Gadallah, Leslie
Cat's Pawn, Del Rey, First edition: March 1987, 0-345-33742-5, pbCat's Gambit, Del Rey, First edition: March 1990, 0-345-36478-3, pb
The Loremasters, Del Rey, First edition: October 1988, 0-345-35576-8, pb
Gallun, Raymond Z.
The Planet Strappers, Pyramid, First printing: October 1961, G-658, $3, pbThe Best of Raymond Z. Gallun, Del Rey, First printing: August 1978, 0-345-25273-X, Collection, pb
Galouye, Daniel F.
Lords of the Psychon, Bantam, A Bantam Book / published April 1965, J2555, pbThe Infinite Man, Bantam, A Bantam Book / published April 1978, 553-07130, pb
Gamow, George
One Two Three... Infinity, Bantam, April 1967, NA9, Non SF, pbGardner, Craig Shaw
A Difficulty with Dwarves, Ace, Ace edition / December 1987, 0-441-14779-8, Ballad of Wuntvor #1, pbA Disagreement with Death, Ace, Ace edition / February 1989, 0-441-14924-3, Ballad of Wuntvor #3, pb
Slaves of the Volcano God, Ace, Ace edition/October 1989, 0-441-76977-2, Cineverse Cycle #1, pb
Revenge of the Fluffy Bunnies, Ace, Ace edition / October 1990, 0-441-71833-7, Cineverse Cycle #3, pb
A Multitude of Monsters, Ace, Ace Fantasy edition / September 1986, 0-441-54523-8, Ebenezum #2, pb
A Malady of Magicks, Ace, Ace Fantasy edition / February 1986, 0-441-51661-0, Ebenezum #1, pb
Bride of the Slime Monster, Ace, Ace edition / April 1990, 0-441-07950-4, Cineverse Cycle #2, pb
Garland, Mark A.
Demon Blade, NookGarner, Alan
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, Ace, Second Ace printing: June 1978, 0-441-87935-7, pbGarrett, Randall
Lord Darcy, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Murder and Magic, Too Many Magicians & Lord Darcy Investigates, hcw/ Vicki Ann Heydron, Return to Eddarta, Bantam, A Bantam Book / March 1985, 0-553-24709-3, Gandalara Cycle #6, pb
Garrett, Randall, Vicki Ann Heydron, The Well of Darkness, Bantam, A Bantam Book / December 1983, 0-553-23719-5, Gandalara Cycle #4, pb
w/ Vicki Ann Heydron, The River Wall, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / September 1986, 0-553-25565-7, Gandalara Cycle #7, pb
w/ Vicki Ann Heydron, The Bronze of Eddarta, Bantam, A Bantam Book / May 1983, 0-553-23281-9, Gandalara Cycle #3, pb
w/ Vicki Ann Heydron, The Glass of Dyskornis, Bantam, A Bantam Book / August 1982, 0-553-20827-6, Gandalara Cycle #2, pb
w/ Vicki Ann Heydron, The Steel of Raithskar, Bantam, A Bantam Book / May 1981, 0-553-23747-0, Gandalara Cycle #1, pb
w. Vicki Ann Heydron, The Search for Ka, Bantam, A Bantam Book / August 1984, 0-553-24120-6, Gandalara Cycle #5, pb
Gascoigne, Marc
Tales of the Old World, Warhammer, pbGawron, Jean Mark
Algorithm, Berkley, Berkley edition/ April 1978, 0-425-03751-7, pbGear, W. Michael
The Web of Spider, DAW #786, First printing, July 1989, 0-88677-356-3, Spider #3, pbThe Warriors of Spider, DAW #752, First printing, August 1988, 0-88677-287-7, Spider #1, pb
The Way of Spider, DAW #767, First printing, January 1989, 0-88677-438-1, Spider #2, pb
Gentle, Mary
Golden Witchbreed, Morrow, Book Club Edition, hcGerrold, David
The Man Who Folded Himself, Popular Library, 1973, 445-00546, pbWhen Harlie Was One, Doubleday, Book Club Edition 1972, hc
With a Finger in My I, Ballantine, First Printing: June, 1972, 0-345-02645-4, pb
When H.A.R.L.I.E. Was One Release 2.0, Bantam, Revised Bantam edition / July 1988, 0-553-26465-6, pb
The Man Who Folded Himself, Random House, Book Club Edition, poor condition, hc
Yesterday's Children, Popular Library, First Fawcett Popular Library printing: February 1980, 0-445-04536-1, pb
Deathbeast, Popular Library, July, 1978, 0-445-04245-1, pb
Geston, Mark S.
Lords of the Starship, Ace, 1967, G-673, Cover by Jack Gaugan $2.25, pbThe Siege of Wonder, DAW #258, 1977, 0-87997-325-0, pb
The Day Star, DAW #006, 1972, 0-87997-006-5, pb
Out of the Mouth of the Dragon, Ace, 1969, 020-64460, pb
Gibson, William
Mona Lisa Overdrive, Bantam, Bantam Edition / December 1989, 0-553-28174-7, pbCount Zero, Ace, Ace edition / April 1987, 0-441-11773-2, pb
Burning Chrome, Ace, Ace edition / October 1987, 0-441-08934-8, Collection, pb
Neuromancer, Ace, Ace Original / July 1984, 0-441-56956-0, New Ace Science Fiction Specials #3, pb, Nook
Virtual Light, Bantam, A Bantam paperback / August 1994, 0-553-56606-7, pb
w/ Bruce Sterling, The Difference Engine, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / February 1992, 0-553-29461-X, pb
Idoru, Berkley, Berkley edition / September 1997, 0-425-15864-0, pb
Gier, Scott
Genellan - Planetfall, NookGilliland, Alexis A.
The Pirates of Rosinante, Del Rey, First edition: December 1982, 0-345-30659-7, Rosinante #3, pbThe End of the Empire, Del Rey, First edition: December 1983, 0-345-31334-8, pb
Long Shot for Rosinante, Del Rey, First edition: October 1981, 0-345-29854-3, Rosinante #2, pb
The Revolution from Rosinante, Del Rey, First edition: March 1981, 0-345-29265-0, Rosinante #1, pb
The Shadow Shaia, Del Rey, First edition: June 1990, 0-345-36115-6, pb
Wizenbeak, Del Rey, First edition: September 1989, 0-345-36116-4, pb
Lord of the Troll-Bats, Del Rey, First edition: May 1992, 0-345-37467-3, Wizenbeak #3, pb
Glut, Donald F.
