Littell, Jonathan
Bad Voltage, Signet, First printing, June 1989, 0-451-16014-2, pbLlewellyn, Edward
The Bright Companion, DAW #371, First printing, January 1980, 0-87997-511-3, pbLogston, Anne
Exile, Ace, Ace edition / October 1999, 0-441-00669-8, pbWaterdance, Ace, Ace edition / April 1999, 0-441-00613-2, pb
Long, Frank Belknap
It Was the Day of the Robot, Belmont, First printing March 1963, 90-277, $7.50, pbThe Hounds of Tindalos, Belmont, First printing, August 1963, L92-569, $9.00, pb
Space Station #1, Ace, 1957, D-544, $6.00, pb
Long, Nathan
Orcslayer, pbManslayer, pb
Elfslayer, pb
Longyear, Barry B.
Infinity Hold, Popular Library, First printing: December 1989, 0-445-20952-6, pbSea of Glass, Avon, First Avon Books printing: January 1988, 0-380-70055-7, pb
Enemy Mine, Tor, First Tor edition: March 1989, 0-812-55963-0, Tor Double #06 w/Kessel's Another Orphan, pb
, City of Baraboo, Berkley, Berkley edition / August 1981, 0-425-04940-X, Circus World #1, pb
Circus World, Berkley, Berkley edition / January 1981, 0-425-04709-1, Circus World #2, pb
The Tomorrow Testament, Berkley, Berkley edition / December 1983, 0-425-06319-4, pb
Naked Came the Robot, Popular Library, First printing: November 1988, 0-445-20755-8, pb
It Came from Schenectady, Popular Library, First printing: May 1986, 0-445-20233-5, pb
Lord, Glenn
The Book of Robert E. Howard Volume 1, Zebra, First printing: February 1976, 0-89083-163-7, Collection, pbThe Last Celt, Berkley, November 1977, 0-425-03630-8, Bio-Bibliography of R. E. Howard, os
Lord, Jeffrey
The Lords of the Crimson River, Pinnacle, First printing: November 1981, 0-523-41209-6, Richard Blade #35, pbDimension of Horror, Pinnacle, First printing, March 1979, 0-523-40208-2, Richard Blade #30, pb
The Ruins of Kaldac, Pinnacle, First printing: July 1981, 0-523-41208-8, Richard Blade #34, pb
Lorrah, Jean
w/ Winston A. Howlett, Wulfston's Odyssey, Signet, First printing, November 1987, 0-451-15056-2, pbw/ Jacqueline Lichtenberg, First Channel, Berkley, Berkley Edition / March 1986, 0-425-08534-1, Sime/Gen Novel, pb
w/ Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Channel's Destiny, DAW #556, First Printing, December 1983, 0-87997-884-8, A Sime/Gen Novel, pb
Lory, Robert
Identity Seven, DAW #095, 1973, 0-87997-101-0, pbThe Thirteen Bracelets, Ace, 1974, 441-80680, pb
Lovecraft, H. P.
The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, Ballantine, First Edition, Second Printing, July 1971, 345-01923-7, Cthulhu Mythos $9.00, pbThe Colour out of Space, Lancer, Third Edition March 1969, 447-75248, Cthulhu Mythos $1.50, pb
The Shadow over Innsmouth and Other Stories of Horror, Scholastic Book Services, First Printing: December 1971, TK 1934, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Doom that Came to Sarnath, Ballantine, First Printing: February 1971, 345-02146-O, Cthulhu Mythos $9.00, pb
& Others, The Horror in the Museum, Beagle, First Printing: October 1971, 8441-95159, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, Ballantine, Second printing: August 1976, 0-345-25118-0,
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2, Beagle, First Printing: August 1971, 8441-95124, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Survivor and Others, Ballantine, Second Printing: February, 1971, 345-02148-7, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
August Derleth, The Shuttered Room, Beagle, First Printing: April 1971, 8441-95068, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Tomb, Ballantine, Fifth printing: January 1975, 0-345-24689-6, Collection, pb
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 1, Ballantine, Second Printing: April 1973, 345-03226, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2, Ballantine, Second Printing: April 1973, 345-03227, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
Fungi from Yuggoth & Other Poems, Ballantine, First Printing: February 1971, 345-02147-9, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Tomb, Beagle, Second Printing: June 1971, 8441-95032, Collection, pb
The Dunwich Horror, Lancer, First Printing 1963, 447-75247, Cthulhu Mythos $2.25, pb
At the Mountains of Madness, Beagle, Second Printing: June 1971, 8441-95041, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Lurker at the Threshold, Beagle, Second Printing: June 1971, 8441-95058, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Doom that Came to Sarnath, Ballantine, First Edition, Second Printing: September 1976, 0-345-25189-X, Collection, pb
& Others, The Spawn of Cthulhu, Ballantine, First Printing: October 1971, 345-02394-3, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Lurking Fear, Beagle, Second Printing: June 1971, 8441-95042, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
Lovejoy, Jack
Magus Rex, Tor, First Tor Printing, September 1983, 523-48532-8, pbThe Hunters, Tor, First Printing, February, 1982, 523-48523-9, pb
Lucas, George
Star Wars, Ballantine, First Edition: December 1976, 0-345-26061-9, pbStar Wars, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, Movie Tie In 2 copies, hc
Luceno, James
The Big Empty, Del Rey, First edition: December 1993, 0-345-37449-5, pbA Fearful Symmetry, Ballantine, First Edition: December 1989, 0-345-35957-7, pb
Illegal Alien, Ballantine, First Edition: April 1990, 0-345-36254-3, pb
Lumley, Brian
The Burrowers Beneath, DAW #091, First printing, February 1974, 0-451-UQ1096, pbThe Transition of Titus Crow, DAW #151, First Printing, May 1975, 0-87997-173-8, pb
Lundwall, Sam J.