The Empire Strikes Back, Del Rey, First edition: May 1980, 0-345-28392-9, Star Wars Movie Tie In, pb
Godwin, Parke
Waiting for the Galactic Bus, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hcThe Last Rainbow, Bantam, Bantam Spectra rack edition / April 1986, 0-553-25686-6, pb
Godwin, Tom
Original Version of Godwin Stories, NookThe Cold Equations, Nook
Golden, Christie
Instrument of Fate, Ace, Ace edition / April 1996, 0-441-00322-2, pbKing's Man & Thief, pb
Goldin, Stephen
The Eternity Brigade, Fawcett, First Fawcett Gold Medal printing: May 1980, 0-449-14336-8, pbAssault on the Gods, Fawcett, First Fawcett Crest Printing: October 1981, 0-449-24555-5, pb
Golding, William
w/ John Wyndham & Mervyn Peake, Sometime, Never, Ballantine, Fourth printing: November 1971, 0-345-02428-1, Collection, pbGoldman, William
The Silent Gondoliers, Ballantine, First paperback edition: September 1985, 0-345-32583-4, pbThe Princess Bride, Ballantine, Ninth printing: July 1980, 0-345-29412-2, pb
Goodkind, Terry
Stone of Tears, pbWizard's First Rule, pb
Blood of the Fold, pb
Temple of the Winds, Tor, First mass market edition: September 1998, 0-812-55148-6, Sword of Truth #4, pb
Faith of the Fallen, Tor, First edition: August 2000, 0-312-86786-7, hc
Gordon, Stuart
Two-Eyes, DAW #122, 1974, 0-87997-135-5, pbGordon, Rex
First Through Time, Ace, 1962, F-174, $3.00, pbGotschalk, Felix C.
Growing up in Tier 3000, Ace, 1975, 441-30420, Ace Science Fiction Special 5, pbGottlieb, Phyllis
Violent Stars, hcGoulart, Ron
A Talent for the Invisible, DAW #037, 1972, 0-87997-037-5, pbThe Tin Angel, DAW #080, 1973, 0-87997-083-9, pb
Gadget Man, Paperback Library, First printing: August 1972, 0-446-65879-0, pb
When the Waker Sleeps, DAW #175, 1975, 0-87997-210-6, pb
A Whiff of Madness, DAW #207, 1976, 0-87997-250-5, pb
Calling Dr. Patchwork, DAW #283, 1977, 0-87997-367-6, pb
The Wicked Cyborg, DAW #311, 1978, 0-87997-411-7, pb
Brainz, Inc., DAW #629, 1984, 0-88677-042-4, pb
The Fire-Eater, Ace, 1970, 441-28860, pb
The Enormous Hourglass, Award, First Award printing 1976, 426-1510, pb
Galaxy Jane, Berkley, Berkley edition / March 1986, 0-425-08684-4, pb
The Sword Swallower, Dell, First Dell printing - January 1970, 440-08442, pb
Flux, DAW #107, First printing, June 1974, 451-UQ1116-095, pb
Suicide, Inc., Berkley, Berkley edition / March 1985, 0-425-07586-9, pb
Shaggy Planet, Magnum, 1973, 75420, pb
Hawkshaw, Award, 1972, AN 1202, pb
Capricorn One, Fawcett, 1978, 0-449-14024-5, Movie Tie in, pb
Hello, Lemuria, Hello, DAW #331, 1978, 0-87997-451-6, pb
Challengers of the Unknown, Dell, First printing - November 1977, 0-440-11337-7, pb
Gould, Steven
Helm, Tor, First mass market edition: February 1999, 0-812-57135-5, pbWildside, pb
Blind Waves, Tor, First mass market edition: January 2001, 0-812-57109-6, pb
w/ Laura J. Mixon, Greenwar, Tor, First mass market edition: June 1998, 0-812-57116-9, pb
Jumper, Tor, First printing: October 1993, 0-812-52237-0, pb
Grant, Dorothy
Scaling the Rim, Kindle
Shattered Under Midnight, Kindle
Grant, Peter
Take the Star Road, Maxwell Saga #1, Nook, KindleRide the Rising Tide, Maxwell Saga #2, Nook, Kindle
Adapt and Overcome, Maxwell Saga #3, Nook, Kindle
Stand Against the Storm, Maxwell Saga #4, Nook, Kindle
Stoke the Flames Higher, Maxwell Saga #5, Kindle
War to the Knife, Laredo War #1, Nook, Kindle
Forge a New Blade, Laredo War #2, KIndle
Gravel, Geary
A Key for the Nonesuch, Del Rey, First edition: July 1990, 0-345-35976-3, pbGrazier, James
Runts of 61 Cygni C, Belmont, Belmont Books - October 1970, 505-2062, pbGreatshell, Walter
Apocalypse Blues, Xombies #1, pbApocalypton, Xombies #2, pb
Greeley, Andrew M.
God Game, Tor, First Tor printing: May 1987, 0-812-58336-1, pbGreen, Amanda
Nocturnal Lives Trilogy, Kindle
Green, Joseph
The Mind Behind the Eye, DAW #002, 1972, 0-87997-002-2, pbGreen, Roland
Great Kings' War, NookGreen, Simon R.
Mistworld, Ace, Ace edition / September 1992, 0-441-53506-2, pbBlood and Honor, Roc, First printing, May 1993, 0-451-45242-9, pb
The Bones of Haven, Ace, Ace edition / March 1992, 0-441-31837-1, Hawk & Fisher #6, pb
The God Killer, Ace, Ace edition / June 1991, 0-441-29460-X, Hawk & Fisher #3, pb
Ghostworld, Ace, Ace edition / March 1993, 0-441-28626-7, pb
Wolf in the Fold, Ace, Ace edition / September 1991, 0-441-31835-5, Hawk & Fisher #4, pb
Guard Against Dishonor, Ace, Ace edition / December 1991, 0-441-31836-3, Hawk & Fisher #5, pb
Winner Takes All, Ace, Ace edition / January 1991, 0-441-14291-5, Hawk & Fisher #2, pb
Hawk & Fisher, Ace, Ace edition / September 1990, 0-441-58471-9, Hawk & Fisher #1, pb
Deathstalker, Roc, First printing, February 1995, 0-451-45435-9, pb
Blue Moon Rising, Roc, First printing, May 1991, 0-451-45095-7, pb
Shadows Fall, Roc, First printing, June 1994, 0-451-45363-8, pb
Hellworld, Ace, Ace edition / September 1993, 0-441-32599-8, pb
Down Among the Dead Men, Roc, First printing, December 1993, 0-451-45301-8, Sequel to Blue Moon Rising, pb
Something from the Nightside, Nightside #1, pb
Hex and the City, Nightside #4, pb
Hell to Pay, Nightside #6, pb
Paths not Taken, Nightside #5, pb
Green, Roland
Great King's War, NookGreenwood, Ed
The Kingless LandGrimwood, Ken
Replay, Ace, Ace edition / August 1992, 0-441-71592-3, pbGrinnell, David
Across Time, Ace, 1957, G-728, $1.00, pbGrotta-Kurska, Daniel
J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle Earth, Warner, First printing: April 1977, 0-446-89410-9, pbGryphon, Talia
Key to Conflict, pbGunn, James
w/ Jack Williamson, Star Bridge, Ace, First Edition 1955, D-169, pbThe Joy Makers, Bantam, Second Bantam Edition published July 1971, pb
The Mind Master, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books printing January, 1982, 0-671-82923-8, pb
Future Imperfect, Bantam, Bantam book / January 1964, J2717, Collection, pb