Bernhard the Conqueror, DAW #058, 1973, 0-87997-058-8, pb2018 A.D., DAW #142, 1974, 0-87997-161-4, pb
Science Fiction: What it's All About, Ace, 1971, 441-75440, SF Commentary, pb
Alice's World, Arrow, 1975, 0-09-910030-4, pb
Lupoff, Richard A.
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master of Adventure, Ace, 1965, N-6, SF Commentary, pbSpace War Blues, Dell, First Printing - June 1978, 0-440-16292-0, pb
One Million Centuries, Lancer, A Lancer Book 1967, 74-892, $3.00, pb
Sandworld, Berkley, Berkley edition / May 1976, 0-425-03116, pb
Sacred Locomotive Flies, Beagle, First Printing: September 1971, 8441-95143, pb
Lymington, John
Froomb!, Doubleday, 1966, hcLynch, Karen
Relentless, Relentless #1, Kindle
Lynch, Scott
The Lies of Locke Lamora, Gentleman Bastard #1, NookRed Seas Under Red Skies, Gentleman Bastard #2, Nook
The Republic of Thieves, Gentleman Bastard #3, Nook
Lynn, Elizabeth A.
Watchtower, Berkley, Book Club Edition, hcDragon's Winter, Ace, Ace mass-market edtion / April 1999, 0-441-00611-6, pb
The Dancers of Arun, Berkley, Berkley Edition / August 1980, 0-425-04565-X, Chronicles of Tornor #2, pb
The Northern Girl, Berkley, Berkley Edition / April 1981, 0-425-04725-3, Chronicles of Tornor #3, pb
A Different Light, Berkley, Second Printing / December 1980, 0-425-04824-1, pb
The Sardonyx Net, Berkley, Berkley Edition / June 1982, 0-425-05326-1, pb
Lyons, Steve
The Imperial Guard Omnibus, Warhammer, pbMacAvoy, R. A.
A Trio for Lute, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / July 1988, 0-553-27480-5, Damiano, Damiano's Lute, Raphael, pbDamiano, Bantam, A Bantam book / January 1984, 0-553-23572-3, Damiano #1, pb
The Grey Horse, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / May 1987, 0-553-26557-1, pb
Tea with the Black Dragon, Bantam, Fifth Printing....June 1985, 0-553-25403-0, pb
Twisting the Rope, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / October 1986, 0-553-26026-X, pb
MacConnell, Colum
Tark and the Golden Tide, Leisure Books, 1977, 0-8439-0470-4, Cover by Ken Barr, pbMacDonald, John D.
Wine of the Dreamers, Fawcett, 231-01994, pbPlanet of the Dreamers, Pocket Books, First printing May 1953, 943, $9.00, pb
Ballroom of the Skies, Fawcett, 231-01993, pb
MacDonald, George
The Light Princess and Other Fantasy Stories, Wm. B. Eerdman's, Reprinted, May 1982, 0-8028-1861-7, Series Collection, pb
Phantastes, Eerdmans, Reprinted May 1987, 0-8028-6060-5, 2nd copy Ballantine $9.00, pb
MacGregor, Loren J.
The Net, Ace, Ace Science Fiction edition / June 1987, 0-441-56941-2, New Ace Science Fiction Specials #8, pb
Machen, Arthur
The Three Imposters, Ballantine, First Printing: June, 1972, 345-02643-8, $9.00, pb
MacLean, Katherine
The Diploids, Avon, 1962, G-1143, Collection, pb
Macleod, Ken
Cosmonaut Keep, Tor, First mass market edition: January 2002, 0-765-34073-9, pb
Newton's Wake, hc
MacTyre, Paul
Doomsday, 1999, Ace, 1962, F-201, pb
Mahr, Kurt
The Atom Hell of Grautier, Ace, First Ace Printing: May 1975, 441-66055, Perry Rhodan #71, pb
The Ambassadors from Aurigel, Ace, 1975, 441-66047, Perry Rhodan #64, pb
Dimension Search, Ace, 1974, 441-66043, Perry Rhodan #60, pb
Renegades of the Future, Ace, 1975, 441-66048, Perry Rhodan #65, pb
The Guardians, Ace, 1974, 441-66041, Perry Rhodan #58, pb
The Ghosts of Gol, Ace, Third printing, 1974, 441-66110, Perry Rhodan #10, pb
Desert of Death's Domain, Ace, First Ace Printing: August 1976, 441-66084, Perry Rhodan #100, pb
Caves of the Druufs, Ace, First Ace Printing: June 1975, 441-66056, Perry Rhodan #72, pb
The Idol from Passa, Ace, First Ace Printing: July 1976, 441-66082, Perry Rhodan #98, pb
The Plasma Monster, Ace, First Ace Printing: May 1976, 441-66079, Perry Rhodan #95, pb
Action: Division 3, Ace, First Ace Printing: May 1976, 441-66078, Perry Rhodan #94, pb
Enemy in the Dark, Ace, First Ace Printing: December 1975, 441-66069, Perry Rhodan #85, pb
Checkmate: Universe, Ace, First Ace Printing: July 1975, 441-66058, Perry Rhodan #74, pb
The Planet of the Dying Sun, Ace, Second printing, 441-66111, Perry Rhodan #11, pb
Unknown Sector: Milky Way, Ace, 1974, 441-66028, Perry Rhodan #45, pb
Menace of the Mutant Master, Ace, 1972, 441-65988, Perry Rhodan #18, pb