The Burning, Dell, First printing- February 1972, 0-440-00861, pb
The Witching Hour, Dell, First printing, June 1970, 440-69605, pb
Breaking Point, DAW #073, 1973, 0-87997-074-X, pb
The Immortals, Bantam, 3rd printing... August 1968, pb
Guon, Ellen
Bedlam Boyz, Baen, First printing, July 1993, 0-671-72177-1, Urban Fantasy #3, pb, NookHaber, Karen
Mutant Legacy, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / January 1993, 0-553-29671-X, pbMutant Star, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / February 1992, 0-553-29492-X, pb
Mutant Prime, Bantam, Bantam edition / August 1991, 0-553-29247-1, pb
w/ Robert Silverberg, The Mutant Season, Bantam, Bantam edition / October 1990, 0-553-28629-3, pb
Woman Without a Shadow, DAW #978, First printing, March 1995, 0-88677-627-9, pbThieve's
Carnival, Tor, Tor Double #22 w/Brackett's The Jewel of Bas, pb
Haggard, H. Rider
King Solomon's Mines, Magnum, 1968, 13-456, pb, NookShe, Airmont, 1967, CL146, pb, Nook
She and Allan, Del Rey, First Ballantine books edition: July 1978, 345-27449-0, pb, Nook
Morning Star, Zebra, First printing: September 1978, 0-89083-384-2, 2 copies, pb
Wisdom's Daughter, Del Rey, First Ballantine books edition: June 1978, 0-345-27428-8, pb
The Return of She: Ayesha, Lancer, 1967, 74-899, poor condition, pb, Nook
Allan's Wife, Nook
Allan Quatermain, Nook
Haiblum, Isadore
The Tsaddik of the Seven Wonders, Ballantine, First printing, December 1971, 0-345-02445-1, pbHaldeman, Joe
Buying Time, William Morrow & Company, Inc., First Edition, 1989, 0-688-07244-5, hcThe Forever War, St. Martins, First printing, 1974, hc
Infinite Dreams, St. Martins, Book Club Edition, hc
All My Sins Remembered, St. Martins, Book Club Edition, hc
Worlds Apart, Ace, Ace edition / September 1984, 0-441-92072-6, pb
Worlds, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books printing, April 1978, 0-671-43594-9, 2 copies, pb
Worlds Enough, and Time, Avon, First printing, June 1993, 0-380-70801-9, pb
Dealing in Futures, Ace, Ace Science Fiction edition / September 1986, 0-441-14139-0, Collection, pb
Forever Peace, Ace, Ace mass market edition / October 1998, 0-441-00566-7, pb
Forever Free, Ace, Ace mass market edition / November 2000, 0-441-00787-2, pb
The Hemingway Hoax, Avon, First Avon books printing: May 1991, 0-380-70800-0, pb
There is No Darkness, Ace, First Ace printing: February 1983, 0-441-80564-7, pb
War Year, Pocket Books, First Pocket Books printing, January 1978, 0-671-81400-1, pb
Mindbridge, Avon, First Avon printing, February 1978, 0-380-33605-3, pb
Tool of the Trade, Avon, First Avon printing, June 1988, 0-380-70438-2, pb
Infinite Dreams, Avon, First Avon printing, October 1979, 0-380-47605-3, Collection, pb
Halperin, James L.
The First Immortal, Del Rey, First mass market edition: September 1998, 0-345-42182-5, pbThe Truth Machine, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books mass market edition: August 1997, 0-345-41288-5, pb
Hambly, Barbara
The Silent Tower, Del Rey, First edition: December 1986, 0-345-33764-5, The Windrose Chronicles #1, pbKnight of the Demon Queen, Del Rey, First mass market edition: November 2000, 0-345-42190-6, Dragonsbane #3, pb
Dragonshadow, Del Rey, 0-345-42188-4, pb
Bride of the Rat God, Del Rey, First edition: December 1994, 0-345-38101-7, pb
Those Who Hunt the Night, Del Rey, First mass market edition: January 1989, 0-345-36132-6, pb
The Witches of Wenshar, Del Rey, First edition: July 1987, 0-345-32934-1, Sun Wolf
#2, pb
The Silicon Mage, Del Rey, First edition: April 1988, 0-345-33763-8, The Windrose Chronicles #2, pb
The Armies of Daylight, Del Rey, First edition: July 1983, 0-345-29671-0, Darwath Trilogy #3, pb
The Dark Hand of Magic, Del Rey, First edition: March 1990, 0-345-35807-4, Sun Wolf #3, pb
Stranger at the Wedding, Del Rey, First edition: April 1994, 0-345-38097-5, pb
Knight of the Demon Queen, Del Rey, 0-345-42190-6, pb
The Ladies of Mandrigyn, Del Rey, First edition: March 1984, 0-345-30919-7, Sun Wolf #1, pb
The Time of the Dark, Del Rey, Second Printing: June 1983, 0-345-29669-9, Darwath Trilogy #1, pb
Icefalcon's Quest, Del Rey, First mass market edition: January 1999, 0-345-38824-0, pb
The Walls of Air, Del Rey, Third printing: October 1983, 0-345-29670-2, Darwath Trilogy
#2, pb
Mother of Winter, Del Rey, First mass market edition: August 1997, 0-345-39723-1, pb
The Magicians of Night, Del Rey, First edition: February 1992, 0-345-36259-4, Sun-Cross #2, pb
A Free Man of Color, Bantam, Non SF, pb
Graveyard Dust, Bantam, Non SF, pb
The Rainbow Abyss, Del Rey, First edition: September 1991, 0-345-37101-1, Sun Cross #1, pb
Fever Season, Bantam, Non SF, pb
Dragonsbane, Del Rey, First edition: January 1986, 0-345-31572-3, pb
Traveling With the Dead, pb
Darkmage, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains The Silent Tower & The Silicon Mage, hc
Dog Wizard, Del Rey, First edition: February 1993, 0-345-37714-1, The Windrose Chronicles #3, pb
Hamilton, Edmond
The Best of Edmond Hamilton, Ballantine, First edition: August 1977, 0-345-25900-9, Collection, pbBattle for the Stars, Paperback Library, First printing: August 1964, 52-311, pb
The Star Kings, Paperback Library, Second printing: November 1970, 64-472, pb
Calling Captain Future, Popular Library, 1967, 60-2421, pb
World of the Starwolves, Ace, 1968, G-766, Starwolf #3, pb
Galaxy Mission, Popular Library, 1967, 60-2437, pb
Outlaw World, Popular Library, 1967, 60-2376, Cover by Frazetta, pb
Captain Future and the Space Emperor, Popular Library, 1967, 60-2457, Also have First printing
(53-538), pb
Battle for the Stars, Tor, First Tor edition: May 1989, 0-812-55960-6, Tor Double #08 w/ Leigh Brackett's Nemesis from Terra, pb
Planets in Peril, Popular Library, 60-2416, Captain Future, pb
The Closed Worlds, Ace, 1968, G-701, Starwolf #2, pb
Hamilton, Laurell K.
Anita BlakeGuilty Pleasures, Ace, Ace edition / October 1993, 0-441-30483-4, Anita Blake #1, pb
The Laughing Corpse, Ace, Ace edition, January 1996, 0-441-00091-6, Anita Blake #2, pb
Circus of the Damned, Ace, Ace edition, May 1995, 0-441-00197-1, Anita Blake #3, pb
The Lunatic Café, Ace, Ace edition, January 1996, 0-441-00293-5, Anita Blake #4, pb
Bloody Bones, Ace, Ace edition, October 1996, 0-441-00374-5, Anita Blake #5, pb
The Killing Dance, Ace, Ace edition, June 1997, 0-441-00452-0, Anita Blake #6, pb
Burnt Offerings, Ace, Ace edition, May 1998, 0-441-00524-1, Anita Blake #7, pb
Blue Moon, Ace, Ace edition, November 1998, 0-441-00574-8, Anita Blake #8, pb
Obsidian Butterfly, Ace, Ace mass market edition / October 2000, 0-441-00781-3, Anita Blake
#9, pb
Narcissus in Chains, Anita Blake #10, hc
Cerulean Sins, Anita Blake #11, pb
Incubus Dreams, Anita Blake #12, hc
Danse Macabre, Anita Blake #13, hc
The Harlequin, Anita Blake #14, hc
Blood Noir, Anita Blake #15, hc
Skin Trade, Anita Blake #16, hc
Flirt, Anita Blake #17, hc
Hit List, Anita Blake #18, hc
Kiss the Dead, Anita Blake #21, Nook
Merry Gentry
A Kiss of Shadows, Ballantine, First edition: October 2000, 0-345-42339-9, Merry Gentry #1, hc
A Caress of Twilight, Ballantine, First edition: April 2002, 0-345-43527-3, Merry Gentry #2, hc
Seduced by Moonlight, Merry Gentry #3, hc
A Stroke of Midnight, Merry Gentry #4, hc
Mistral's Kiss, Merry Gentry #5, hc
A Lick of Frost, Merry Gentry #6, hc
Swallowing Darkness, Merry Gentry #7, hc
Divine Misdemeanors, Merry Gentry #8, hc
A Shiver of Light, Merry Gentry #9, Nook
Nightseer, Roc, First printing, March 1992, 0-451-45143-0, pb
Hamilton, Peter F.
Mindstar Rising, Tor, First Tor mass market edition: June 1997, 0-812-59056-2, pbA Quantum Murder, Tor, First mass market printing: June 1998, 0-812-55524-4, pb
Hamilton, Virginia
The Gathering, Avon, First printing, September 1981, 0-380-56135-2, Justice Cycle #3, pbJustice and her Brothers, Avon, First printing, September 1981, 0-380-56119-0, Justice Cycle #1, pb
Dustland, Avon, First printing, September 1981, 0-380-56127-1, Justice Cycle #2, pb
Hancock, Niel
Squaring the Circle, Popular Library, Popular Library edition, October 1977, 0-445-04089-0, Circle of Light #4, pbCalix Stay, Popular Library, Popular Library edition, August 1977, 0-445-04047-5, Circle of Light #3, pb
Dragon Winter, Popular Library, Popular Library edition, March
1978, 0-445-04191-9, pb
Faragon Fairingay, Popular Library, Popular Library edition, June 1977, 0-445-08618-1, Circle of Light #2, pb
Greyfax Grimwald, Popular Library, Popular Library edition, April
1977, 0-445-08595-9, Circle of Light #1, pb
Hand, Elizabeth
Winterlong, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / October 1990, 0-553-28772-9, pbAestival Tide, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / September 1992, 0-553-29542-X, pb
Icarus Descending, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / April 1993, 0-553-56288-6, pb
Handley, Max
Meanwhile, Warner, First printing: May 1979, 0-446-87643-7, osHanover, M.L.N.
Unclean Spirits, Black Sun's Daughter #1, pbHansen, Karl
War Games, Playboy Press, First printing June 1981, 0-872-16837-9, pbDream Games, Ace, Ace original / May 1985, 0-441-16691-1, Sequel to War Games, pb
Hardy, Lyndon
Secret of the Sixth Magic, Del Rey, First edition: September 1984, 0-345-30309-1, Alodar #2, pbMaster of the Five Magics, Del Rey, Sixth printing: August 1984, 0-345-31907-9, Alodar #1, pb
Riddle of the Seven Realms, Del Rey, First edition: June 1988, 0-345-32820-5, Alodar #3, pb
Harness, Charles L.
The Venetian Court, Del Rey, First edition: October 1982, 0-345-30626-0, pbRedworld, DAW #670, First printing: April 1986, 0-88677-125-0, pb
Harper, Tara K.
Storm Runner, Del Rey, First edition: August 1993, 0-345-37162-3, Tales of the Wolves #3, pbLightwing, Del Rey, First edition: July 1992, 0-345-37161-5, pb
Shadow Leader, Del Rey, First edition: May 1991, 0-345-37163-1, Tales of the Wolves #2, pb
Cataract, Del Rey, First edition, September 1995, 0-345-38052-5, pb
Wolfwalker, Del Rey, Third printing: September 1990, 0-345-36539-9, Tales of the Wolves #1, pb
Cat Scratch Fever, Del Rey, First edition: May 1994, 0-345-38051-7, pb
Harris, Charlaine
Dead Until Dark, Sookie #1, pbLiving Dead in Dallas, Sookie #2, pb
Club Dead, Sookie #3, pb
Dead to the World, Sookie #4, pb
Definitely Dead, Sookie #5, pb
Dead as a Doornail, Sookie #6, pb
All Together Dead, Sookie #7, pb
From Dead to Worse, Sookie #8, hc
Dead and Gone, Sookie #9, hc
Deadlocked, Sookie #12, hc
Harrison, Harry
Bill, the Galactic HeroBill, The Galactic Hero, Avon, First Avon printing, November 1979, 0-380-47183-3, pb
The Planet of the Robot Slaves, Avon, First Avon Books Printing: July 1989, 0-380-75661-7, Bill, The Galactic Hero #1, pb
w/ Robert Sheckley, On the Planet of Bottled Brains, Avon, First Avon Books Printing: May 1990, 0-380-75662-5, Bill, The Galactic Hero #2, pb
w/ David Bischoff, On the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure, Avon, First printing, January 1991, 0-380-75664-1, Bill, The Galactic Hero #3, pb
w/ Jack C. Haldeman II, On the Planet of Zombie Vampires, Avon, First printing, April 1991, 0-380-75665-X, Bill, The Galactic Hero #4, pb
w/ David Bischoff, On the Planet of Ten Thousand Bars, Avon, First printing, September 1991, 0-380-75666-8, Bill, The Galactic Hero #5, pb
w/ David Harris, The Final Incoherent Adventure, Avon, First printing: September 1992, 0-380-75667-6, Bill, The Galactic Hero #6, pb
The Year 2000, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Anthology, hc
SF:3 Author's Choice, Putnam, Book Club Edition, Series Anthology, hc
Stainless Steel Rat
The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / March 1995, 0-553-56939-2, pbThe Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / July 1988, 0-553-27307-8, pb
The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You!, Bantam, 3rd printing -March 1981, 0-553-22796-3, pb
The Stainless Steel Rat for President, Bantam, A Bantam book / December 1982, 0-553-22759-9, pb
The Stainless Steel Rat for President, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, 2 copies, hc