Peril on Ice Planet, Ace, 1973, 441-66006, Perry Rhodan #23, pb
Planet of the Gods, Ace, 1973, 441-66011, Perry Rhodan #27, pb
To Arkon!, Ace, 1973, 441-66013, Perry Rhodan #30, pb
Beware the Microbots!, Ace, 1973, 441-66018, Perry Rhodan #35, pb
The Silence of Gom, Ace, 1974, 441-66022, Perry Rhodan #39, pb
Death Waits in Semispace, Ace, 1975, 441-66044, Perry Rhodan #61, pb
The Blue Dwarfs, Ace, 1974, 441-66037, Perry Rhodan #54, pb
The Fleet of the Springers, Ace, 1973, 441-66005, Perry Rhodan #22, pb
Solar Assassins, Ace, 1974, 441-66032, Perry Rhodan #49, pb
Mahr, Kurt, W.W. Shols, Galactic Alarm, Ace, Third printing 1974, 441-66103, Perry Rhodan #3, pb
Return from the Void, Ace, 1974, 441-66034, Perry Rhodan #51, pb
The Venus Trap, Ace, 1972, 441-65987, Perry Rhodan #17, pb
Venus in Danger, Ace, 1972, 441-65983, Perry Rhodan #14, pb
Maine, Charles Eric
The Isotope Man, Lippincott, Book Club Edition, hcMalec, Alexander
Extrapolasis, Curtis, 1967, 123-07007, Collection, pbMalory, Sir Thomas
Le Morte D'Arthur, NAL, First Printing, July 1962, MQ415, pbMalzberg, Barry N.
On a Planet Alien, Pocket Books, Pocket Books Edition published October 1974, 671-77766, pb
Scop, Pyramid, April 1976, 0-515-03895-4, pb
Herovit's World, Pocket Books, Pocket Books Edition published September 1974, 671-77753, pb
The Destruction of the Temple, Pocket Books, Pocket Books Edition published February 1974, 671-77696, pb
Beyond Apollo, Pocket Books, Pocket Books Edition published January 1974, 671-77687, pb
Marcinko, Richard
Designation Gold, Rogue Warrior #5, pbMartin, George R. R.
A Game of Thrones, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / September 1997, 0-553-57340-3, pbA Clash of Kings, Bantam, Bantam Spectra paperback edition / September 2000, 0-553-57990-8, pb
A Storm of Swords, Bantam, Bantam Spectra paperback edition / March 2003, 0-553-57342-X, pb
Dying of the Light, Baen, First Printing February 1990, 0-671-69861-3, pb
Dying of the Light, Pocket Books, First Pocket Books printing October 1978, 0-671-44188-4, pb
Songs of Stars and Shadows, Pocket Books, Pocket book edition published, July 1977, 0-671-81277-7, Collection, pb
Tuf Voyaging, Baen, First paperback edition, March 1987, 0-671-65624-4, pb
w/ Lisa Tuttle, Windhaven, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books paperback printing May 1982, 0-671-83082-1, pb
Martine-Barnes, Adrienne
The Rainbow Sword, Avon, First Avon books printing: September 1988, 0-380-75455-X, pb
Martinez, A Lee
The Automated Detective, pbMason, David
The Return of Kavin, Lancer, 1972, 447-75361, $4.50, pbKavin's World, Lancer, A Lancer Book 1969, 74-564, $4.50, pb
Mason, Douglas R.
Ring of Violence, Avon, First Avon Printing, July 1969, S399, pbMason, Herbert
Gilgamesh, Mentor, First Printing, April 1972, 0-451-61614-6, pbMatheson, Richard
Third from the Sun, Bantam, 3rd printing..September 1970, 553-05548, Collection, pb
Shock III, Dell, First Dell Printing March 1966, 7830, Collection, pb
Maxwell, Anne
The Singer Enigma, Popular Library, July, 1976, 445-00388, pbA Dead God Dancing, Avon, First Avon Printing, June, 1979, 0-380-44644-8, pb
Dancer's Illusion, Signet, First printing, August 1983, 0-451-14071-0, pb
Name of a Shadow, Avon, First Avon Printing, April, 1980, 0-380-75390-1, pb
Change, Popular Library, 1975, 445-00316, pb
Timeshadow Rider, Tor, First printing: June 1986, 0-812-54560-5, pb
The Jaws of Menx, Signet, First Printing, September, 1981, 0-451-11037-4, pb
May, Julian
The Nonborn King & The Adversary, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hcMayhar, Ardath
Khi to Freedom, Ace, Ace edition / May 1983, 0-441-43726-5, pbRunes of the Lyre, Ace, Ace edition / November 1983, 0-441-73690-4, pb
The Seekers of Shar Nuhn, Ace, First Ace printing: March 1982, 0-441-75877-0, pb
How the Gods Wove in Kyrannon, Ace, First Ace printing: February 1982, 0-441-34498-4, pb
Lords of the Triple Moons, Ace, Ace edition / May 1984, 0-441-49246-0, pb
Soul-Singer of Tyrnos, Ace, Ace edition / August 1983, 0-441-77590-X, pb
McCaffrey, Anne
Killashandra, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, Killashandra #2, hcCrystal Line, Del Rey, First printing: May 1993, 0-345-38491-1, Killashandra #3, pb
w/Margaret Ball, PartnerShip, Baen, First printing, March 1992, 0-671-72109-7, pb
w/Mercedes Lackey, The Ship Who Searched, Baen, First printing, August 1992, 0-671-72129-1, pb x2
Pegasus in Flight, Del Rey, First mass market edition / November 1991, 0-345-36897-5, pb
The Rowan, Ace, Ace mass-market edition / September 1991, 0-441-73576-2, pb
The Coelura, Tor, First mass market edition: October 1989, 0-812-50297-3, pb
The White Dragon, Del Rey, First Edition: June 1978, 0-345-25373-6, pb
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books Edition: October 1984, 0-345-29873-X, pb
Decision at Doona, Del Rey, Seventh Printing: October 1978, 0-345-27864-X, pb
w/Jody Lynn Nye, The Death of Sleep, Baen, First printing, July 1990, 0-671-69884-2, The Planet Pirates #2, pb
Dragondrums, Bantam, Bantam edition / February 1980, 0-553-13189-3, Dragonriders of Pern #4, pb
Dragonsong, Bantam, 4th printing, 0-553-10300-8, Dragonriders of Pern #3, pb
To Ride Pegasus, Del Rey, Fourth Printing: October 1978, 0-345-27357-5, pb
Dragonquest, Del Rey, Seventh printing: January 1977, 0-345-27063-0, Dragonriders of Pern #2, pb
Get off the Unicorn, Del Rey, First Edition: June 1977, 0-345-25666-2, pb
w/Elizabeth Moon, Generation Warriors, Baen, First printing, March 1991, 0-671-72041-4, Planet Pirates #3, pb+hc
Freedom's Challenge, Ace, Ace edition / June 1999, 0-441-00625-6, pb
Freedom's Choice, Ace, Ace edition / June 1998, 0-441-00531-4, pb
Freedom's Landing, Ace, Ace edition / June 1996, 0-441-00338-9, pb
Pegasus in Space, Del Rey, First printing: March 2001, 0-345-43467-6, pb
Nerilka's Story, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: February 1987, 0-345-33949-5, pb
Dinosaur Planet, Del Rey, Fourth Printing: December 1979, 0-345-28509-3, pb
Dragonflight, Del Rey, Eighth printing: January 1977, 0-345-27062-2, Dragonriders of Pern #1, pb
Dragonsinger, Bantam, Bantam edition / October 1978, 0-553-11835-8, Dragonriders of Pern #5, pb
w/Elizabeth Moon, Sassinak, Baen, First printing, March 1990, 0-671-69863-X, The Planet Pirates #1, pb x2
Crystal Singer, Del Rey, First Edition: August 1982, 0-345-28598-0, pb
Alchemy & Academe, Del Rey, Third printing: April 1981, 345-28643-X, Anthology, pb
McCrumb, Sharyn
Bimbos of the Death Sun, TSR, First printing: September 1988, 0-88038-455-7, pb
Zombies of the Gene Pool, pb
McDaniel, David
The Arsenal Out of Time, Ace, 1967, G-667, pb
McDevitt, Jack
The Hercules Text, Ace, Ace Science fiction edition / November 1986, 0-441-37367-4, New Ace Science Fiction Specials #7, pb
Ancient Shores, Harper, First paperback printing: December 1996, 0-06-105426-7, pb
McDonough, Thomas R. w/ Wallace H. Tucker
The Missing Matter, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / January 1992, 0-553-29364-, The Next Wave #3, pb
McGuire, Seanan (also writes as Myra Grant)
Rosemary and Rue, October Daye #1, pbA Local Habitation, October Daye #2, pb
An Artificial Night, October Daye #3, pb
Late Eclipses, October Daye #4, pb
One Salt Sea, October Daye #5, Nook
Ashes of Honor, October Daye #6, Nook
Chimes at Midnight, October Daye #7, Nook
The Winter Long, October Daye #8, Nook
Discount Armaggedon, Incryptid #1, Nook
Magic for Nothing, Incryptid #6, Kindle
Tricks for Free, Incryptid #7, Kindle
McIntyre, Vonda N.
Starfarers, Ace, Ace edition, April 1989, 0-441-78053-9, Starfarers #1, pb
Transition, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / January 1991, 0-553-28850-4, pb
w/ James Tiptree, Jr., Screwtop, Tor, First Tor edition: April 1989, 0-812-54554-0, Tor Double #07 w/ Tiptree's The Girl Who Was Plugged In, pb
Fireflood and Other Stories, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books printing, March 1981, 0-671-83631-5, Collection, pb
The Exile Waiting, Tor, First Tor printing: December 1985, 0-812-54552-4, pb
Barbary, Ace, Ace edition / June 1988, 0-441-04886-2, pb
Metaphase, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / September 1992, 0-553-29223-4, Sequel to Transition, pb
Superluminal, Pocket Books, First printing, October 1984, 0-671-53136-0, pb
McKenna, Juliet E.
The Thief's Gamble, Eos, First printing, August 1999, 0-06-102036-2, The First Tale of Enarinn, pbThe Swordsman's Oath, Eos, First printing, September 2000, 0-06-102037-0, The Second Tale of Enarinn, pb
McKillip, Patricia A.