A Stainless Steel Rat is Born, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / October 1985, 0-553-24708-5, pb
Brion Brandd
Planet of the Damned, Tor, Tor printing, September 1987, 0-812-53978-8, Brion Brandd #1, pbPlanet of No Return, Tor, First Tor printing, January 1982, 0-523-48519-0, Brion Brandd #2 Art by Michael Whelan, pb
To the Stars
Wheelworld, Bantam, A Bantam book / March 1981, 0-553-14339-5, To the Stars #2, pbHomeworld, Bantam, A Bantam book / November 1980, 0-553-13917-7, To the Stars #1, pb
Starworld, Bantam, A Bantam book / July 1981, 0-553-14647-5, To the Stars #3, pb
To the Stars, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / March 1987, 0-553-26453-2, pb
The Daleth Effect, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, December 1977, 0-425-03649-9, pb
Plague from Space, Bantam, Bantam edition published July 1968, F3640, pb
A Rebel in Time, Tor, First Tor printing, February 1983, 0-523-48554-9, pb
The Hammer and the Cross, Tor, First mass market edition / November 1994, 0-812-52348-2, pb
Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers, Ace, Ace edition / July 1983, 0-441-78361-9, pb
The Technicolor Time Machine, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition / December 1968, X1640, 2 copies, pb
The Jupiter Legacy, Bantam, July 1970, 553-05445, formerly titled Plague from Space, pb
w/ Marvin Minsky, The Turing Option, Questar, First paperback printing, October 1993, 0-446-36496-7, pb
Deathworld, Bantam, 3rd printing - February 1969, F3890, Deathworld Trilogy #1, pb, Nook
Make Room! Make Room!, Berkley, Berkley edition, December 1978, 0-425-04043-7, pb
West of Eden, Bantam, First printing, July 1985, 0-553-24935-5, pb
The Deathworld Trilogy, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
War with the Robots, Pyramid, Second printing, September 1968, X-1898, Collection, pb
Harrison, Kim
Dead Witch Walking, Books of the Hollows #1, pb, NOOKThe Good, The Bad, and the Undead, Books of the Hollows #2, pb, NOOK
Every Which Way but Dead, Books of the Hollows #3, pb, NOOK
A Fistful of Charms, Books of the Hollows #4, pb, NOOK
For a Few Demons More, Books of the Hollows #5, pb, NOOK
The Outlaw Demon Wails, Books of the Hollows #6, pb, NOOK
White Witch, Black Curse, Books of the Hollows #7, pb, NOOK
Black Magic Sanction, Books of the Hollows #8, hc, NOOK
Pale Demon, Books of the Hollows #9, NOOK
A Perfect Blood, Books of the Hollows #10, NOOK
Ever After, Books of the Hollows #11, NOOK
The Undead Pool, Books of the Hollows #12, NOOK
The Witch with No Name, Books of the Hollows #13, NOOK
Harrison, Robert
The Song of Roland, Mentor, First printing, August 1970, 451-MY1464, pbHarrison, William,
Rollerball, Warner, First printing, July 1975, 0-446-76839, Movie Tie in 2 copies, pbHartwell, David G.
Age of Wonders, McGraw-Hill, First Paperback edition, 1985, 0-07-026963-7, SF Commentary, pbMasterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Anthology, hc
Harvard Lampoon
Bored of the Rings, Signet, First printing, September 1969, 451-W7054, pbHawke, Simon
The Inadequate Adept, Warner, First printing, March 1993, 0-446-36246-8, pbThe Ivanhoe Gambit, Ace, Ace original / January 1984, 0-441-37762-9, Time Wars #1, pb
The Argonaut Affair, Ace, Ace edition / August 1987, 0-441-02911-6, Time Wars #7, pb
The Khyber Connection, Ace, Ace science fiction edition / October 1986, 0-441-43725-7, Time Wars #6, pb
The Nautilus Sanction, Ace, Second printing / March 1986, 0-441-56566-2, Time Wars #5, pb
The Zenda Vendetta, Ace, Ace original / May 1985, 0-441-95915-6, Time Wars #4, pb
The Pimpernel Plot, Ace, Ace original / September 1984, 0-441-66409-1, Time Wars #3, pb
The Lilliput Legion, Ace, Ace edition / August 1989, 0-441-50395-0, Time Wars #9, pb
The Reluctant Sorcerer, Warner, First printing, May 1992, 0-446-36260-3, pb
The Hellfire Rebellion, Ace, Ace edition / May 1990, 0-441-81262-7, Time Wars #10, pb
The Wizard of Camelot, Warner, First printing: July 1993, 0-446-36242-5, Wyrdrune Prelude, pb
The Samurai Wizard, Warner, First printing: April 1991, 0-446-36132-1, Wyrdrune #5, pb
The Last Wizard, Aspect, First printing, October 1997, 0-446-36520-3, pb
Psychodrome, Ace, Ace edition / July 1987, 0-441-68791-1, pb
Predator 2, Jove, Jove edition / December 1990, 0-515-10578-3, Movie Tie In, pb
The Wizard of Lovecraft's Castle, Questar, First printing, December 1993, 0-446-36517-3, Wyrdrune #6, pb
The Timekeeper Conspiracy, Ace, Ace original / April 1984, 0-441-81136-1, Time Wars #2, pb
The Wizard of Santa Fe, Warner, First printing: September 1991, 0-446-36194-1, Wyrdrune #6, pb
The Wizard of 4th Street, Popular Library, First printing: October 1987, 0-445-20302-1, Wyrdrune #1, pb
The Wizard of Whitechapel, Popular Library, First printing: September 1988, 0-445-20304-8, Wyrdrune #2, pb
The Wizard of Sunset Strip, Popular Library, First printing: October 1989, 0-445-20702-7, Wyrdrune #3, pb
The Wizard of Rue Morgue, Popular Library, First printing: September 1990, 0-445-20704-3, Wyrdrune #4, pb
The Nine Lives of Catsey Gomez, Warner, First printing, October 1992, 0-446-35241-7, pb
The Shapechanger Scenario, Ace, Ace edition / June 1988, 0-441-68792-X, Psychodrome #2, pb
The Cleopatra Crisis, Ace, Ace edition / September 1990, 0-441-81263-5, Time Wars #11, pb
The Whims of Creation, Warner, First printing, April 1995, 0-446-36518-1, pb
The Dracula Caper, Ace, Ace edition / October 1988, 0-441-16616-4, Time Wars #8, pb
Hawkins, Ward
Blaze of Wrath, Del Rey, First edition: July 1986, 0-345-32735-7, Harry Borg & Guss the Lizard Man #3, pbSword of Fire, Del Rey, First edition: October 1985, 0-345-32348-3, Harry Borg & Guss the Lizard Man #2, pb
Torch of Fear, Del Rey, First edition: May 1987, 0-345-33612-7, Harry Borg & Guss the Lizard Man #4, pb
Red Flame Burning, Del Rey, First edition: August 1985, 0-345-32121-9, Harry Borg & Guss the Lizard Man #1, pb
Heald, Tim
The Making of Space: 1999, Ballantine, First Edition: November 1976, 0-345-25265-9, pbHeard, H. F.
Doppelgangers, Ace, 1965, M-142, $2.25, pbHeath, Peter
Assassins from Tomorrow, Magnum, 1967, 73-631, pbThe Mind Brothers, Magnum, 1967, 73-600, pb
Heinlein, Robert A.