The Throme of the Erril of Sherill, Ace, Ace edition / August 1987, 0-441-80840-9, pbThe Book of Atrix Wolfe, Ace, Ace mass market edition / Septermber 1996, 0-441-00361-3, pb
Fool's Run, Popular Library, First printed in paperback: February 1988, 0-445-20518-0, pb
Moon Flash, Berkley, Berkley edition / October 1985, 0-425-08457-4, pb
The Moon and the Face, Berkley, Berkley edition / October 1986, 0-425-09026-2, Sequel to Moon Flash, pb
The Riddle-Master of Hed, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: February 1978, 0-345-27467-9, Harpist #1, pb
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, Avon, Fourth printing, 0-380-42523-8, pb
Harpist in the Wind, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: April 1980, 0-345-27469-5, Harpist #3, pb
Riddle of Stars, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Riddle Master of Hed, Harpist in the Wind, & Heir of Sea & Fire, hc
Heir of Sea and Fire, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: November 1978, 0-345-27468-7, Harpest #2, pb
McKinley, Robin
The Blue Sword, Berkley, Berkley edition / December 1983, 0-425-06318-6, pbThe Hero and the Crown, Berkley, Berkley edition / April 1986, 0-425-08907-X, Prequel to the Blue Sword, pb
The Blue Sword, Greenwillow, Book Club Edition, hc
The Hero and the Crown, Greenwillow, Book Club Edition, hc
Sunshine, pb
McLaughlin, Dean
The Fury From Earth, Pyramid, First printing, October 1963, F923, $3.00, pb
McLoughlin, John
The Helix and the Sword, Tor, First Tor printing: July 1984, 0-812-64556-7, pb
Toolmaker Koan, Baen, First mass market edition: September 1988, 0-671-69779-X, Heavy water Damage, pb
McMahon, Chris
The Calvanni, Jackirian Cycle #1, AMZMcQuay, Mike
Mother Earth, Bantam, A Bantam book / August 1985, 0-553-25123-6, pb
Pure Blood, Bantam, A Bantam book / February 1985, 0-553-24668-2, pb
The Deadliest Show in Town, Bantam, A Bantam book / February 1982, 0-553-20186-7, Mathew Swain #3, pb
Jitterbug, Bantam, A Bantam book / August 1984, 0-553-24266-0, pb
Lifekeeper, Bantam, A Bantam book / May 1985, 0-553-25075-2, pb
Memories, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / June 1987, 0-553-25888-5, pb
The Nexus, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / May 1989, 0-553-28178-X, pb
Hot Time in Old Town, Bantam, A Bantam book / September 1981, 0-553-14811-7, Mathew Swain #1, pb
The Odds Are Murder, Bantam, A Bantam book / January 1983, 0-553-22856-0, Mathew Swain #4, pb
When Trouble Beckons, Bantam, A Bantam book / November 1981, 0-553-20041-0, Mathew Swain #2, pb
Escape from New York, Bantam, A Bantam book / July 1981, 0-553-14914-8, Movie Tie in, pb
McSherry, Frank Jr.
The Fantastic World War II, Baen, First printing, June 1990, 0-671-69881-8, pb
Mead, Richelle
Storm Born, Dark Swan #1, pbThorn Queen, Dark Swan #2, pb
Meade, Richard
The Sword of Morning Star, Signet, First printing, January 1969, P3774, pb
Exile's Quest, Signet, First printing, September 1970, T4348, pb
Meluch, R. M.
Jerusalem Fire, Signet, First printing, November 1985, 0-451-13923-2, pb
Sovereign, Signet, First printing, June 1979, 0-451-08715-1, pb
Wind Child, Signet, First printing, May 1982, 0-451-11528-7, pb
Wind Dancers, Signet, First printing, May 1981, 0-451-09786-6, pb
Chicago Red, Roc, First printing, October 1990, 0-451-45034-5, pb
Mendelson, Drew
Pilgrimage, DAW #430, First printing, April 1981, 0-87997-612-8, pb
Meredith, Richard C.
At the Narrow Passage, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition / July 1975, 425-02370, Timeliner Trilogy #1, pb
The Sky is Filled with Ships, Ballantine, First printing: May 1979, 345-01600, pb
Run, Come See Jerusalem, Ballantine, First edition, May 1976, 345-25066-4, Cover art by the Brothers Hildebrandt, pb
Vestiges of Time, Playboy Press, First Playboy Press edition / November 1979, 0-872-16572-8, Timeliner Trilogy #3, pb
No Brother, No Friend, Playboy Press, First Playboy Press edition / October 1979, 0-872-16564-7, Timeliner Trilogy #2, pb
Merritt, A.
Ship of Ishtar, Avon, Third printing, January 1973, 380-14092, pb
The Fox Woman and Other Stories, Avon, First Avon printing, August 1977, 0-380-01709-1, Collection, pb
Merritt, A., Hannes Bok, The Black Wheel, Avon, First Avon printing, August 1981, 0-380-55822-X, pb
The Face in the Abyss, Collier, Second printing 1967, 02279, pb
The Moon Pool, Avon, Third printing, 0-380-39370-0, pb
The Metal Monster, Avon, Fourth Avon printing, September 1966, S231, pb
Seven Footprints to Satan, Avon, Twelfth printing, December 1971, 380-02417, pb
The Ship of Ishtar, Avon, Fourth printing, August 1966, S229, Two Copies, pb
Dwellers in the Mirage, Avon, Fourth printing, 0-380-00798-3, pb
Michaels, Melissa C.
Cold Iron, Roc, First printing, August 1997, 0-451-45654-8, pb
Last War, Tor, First printing: March 1986, 0-812-54570-2, Skyrider #3, pb
First Battle, Tor, First printing: November 1985, 0-812-54568-0, Skyrider #2, pb
Floater Factor, Tor, First printing: November 1988, 0-812-54578-8, Skyrider #5, pb
Far Harbor, Tor, First edition: June 1989, 0-812-54581-8, pb
Sister to the Rain, Roc, First printing, October 1998, 0-451-45730-7, pb
Pirate Prince, Tor, First printing: February 1987, 0-812-54572-9, Skyrider #4, pb
Skirmish, Tor, First printing: March 1985, 0-812-54566-4, Skyrider #1, pb
Miesel, Sandra
Dreamrider, Ace, First Ace printing: July 1982, 0-441-15679-7, pbMilan, Victor
Cybernetic Samurai, Ace, Ace science fiction edition / December 1986, 0-441-13234-0, pbMiller, Walter M.
A Canticle for Leibowitz, Lippincott, Book Club Edition, hcMirrlees, Hope
LUD-in-the-Mist, Ballantine, First edition: March 1970, 0-345-01880-X, $9.00, pbMitchell, Kirk
New Barbarians, Ace, Ace Science Fiction edition / December 1986, 0-441-57101-8, Sequel to Procurator, pb
Mitchell, Elizabeth
Free Lancers, Baen, First printing, November 1987, 0-671-65352-0, Alien Stars Vol IV, pb
Mitchell, Sandy
Death or Glory, Warhammer 40K, pbModesitt, L. E.
Darksong Rising, Tor, First mass market edition: January 2001, 0-812-56668-8, Spellsong Cycle #3, pbThe Ecolitan Operation, Tor, First Tor Edition: June 1989, 0-812-54582-6, Ecolitan Trilogy #2, pb
The Ecologic Envoy, Tor, First printing: September 1986, 0-812-54584-2, Ecolitan Trilogy #1, pb
The White Order, Tor, First mass market edition: May 1999, 0-812-54171-5, Recluce, pb
The Hammer of Darkness, Avon, First Avon printing: August 1985, 0-380-89798-9, pb
The Death of Chaos, Tor, First mass market edition: June 1996, 0-812-54824-8, Recluce #5, pb
The Towers of the Sunset, Tor, First printing: August 1993, 0-812-51967-1, pb
Adiamante, Tor, First mass market printing: March 1998, 0-812-54558-3, pb
The Octagonal Raven, Tor, First edition : February 2001, 0-312-87720-X, hc
Fall of Angels, Tor, First mass market edition: July 1997, 0-812-53895-1, pb
Gravity Dreams, Tor, First mass market edition: July 2000, 0-812-56661-0, pb
Ghost of the White Nights, Tor, First mass market edition: October 2002, 0-765-34032-1, pb
The Ecologic Secession, Tor, First Edition: July 1990, 0-812-50348-1, Ecolitan Trilogy #3, pb
The Colors of Chaos, Tor, First mass market edition: January 2000, 0-812-57093-6, Recluce, pb
The Magic of Recluce, Tor, First Mass market printing: May 1992, 0-812-50518-2, pb
The Order War, Tor, First mass market edition: February 1996, 0-812-53404-2, pb
Dawn for a Distant Earth, Tor, First printing: January 1987, 0-812-54586-9, The Forever Hero #2, pb
In Endless Twilight, Tor, First printing: March 1988, 0-812-54590-7, The Forever Hero #3, pb
The Fires of Paratime, Pocket Books, First Timescape books printing: November 1982, 0-671-45033-6, pb
The Silent Warrior, Tor, First printing: December 1987, 0-812-54588-5, The Forever Hero #1, pb
The Soprano Sorceress, Tor, First mass market edition: January 1998, 0-812-54559-1, Spellsong Cycle #1, pb
The Ghost of the Revelator, Tor, First mass market edition: June 1999, 0-812-54536-2, pb
Of Tangible Ghosts, Tor, First mass market edition, October 1995, 0-812-54822-1, pb
The Spellsong War, Tor, First mass market edition: January 1999, 0-812-54002-6, Spellsong Cycle #2, pb
Scion of Cyador, hc
Imager, Kindle
Imager's Challenge, Kindle
Imager's Intrigue, Kindle
Monaco, Richard
The Final Quest, Sphere, First printing 1982, 0-7221-6147-6, pb
Parsival, MacMillan, 1st edition 1977, 0-02-023000-1, os
Monette, Paul
Predator, Jove, Jove edition / June 1987, 0-515-09002-6, movie tie-in, pb
Monk, Devon
Magic to the Bone, Allie Beckstrom #1, pbMagic on the Storm, Allie Beckstrom #4, pb
Magic at the Gate, Allie Beckstrom #5, pb
Magic on the Hunt, Allie Beckstrom #6, Nook
Magic on the Line, Allie Beckstrom #7, Nook
Magic Without Mercy, Allie Beckstrom #8, Nook
Magic for a Prices, Allie Beckstrom #9, Nook
House Immortal, Nook
Moon, Elizabeth
Divided Allegiance, Baen, Second printing, September 1989, 0-671-69786-2, The Deed of Paksenarrion Book II, pbAgainst the Odds, Baen, First paperback printing: November 2001, 0-671-31850-0, pb
Winning Colors, Baen, First printing, August 1995, 0-671-87677-5, pb
Surrender None, Baen, First printing, June 1990, 0-671-69878-8, Legacy of Gird #1, pb
Lunar Activity, Baen, First printing, April 1990, 0-671-69870-2, Collection, pb
Change of Command, Baen, First paperback printing, December 2000, 0-671-31963-9, pb
Hunting Party, Baen, First printing, July 1993, 0-671-72176-3, pb
Sheepfarmer's Daughter, Baen, Third printing, June 1990, 0-671-65416-0, The Deed of Paksenarrion Book I, pb
Once a Hero, Baen, First paperback printing, April 1998, 0-671-87871-9, pb
Remnant Population, pb
Oath of Gold, Baen, Second printing, October 1989, 0-671-69798-6, The Deed of Paksenarrion Book III, pb
Rules of Engagement, Baen, First paperback printing: November 1999, 0-671-57841-3, Sequel to Once a Hero, pb
Liar's Oath, Baen, First printing: May 1992, 0-671-72117-8, Legacy of Gird #2, pb
Sporting Chance, Baen, First printing, September 1994, 0-671-87619-8, Sequel to Hunting Party, pb