Rocket Ship Galileo, Ace, 441-73330, pbStarman Jones, Del Rey, Sixth printing: January 1978, 0-345-27595-0, pb
The Star Beast, Ace, 441-78001, pb
The Star Beast, Del Rey, Second printing: December 1977, 0-345-27580-2, pb
Space Cadet, Del Rey, First Ballantine books edition: September 1978, 0-345-26072-4, pb
Space Cadet, Ace, 441-77731, pb
The Past Through Tomorrow, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, January 1975, 425-02738, Collection, pb
Rocket Ship Galileo, Ace, 441-73331, pb
Stranger in a Strange Land, Berkley, Twenty Seventh printing, 425-02202, pb
Rocket Ship Galileo, Del Rey, Third printing: May 1978, 0-345-26068-6, pb
Revolt in 2100, Signet, 451-Y6232, pb
Revolt in 2100, Signet, Seventh printing, 451-T4236, pb
Orphans of the Sky, Berkley, Eleventh printing, 0-425-03786-X, pb
Podkayne of Mars, Berkley, Twelfth printing, 0-425-03434-8, pb
The Green Hills of Earth, Signet, Ninth printing, T3193, pb
The Rolling Stones, Ace, 441-73441, pb
Tomorrow, The Stars, Ace, Eleventh printing, 425-02604, Anthology, pb
A Heinlein Trio, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains The Puppet Masters, Double Star & The Door Into Summer, hc
The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein, Ace, Third printing?, 441-91503, Collection, pb
The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein, Ace, 1966, 441-91501, Collection, pb
Waldo & Magic, Inc., Signet, First Signet printing, January 1970, 451-W7330, pb
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley, Seventh printing, 0-425-03052-0, pb
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, Berkley, Sixth printing, 0-425-03717-7, pb
Starship Troopers, Berkley, Nineteenth printing, 0-425-03787-8, pb
To Sail Beyond the Sunset, Ace, Ace edition / June 1988, 0-441-74860-0, pb
Starship Troopers, Berkley, Berkley medallion edition, May 1968, S1560, pb
Time for the Stars, Ace, 441-81125, pb
Time for the Stars, Ace, 441-81126, pb
Time Enough for Love, Berkley, Twenty-fourth printing, March 1986, 0-425-07990-2, pb
Time Enough for Love, Berkley, Fourth printing, 425-02493, pb
Stranger in a Strange Land, Berkley, Sixty third printing / March 1986, 0-425-08094-3, pb
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Berkley, Twenty eighth printing, 0-425-05615-5, pb
Tunnel in the Sky, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: April
1977, 0-345-26065-1, pb
Between Planets, Ace, 441-05500, pb
Glory Road, Avon, 1963, V2102, $2-3.00, pb
Glory Road, Berkley, Nineteenth printing, 0-425-03783-5, pb
Farnham's Freehold, Berkley, 2nd printing, May 1972, 425-01981, pb
Farnham's Freehold, Berkley, Eleventh printing, 0-425-03568-9, pb
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, Berkley, Berkley edition / November 1986, 0-425-09332-8, pb
Podkayne of Mars, Berkley, Ninth printing, 425-02073, pb
Have Space Suit - Will Travel, Ace, 441-31800, Interior Sketch by Emsh, pb
Between Planets, Del Rey, Third printing: May 1978, 0-345-27796-1, pb
The Day After Tomorrow, Signet, Fourth printing, 451-T4227, pb
Double Star, Signet, Third printing, January 1964, D2419, pb
Double Star, Signet, 0-451-08188-9, pb
Beyond this Horizon, Signet, Eighth printing, 451-T4211, pb
Beyond this Horizon, Signet, 0-451-07599-4, pb
Expanded Universe, Ace, First mass market printing: March 1982, 0-441-21888-1, Collection, pb
The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet, Fifth printing, 451-T4307, pb
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Berkley, Sixteenth printing, 425-03013, pb
The Past Through Tomorrow, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition / August 1975, 0-425-03178-0, Collection, pb
The Number of the Beast, Fawcett, First edition: July 1982, 0-449-14476-3, pb
Red Planet, Ace, 441-71141, pb
Red Planet, Del Rey, Second printing: May 1978, 0-345-26069-4, pb
The Puppet Masters, Signet, 451-W7339, pb
Friday, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: April 1983, 0-345-30988-X, Cover by Michael Whelan, pb
The Man Who Sold the Moon, Signet, Nineteenth printing, 451-Y6233, pb
Have Space Suit - Will Travel, Del Rey, Fifth printing: March 1981, 0-345-30103-X, pb
The Menace from Earth, Signet, Eighteenth printing, 0-451-08768-2, pb
The Green Hills of Earth, Signet, Twenty-fifth printing, 451-Y6381, pb
Requiem, Tor, First printing: August 1994, 0-812-51391-6, Collection, pb
Methuselah's Children, Signet, Eighth printing, 451-T4226, pb
The Green Hills of Earth, Signet, Fifteenth printing, 451-T3193, pb
Assignment in Eternity, Signet, Eighth printing, 451-T3968, pb
The Puppet Masters, Signet, Twenty-second printing, 451-Y6612, pb
6 X H, Pyramid, Seventh Printing, October 1972, 0-515-02822-3, Collection, pb
Job: A Comedy of Justice, Del Rey, First Edition: September 1984, 0-345-31357-7, hc
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, G.P. Putnam's Sons, First Edition, 1985, 0-399-13103-5, hc
Heinlein, Robert, A., Virginia Heinlein, Grumbles from the Grave, Ballantine, First Edition: January 1990, 0-345-36246-2, Memoirs, hc
The Menace from Earth, Signet, Eighth printing, 451-T4306, pb
I Will Fear No Evil, Berkley, 4th Printing, March 1972, 425-02085, pb
Starship Troopers, epub
Glory Road, epub
Citizen of the Galaxy, epub
The Door into Summer,epub
Farnham's Freehold, Nook
Stranger in a Strange Land, Kindle
Hendee, Barb & J.C.
Dhampir, Noble Dead #1, pbHenderson, Zenna
The Anything Box, Avon, Third printing, 0-380-01745-8, Collection, pbHolding Wonder, Avon, Sixth printing, 380-24737, pb
The People: No Different Flesh, Avon, Ninth printing, 0-380-01506-4, pb
Pilgrimage: The Book of the People, Avon, Third printing, January 1967, S243, $1.50-2.25, pb
Hendrix, Howard V.
Lightpaths, Ace, Ace edition / September 1997, 0-441-00470-9, pbHenkin, Bill
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Book, Hawthorn, 1979, 0-8015-6436-0, osHerbert, Brian
The Garbage Chronicles, Berkely, Berkley edition / January 1985, 0-425-07450-1, Aptly named, pbPrisoners of Arionn, Ace, Ace edition / December 1988, 0-441-67928-5, pb
Herbert, Frank
God Emperor of Dune, Berkley, Berkley edition / May 1983, 0-425-06233-3, Dune #4, pbChapterhouse: Dune, Ace, Ace edition / July 1987, 0-441-10267-0, Dune #6, pb
The Green Brain, Ace, 1966, F-379, $4.50, pb
The Book of Frank Herbert, DAW #039, 1972, 0-87997-039-1, Collection, pb
The Worlds of Frank Herbert, Ace, 1971, 441-90925, pb
Children of Dune, Berkley, Third printing, 0-425-03310-4, Dune #3, pb
Dune Messiah, Berkley, Twenty-first printing, 0-425-03585-9, Dune #2, pb
The Dragon in the Sea, Avon, Fourth Avon printing, November 1967, S290, $1.00, pb
Heretics of Dune, Berkley, Berkley edition / April 1986, 0-425-08732-8, Dune #5, pb
Whipping Star, Berkley, Thirteenth printing, January 1981, 0-425-04355-X, pb
Destination: Void, Berkley, Revised Berkley edition, November 1978, 0-425-03922-6, pb
Hellstrom's Hive, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Dune Messiah, Berkley, Book Club Edition, 2 copies, hc
Children of Dune, Berkley, Book Club Edition, 2 copies, hc
Dune, Chilton, Book Club Edition, hc
Dune, Berkley, Seventh printing, 0-425-02076-6, Dune #1, pb
The Heaven Makers, Del Rey, First Ballantine books edition: May 1977, 0-345-25304-3, Collection, pb
Hellstrom's Hive, Bantam, Bantam edition published April 1974, 553-18276, pb
w/ Bill Ransom, The Jesus Incident, Berkley, Sixth printing / April 1982, 0-425-05517-5, pb
w. Bill Ransom, The Jesus Incident, Berkley, First Edition 1979, 0-399-12268-0, hc
Herzog, Arthur
IQ 83, Berkley, Berkley edition / March 1980, 0-425-04433-5, pbHill, Douglas
Exiles of Colsec, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / June 1986, 0-553-25785-4, Colsec #1, pb
Hill, John
Heartbeeps, Jove, First printing, December 1981, 0-515-06183-2, Movie Tie in, pbHines, Jim C.
The Mermaid's Madness, pbRed Hood's Revenge, pb
Hinz, Christopher
Liege-Killer, Tor, First Tor edition: October 1995, 0-812-53075-6, Paratwa #1, pbHobb, Robin
Assassin's Apprentice, pbShip of Magic, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition, February 1999, 0-553-57363-5, The Liveship Traders #1, pb
Mad Ship, Bantam, mass market edition / March 2000, 0-553-57564-3, The Liveship Traders
#2, pb
Royal Assassin, pb
Assassin's Quest, pb
Ship of Destiny, The Liveship Traders #3, pb
Fool's Errand, pb
Fool's Fate, pb
Golden Fool, pb
Shaman's Crossing, Soldier Son #1
The Forest Mage, Soldier Son #2, hc
Renegade Magic, Soldier Son #3, hc
Hodgell, P. C.
Dark of the Moon, Atheneum, Book Club Edition, Sequel to God Stalk, hcSeeker's Mask, MM, Meisha Merlin 2000, 0-7394-1887-4, hc
God Stalk, Berkley, Berkley edition / March 1983, 0-425-06079-9, pb
To Ride a Rathorn, hc
Hodgson, William Hope
The Nightland Volume II, Ballantine, First printing: July 1972, 0-345-02670-5, pbThe Boats of the Glen Carrig, Ballantine, First Printing: February, 1971, 345-02145-2, pb
The House on the Borderland, Manor, A Manor Book 1977, 0-532-15304, pb
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki
The Silent Strength of Stones, Avon, First printing: October 1998, 0-380-77760-6, pbHoffman, Lee
Always the Black Knight, Avon, First Avon printing, October 1970, 380-00417, pbHogan, James P.
The Genesis Machine, Del Rey, First edition: April 1978, 0-345-27231-5, pbThrice Upon a Time, Del Rey, First edition: March 1980, 0-345-27518-7,
The Mirror Maze, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / March 1989, 0-553-27762-6,
Inherit the Stars, Nook
The Multiplex Man, Nook
The Two Faces of Tomorrow, Nook
Holland, Cecilia
The Lords of Vaumartin, pbHolly, J., Hunter
Flying Eyes, pbEncounter, pb
The Dark Planet, pb
The Green Planet, pb
The Dark Planet, UniBook, 1962, pb
The Running Man, Monarch, Published in April 1963, 342, pb
The Time Twisters, Avon, 1964, G1231, $1.50-2.25, pb
The Mind Traders, Unibook, pb
The Mind Traders, McFadden, A McFadden book - 1967, 60-291, pb
Holmes, John Eric
Mahars of Pellucidar, Ace, 1976, 441-51590, pbHorn, Maurice
The World Encyclopedia of Comics, Chelsea House, Second printing, August 1976, 0-87754-030-6, osHoward, Robert E.
Almuric, Ace, 1964, F-305, pbConan the Warrior, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4723-6, Cover by Frazetta, pb
Conan the Conquerer, Lancer, A Lancer Book 1967, 73-572, Cover by Frazetta pb
Conan, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4725-2, Cover by Frazetta, pb
Agent from Bear Creek, Zebra, Second printing: February 1976, 0-89083-132-7, Illustrated by Jeff Jones, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter, Conan the Usurper, Lancer, A Lancer Book -1967, 73-599, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter, Conan of Cimmeria, Lancer, A Lancer Book -1969, 75-072, 2 copies, pb
The Gods of Bal-Sagoth, Ace, First Ace printing: April 1979, 0-441-29525-8, pb
w/ L. Sprague De Camp & Lin Carter, Conan the Wanderer, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1968, 74-976, pb
Conan the Adventurer, Sphere, Reprinted 1976, 0-7221-4724-4, Cover by Frazetta, pb
The Hour of the Dragon, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, August 1977, 0-425-03608-1, Full color Frazetta poster inside, pb
Conan the Adventurer, Lancer, A Lancer Book 1966, 75-102, Cover by Frazetta pb
w/ B. Nyberg & L. Sprague de Camp, Conan the Avenger, Sphere, reprinted 1976, 0-7221-4714-7, Cover art by Frank Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp, Conan the Freebooter, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1968, 74-963, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter, Conan, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1967, 73-685, Cover art by
Frank Frazetta pb
The Moon of Skulls, Centaur, 1969, Solomon Kane #1, pb
King Kull, Lancer, A Lancer Book 1969, 74-561, Cover by Krenkel pb
The Hand of Kane, Centaur, 1969, Solomon Kane #2, pb
King Kull, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4716-3, Cover by Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp, Conan the Adventurer, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1966, 73-526, Cover art by Frank Frazetta pb
Worms of the Earth, Zebra, Second printing: August 1975, 0-89083-126-2, pb
Tigers of the Sea, Zebra, First printing: May 1975, 0-89098-119-X, Cormac Mac Art #4, pb
The Vultures of Whapeton, Zebra, First printing: November 1975, 0-09083-144-9, pb
Tigers of the Sea, Ace, First Ace printing: June 1979, 0-441-80705-4, Cormac Mac Art #4, pb
Howard, Ivan, Rare Science Fiction, Belmont, First printing January 1963, L92-557, Anthology, pb
Red Nails, G. P. Putnam's Sons, Review Copy March 30, 1979, 0-399-12333-4, hc
Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, Zebra, Second printing: February 1976, 0-89083-149-1, pb
Skulls in the Stars, Bantam, A Bantam book / September 1978, 0-553-12031-X, Solomon Kane #1, pb
The Sowers of the Thunder, Zebra, Third printing: February 1976, 0-89083-113-0, Illustrated by Roy
Krenkel, pb
The Lost Valley of Iskander, Zebra, First printing: January 1976, 0-89083-157-2, Illustrated by Michael Kaluka, pb
Sword Woman, Berkley, Berkley edition / December 1979, 0-425-04445-9, pb
The Last Ride, Berkley, Berkley edition: June 1978, 0-425-03754-1, Full color Frazetta poster
inside, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp, Conan the Conqueror, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4687-6, Cover by Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp, Conan the Freebooter, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4683-3, Cover by Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter, Conan of the Isles, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4719-8, Cover by Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter, Conan of Cimmeria, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4684-1, Cover by Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp & Lin Carter, Conan the Wanderer, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4722-8, Cover by Frazetta, pb
w/ L. Sprague de Camp, Conan the Usurper, Sphere, Reprint 1976, 0-7221-4730-7, Cover by
Frazetta, pb
Conan the Warrior, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1967, 73-549, pb
Hoyle, Fred
Ossian's Ride, Berkley, 2nd printing, January 1968, X1506, pbw/ Geoffrey Hoyle, Rockets in Ursa Major, Fawcett, December 1971, 0-449-01648, pb
The Black Cloud, Signet, Second printing, October 1962, D2202, pb
w/ Geoffrey Hoyle, Into Deepest Space, Harper & Row, Book Club Edition, hc
w/ Geoffrey Hoyle, The Westminster Disaster, Harper & Row, First edition , 1978, 0-06-012009-6, hc
w. Geoffrey Hoyle, The Inferno, Harper & Row, Book Club Edition, hc
Hoyt, Sarah A.