Trading in Danger, Vatta's War #1, hc
Marque and Reprisal, Vatta's War #2, hc
Engaging the Enemy, Vatta's War #3, pb
Command Decision, Vatta's War #4, pb
The Deed of Paksennarion, pb
Sheepfarmer's Daughter, Nook
The Speed of Dark, pb
Oath of Fealty, The Legend of Paksennarion #1, Kindle
Mooney, Ted
Easy Travel to Other Planets, Ballantine, First Ballantine Books edition: January 1983, 0-345-30547-7, pbMoorcock, Michael
The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, DAW #220, 1976, 0-87997-270-X, Elric #2, pb
Elric of Melnibone, DAW #214, 1976, 0-87997-259-9, Elric #1, pb
The Jewel in the Skull, DAW #225, 1976, 0-87997-276-9, Hawkmoon #1, pb
The Land Leviathan, DAW #178, 1975, 0-87997-214-9, Warlord of the Air #2, pb
The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius, Dale, 1979, 0-89559-158-8, pb
The Rituals of Infinity, DAW #307, 1978, 0-87997-404-4, revision of the Wrecks of Time, pb
The Lord of the Spiders, Lancer, 1965, 447-74736, Warrior of Mars #2 $2.25, pb
Masters of the Pit, DAW #330, 1978, 0-87997-450-8, Warrior of Mars #3, pb
The Golden Barge, DAW #407, 1980, 0-87997-572-5, pb
The Quest for Tanelorn, Dell, First printing - December 1976, 440-07193, Castle Brass #3 2 copies, pb
The Silver Warriors, Dell, Second printing - January 1974, 440-07994, Cover by Frazetta, pb
The Sword and the Stallion, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, April 1974, 425-02548, Chronicles of Corum #6, pb
The Swords Trilogy, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, August 1977, 0-425-03468-2, See The Chronicles of Corum, pb
The Time of the Hawklords, Warner, 1976, 0-446-78986-0, pb
The Time Dweller, DAW #355, 1979, 0-87997-489-3, Collection, pb
Elric at the End of Time, DAW #627, First Daw printing, May 1985, 0-88677-040-8, Elric #7, pb
The Sword of the Dawn, DAW #249, 1977, 0-87997-310-2, Hawkmoon #3, pb
Behold the Man, Avon, Fourth printing, 0-380-=39982-2, pb
The Champion of Garathorm, Dell, First printing - November 1976, 440-01173, Castle Brass #2, pb
Count Brass, Dell, First printing - October 1976, 440-01541, Castle Brass #1, pb
The Bane of the Black Sword, DAW #254, 1977, 0-87997-316-1, Elric #5, pb
The Runestaff, DAW #257, 1977, 0-87997-324-2, Hawkmoon #4, pb
Stormbringer, DAW #264, 1977, 0-87997-335-8, Elric #6, pb
A Messiah at the End of Time, DAW #277, 1977, 0-87997-358-7, Dancers at the End of Time #5, pb
The Vanishing Tower, DAW #245, 1977, 0-87997-304-8, Elric #4, pb
Legends from the End of Time, DAW #229, 1976, 0-87997-281-5, Dancers at the End of Time #4, pb
The Dreaming City, Magnum, 1972, 75376, VT Elric of Melnibone, pb
Dying for Tomorrow, DAW #282, 1977, 0-87997-366-8, pb
The Final Programme, Avon, First Avon printing, March 1968, S351, $2.25, pb
The Warlord of the Air, DAW #291, 1978, 0-87997-380-3, see the Land Leviathan, pb
The Eternal Champion, Dell, First printing - April 1970, 440-02383, pb
The Sundered Worlds, Paperback Library, First printing: November 1966, 52-368, pb
The Ice Schooner, Dell, First printing - October 1978, 0-440-14445-0, pb
The Twilight Man, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, April 1970, S1820, pb
The Weird of the White Wolf, DAW #233, 1976, 0-87997-286-6, Elric #3, pb
The Mad God's Amulet, DAW #238, 1976, 0-87997-289-0, Hawkmoon #2, pb
The Chronicles of Corum, Berkley, Berkley edition, August 1978, 0-425-03855-6, Sequel to the Swords Trilogy, pb
The Hollow Lands, Harper, Book Club Edition, hc
The Warlord of the Air, Ace, Second Ace printing, May 1973, 441-87600, Prequel to The Land Leviathan, pb
The Winds of Limbo, Paperback Library, Second printing: July 1969, 63-149, pb
The City of the Beast, Lancer, 1965, 447-74668, Warrior of Mars #1 $2.25, pb
Sojan, Anchor, 1977, 0-7045-0241-0, Commentary, os
Moore, C. L
w/ Henry Kuttner, Earth's Last Citadel, Ace, 0-441-18111-2, pb
The Best of C.L. Moore, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Collection, hc
Judgement Night, Paperback Library, First printing: October 1965, 52-863, pb
Jirel of Joiry, Paperback Library, First printing: August 1969, 63-166, pb
Northwest Smith, Ace, First Ace printing: October 1982, 0-441-58613-9, pb
Moore, Ward w/ Avram Davidson
Joyleg, Pyramid, First printing, December 1962, F-805, $3.00, pb
Moran, Daniel Keys
The Armageddon Blues, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / April 1988, 0-553-27115-6, pbThe Last Dancer, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / November 1993, 0-553-56249--5, pb