Crawling Between Heaven and Earth, NookDarkship Thieves, Nook
Ill Met by Moonlight, Nook
Draw One in the Dark, Nook
Witchfinder, Nook
Hubbard, L. Ron
The Invaders Plan, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-484-X, Mission Earth #1, pbFortune of Fear, Bridge, First paperback edition, 0-88404-286-3, Mission Earth #5, pb
Villainy Victorious, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-290-1, Mission Earth #9, pb
Voyage of Vengeance, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-288-X, Mission Earth #7, pb
Death Quest, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-287-1, Mission Earth #6, pb
An Alien Affair, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-285-5, Mission Earth #4, pb
Black Genesis, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-283-9, Mission Earth #2, pb
Disaster, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-289-8, Mission Earth #8, pb
The Enemy Within, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-284-7, Mission Earth #3, pb
Ole Doc Methuselah, DAW #020, 1972, 0-87997-020-0, pb
Return to Tomorrow, Panther, 1957, 692, pb
Battlefield Earth, Bridge, First edition paperback, 0-88404-155-7, pb
The Doomed Planet, Bridge, First Paperback printing, 0-88404-291-X, Mission Earth #10, pb
Huff, Tanya
The Last Wizard, pbBlood Pact, DAW #931, First printing, November 1993, 0-88677-582-5, Henry Fitzroy #4, pb
The Better Part of Valor, DAW #1216, First printing, March 2002, 0-7564-0062-7, pb
Blood Lines, DAW #901, 0-88677-530-2, Henry Fitzroy #3, pb
Blood Price, DAW #850, First printing, May 1991, 0-88677-471-3, pb
The Quartered Sea, DAW #1121, First printing, May 1999, 0-88677-839-5, pb
The Fire's Stone, DAW #530, First printing, October1990, 0-88677-445-4, pb
Child of the Grove, pb
Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light, pb
Blood Trail, DAW #873, First printing, February 1992, 0-88677-502-7, Blood series #2, pb
Valor's Choice, DAW #1148, First printing, April 2000, 0-88677-896-4, pb
Fifth Quarter, pb
No Quarter, pb
Sing the Four Quarters, pb
Smoke and Mirrors, pb
Smoke and Shadows, pb
Smoke and Ashes, pb
The Enchanted Emporium, DAW #1477, pb
Blood Books #3, omnibus of Henry Fitzroy #5 and more
The Heart of Valor, Nook
Hughart, Barry
Eight Skilled Gentlemen, Doubleday, First Edition January 1991, 0-385-41710-1, osHughes, Robert Don
The Prophet of Lamath, Del Rey, First edition: October 1979, 0-345-28211-6, Book One of Pelmen the Powershaper, pbThe Wizard in Waiting, Del Rey, First edition: February 1982, 0-345-28574-3, Book Two of Pelmen the Powershaper, pb
The Forging of the Dragon, Del Rey, First edition: May 1989, 0-345-33744-1, Book One of Wizard
and Dragon, pb
The Power and the Prophet, Del Rey, First edition: April 1985, 0-345-30353-9, Book Three of Pelmen the Powershaper, pb
The Faithful Traitor, Del Rey, First edition: March 1992, 0-3445-36090-7, Book Two of Wizard and
Dragon, pb
Hughes, Zach
Sundrinker, DAW #718, First printing, August 1987, 0-88677-213-3, pb
Hunter, Faith
Skinwalker, Jane Yellowrock #1, pb, NookDeath's Rival, Jane Yellowrock #5, Nook
Blood Trade, Jane Yellowrock #6, Nook
Black Arts, Jane Yellowrock #7, Nook
Broken Soul, Jane Yellowrock #8, Nook
Dark Heir, Jane Yellowrock #9, Nook
Dark Queen, Jane Yellowrock #12, Kindle
Huntley, Tim
One on Me, DAW #368, First printing, January 1980, 0-87997-508-3, pbHyne, C. J. Cutliffe
The Lost Continent, Ballantine, Second U.S. Printing September 1973, 0-345-22502-3, pbIng, Dean
Blood of Eagles, Tor, First printing: April 1988, 0-812-54106-5, Non SF, pb
Wild Country, Tor, First printing, November 1985, 0-812-54102-2, pb
w/ Robert Heinlein, Silent Thunder, Tor, First edition: July 1991, 0-812-50265-5, Tor Double #31 w/ Heinlein's Universe, pb 10-13-91
Single Combat, Tor, First Tor printing, November 1983, 0-812-54100-6, pb
The Big Lifters, Tor, First mass market printing, June 1989, 0-812-54104-9, pb
Firefight 2000, Baen, First printing, June 1987, 0-671-65650-3, Collection, pb
Cathouse, Baen, First printing: May 1990, 0-671-69872-9, pb
Anasazi, Ace, First Ace printing: December 1980, 0-441-02260-X, pb
Pulling Through, Ace, First Ace printing: January 1983, 0-441-69050-5, pb
High Tension, Ace, First Ace printing: March 1982, 0-441-33712-0, Collection, pb
The Ransom of Black Stealth One, Tor, First Tor edition: April 1990, 0-812-50587-2, pb
Soft Targets, Ace, First Ace printing: October 1979, 0-441-77406-7, pb
Ingram, Grace
Gilded Spurs, Stein & Day, Book Club Edition, hcIngrid, Charles
The Last Recall, DAW #838, First printing, January 1991, 0-88677-460-8, The Marked Man #2, pbAlien Salute, DAW #773, First printing, March 1989, 0-88677-329-6, Sand Wars #4, pb
Return Fire, DAW #789, First printing, August 1989, 0-88677-363-6, Sand Wars #5, pb
Challenge Met, DAW #825, First printing, August 1990, 0-88677-436-5, Sand Wars #6, pb
The Marked Man, DAW #801, First printing, December 1989, 0-88677-396-2, The Marked Man #1, pb
Solar Kill, DAW #713, First printing, July 1987, 0-88677-391-1, Sand Wars #1, pb
Path of Fire, DAW #898, First printing, December 1992, 0-88677-522-1, The Patterns of Chaos #2, pb
Lasertown Blues, DAW #735, First printing, February 1988, 0-88677-393-8, Sand Wars #2, pb
Celestial Hit List, DAW #762, First printing, November 1988, 0-88677-306-7, Sand Wars #3, pb
Radius of Doubt, DAW #862, First printing, October 1991, 0-88677-491-8, pb