The Long Run, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / September 1989, 0-553-28144-5, pb
Emerald Eyes, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / July 1988, 0-553-27347-7, pb
Morgan, Dan w/ John Kippax
Seed of Stars, Ballantine, First printing: February 1972, 0-345-02503-2, pbMorressy, John
Kingsbane, Playboy Press, First printing, June 1982, 0-867-21098-2, Iron Angel #3, pbA Remembrance for Kedrigern, Ace, Ace fantasy edition, October 19906, 0-441-71244-4, Kedrigern #5, pb
The Mansions of Space, Ace, Ace Original / July 1983, 0-441-52886-9, pb
Stardrift, Popular Library, 1973, 445-00256, pb
Kedrigern in Wanderland, Ace, Ace edition / August 1988, 0-441-43264-6, Kedrigern #3, pb
Under a Calculating Star, Popular Library, June 1978, 0-445-04240-0, pb
Frostworld and Dreamfire, Popular Library, 1977, 0-445-04376-8, pb
The Questing of Kedrigern, Ace, Ace edition / August 1987, 0-441-69721-6, Kedrigern #2, pb
A Voice for Princess, Ace, Ace fantasy edition, December 1986, 0-441-84800-1, Kedrigern #1, pb
The Time of the Annihilator, Ace, Ace original / August 1985, 0-441-81191-4, pb
Graymantle, Ace, Ace edition / November 1984, 0-441-30199-1, Iron Angel #2, pb
Ironbrand, Playboy Press, First printing, July 1980, 0-872-16689-9, Iron Angel #1, pb
Morris, Dave
w/ Oliver Johnson, The Temple of Flame, Berkley, March 1986, 0-425-08762-X, Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks #2, pbCrypt of the Vampire, Berkley, March 1986, 0-425-08761-1, Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks #1, pb
Morris, Janet
The Carnelian Throne, Bantam, A Bantam book / May 1979, 0-553-11907-9, Silistra #4, pbThe Golden Sword, Bantam, A Bantam book / December 1977, 0-553-11276-7, Silistra #2, pb
High Couch of Silistra, Bantam, A Bantam book / May 1977, 0-553-10522-1, Silistra #1, pb
Beyond Wizardwall, Ace, Ace Fantasy edition / May 1987, 0-441-05722-5, Thieves' World Novel #3, pb
Beyond the Veil, Ace, Ace Fantasy edition / February 1987, 0-441-05512-5, Thieves' World Novel #2, pb
Wind from the Abyss, Bantam, A Bantam book / March 1978, 0-553-11250-3, Silistra #3, pb
Cruiser Dreams, Berkley, Berkley edition / August 1982, 0-425-05382-2, Kerrion Empire #2, pb
Dream Dancer, Berkley, Fifth printing / August 1984, 0-425-07688-1, Kerrion Empire #1, pb
Beyond Sanctuary, Ace, Ace Fantasy edition / April 1986, 0-441-05635-0, Thieves' World Novel #1, pb
Earth Dreams, Berkley, Berkley edition / December 1982, 0-425-05658-9, Kerrion Empire #3, pb
Morris, Janet, David Drake, Kill Ratio, Ace, Ace edition / October 1987, 0-441-44116-5, pb
Morris, William
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, Ballantine, First printing: October 1971, 0-345-02421-4, $9.00, pbThe Wood Beyond the World, Ballantine, Second printing: January 1974, 0-345-23730-7, $9.00, pb
The Sundering Flood, Ballantine, First printing: May 1973, 0-345-03621-6, pb
The Well at the World's End Volume II, Ballantine, Third printing: September 1973, 0-345-23516-9, $4.50, pb
The Well at the World's End Volume 1, Ballantine, Third printing, September 1973, 345-23515-0, Two Copies?$4.50, pb
Mundy, Talbot
Helene, Avon, First Avon printing, November 1967, S318, Tros of Samothrace #4 $2-3.00 2 copies, pb
The Nine Unknown, pb
Helma, Avon, First Avon printing, September 1967, S309, Tros of Samothrace #2 $2-3.00, pb
Tros, Avon, First Avon printing, August 1967, S303, Tros of Samothrace #1, $2-3.00, pb
Queen Cleopatra, Avon, Third printing, November 1969, N247, Tros of Samothrace #5, pb
Avenging Liafail, Zebra, First printing: October 1976, 0-89-83-212-9, Tros of Samothrace #?, pb
Liafail, Avon, First printing, October 1967, S-316, Tros of Samothrace #3 $3.00, pb
Munn, H. Warner
King of the World's Edge, Ace, 1967, M-152, $3.75, pbMerlin's Ring, Ballantine, First printing: June 1974, 0-345-24010-3, $9.00, pb
Merlin's Godson, Ballantine, First Ballantine books edition: September 1976, 0-345-25298-5, Sequel to Merlin's Ring, pb
Murphy, C.E.
Heart of Stone, The Negotiator #1, pbHouse of Cards, The Negotiator #2, pb
Hands of Flame, The Negotiator #3, pb
Murphy, Warren w/ Molly Cochran
The Broken Sword, Tor, First mass market edition: October 1998, 0-812-54513-3, Sequel to The Forever King, pbThe Forever King, Tor, First mass market printing: March 1993, 0-812-51716-4, pb
World Without End, Tor, pb