Rackham, John
Beanstalk, DAW #078, 1973, 0-87997-080-4, pbRadford, Irene
The Glass Dragon, DAW #971, First printing, December 1994, 0-88677-634-1, The Dragon Nimbus #1, pbRandall, Marta
Those Who Favor Fire, Pocket Books, First pocket books printing, May 1984, 0-671-44216-3, pbIslands, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published September 1976, 0-515-03664-1, pb
Journey, Pocket Books, First pocket books printing, May 1978, 0-671-81207-6, pb
Rankin, Arthur Jr. w/ Jules Bass
The Hobbit, Ballantine, First Ballantine Books edition: September 1978, 0-345-27711-2, Deluxe Illustrated edition, osRankine, John
Phoenix of Megaron, Pocket Books, Pocket Books edition published November 1976, 0-671-80764-1, Space: 1999 #10, pbOperation Umanaq, Ace, First Ace printing: February 1973, 441-63590, pb
The Bromius Phenomenon, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1973, 441-08145, pb
Moon Odyssey, Pocket Books, Pocket Books edition published September 1975, 0-671-80185-6, Space: 1999 #2, pb
Android Planet, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published September, 1976, 0-671-80706-4, Space: 1999 #8, pb
Lunar Attack, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published March, 1978, 0-671-80305-0, Space: 1999 #5, pb
Rasmussen, Alis A.
Revelution's Shore, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book, July 1980, 0-553-28544-0, The Highroad Trilogy #2, pbThe Price of Ransom, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / October 1990, 0-553-28788-5, Highroad Trilogy #3, pb
A Passage of Stars, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / February 1990, 0-553-28372-3, The Highroad Trilogy #1, pb
Rawn, Melanie
Stronghold, DAW #832, First printing, September 1991, 0-88677-482-9, Dragon Star I, pbSun-Runner's Fire, DAW #806, First printing, February 1990, 0-88677-403-9, Dragon Prince III, pb
Skybowl, DAW #903, First printing, March 1994, 0-88677-595-7, Dragon Star III, pb
The Dragon Token, DAW #872, First printing, February 1993, 0-88677-542-6, Dragon Star II, pb
The Star Scroll, DAW #779, First printing, May 1989, 0-88677-349-0, Dragon Prince II, pb
Dragon Prince, DAW #764, First printing, December 1988, 0-88677-450-0, Dragon Prince I, pb
Ready, William
Understanding Tolkien, Paperback Library, First printing, January 1969, 64-036, Non SF, pbReaves, J. Michael
Darkworld Detective, Bantam, First printing, June 1982, 0-553-20672-9, pbReaves , Michael
w/ Steve Perry, Dome, Berkley, Berkley edition / February 1987, 0-425-09560-6, pbStreet Magic, Tor, First printing: August 1992, 0-812-51112-3, pb
w/ Steve Perry, Hellstar, Berkley, Berkley edition / December 1984, 0-425-07297-5, pb
Reed, Kit
Mr. Da V., Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition / July 1973, 425-02380, Collection, pbMagic Time, Berkley, Berkley edition / March 1981, 0-425-04745-8, pb
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield &Judith
Shifter, Roc, First printing, July 1990, 0-451-45018-3, Galen Sword #1, pb
Nightfeeder, Roc, First printing, April 1991, 0-451-45076-0, Galen Sword #2, pb
Reichert, Mickey Zucker
The Unknown Soldier, DAW #951, First printing, May 1994, 0-88677-600-7, pbDragonrank Master, DAW #792, 1989, 0-88677-366-0, Bifrost Guardians #3, pb
Shadow Climber, DAW #749, 1988, 0-88677-284-2, Bifrost Guardians #2, pb
Godslayer, DAW #716, 1987, 0-88677-207-9, Bifrost Guardians #1, pb
Reimann, Katya
Wind from a Foreign Sky, Tor, First printing, April 1997, 0-812-54933-3, Tielmaran Chronicles #1, pbA Tremor in the Bitter Earth, Tor, First edition: June 1998, 0-812-54934-1, Tielmaran Chronicles #2, pb
Reine, S M
Witch Hunt, Preternatural Affairs #1, Nook
Silver Bullet, Preternatural Affairs #2, Nook
Hotter than Helltown, Preternatural Affairs #3, Nook
Dark Union, Descent Series #3, Nook
The Darkest Gate, Descent Series #2, Nook
Death's Hand, Descent Series #1, Nook
Reissig, A.J.
The Chronicles of Aria Prime, AMZResnick, Mike
Eros Ascending, Signet, First Signet printing, November 1984, 0-451-13255-6, Tales of the Velvet Comet #1, pbWalpurgis III, Signet, First printing, June 1982, 0-451-11572-4, pb
The Three-Legged Hootch Dancer, Signet, First printing, February 1983, 0-451-12082-5, Tales of the Galactic Midway #2, pb
Sideshow, Signet, First printing, October 1982, 0-451-11848-0, Tales of the Galactic Midway #1, pb
The Soul Eater, Signet, First printing, October 1981, 0-451-11092-7, pb
Stalking the Unicorn: A Fable of Tonight, Tor, First printing: January 1987, 0-812-55114-1, pb
Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future, Tor, First printing: March 1986, 0-812-55112-5, pb
Paradise: A Chronicle of a Distant World, Tor, First mass market edition: April 1990, 0-812-50716-9, pb
Widowmaker, pb
Eros at Nadir, Signet, First Signet printing, September 1986, 0-451-14448-1, Tales of the Velvet Comet #4, pb
Purgatory, Tor, First mass market edition: February 1994, 0-812-53535-9, pb
Eros at Zenith, Signet, First Signet printing, July 1985, 0-451-13667-5, Tales of the Velvet Comet #2, pb
Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future, Tor, First mass market edition: August 1989, 0-812-50042-3, pb
The Dark Lady: A Romance of the Far Future, Tor, First printing: November 1987, 0-812-55116-8, pb
Adventures, Signet, First printing, October 1985, 0-451-13867-8, pb
The Best Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Gunslinger in the Whole Damned Galaxy, Signet, First printing, October 1983, 0-451-12523-1, Tales of the Galactic Midway #4 2 copies, pb
Redbeard, Magnum, 1969, 74-579, pb
Inferno, Tor, First mass market printing: March 1995, 0-812-52345-8, pb
The Wild Alien Tamer, Signet, First Printing, July, 1983, 0-451-12390-5, Tales of the Galactic Midway #3, pb
Second Contact, Tor, First mass market printing: November 1990, 0-812-51113-1, pb
Birthright: The Book of Man, Signet, First Printing, February 1982, 0-451-11358-6, pb
Eros Descending, Signet, First Signet printing, December 1985, 0-451-14017-6, Tales of the Velvet Comet #3, pb
Prophet, Ace, Ace edition / June 1993, 0-441-68329-0, pb
Lucifer Jones, Warner, First printing: November 1992, 0-446-36319-7, pb
Whatdunits, DAW #892, First printing, October 1992, 0-88677-533-7, Anthology, pb
Soothsayer, Ace, First printing: November 1991, 0-441-77825-4, pb
Oracle, Ace, Ace edition / October 1992, 0-441-58694-5, pb
Widowmaker Reborn, pb
The Widowmaker Unleashed, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / September 1998, 0-553-57162-1, pb
Reynolds, Mack
After Some Tomorrow, Belmont, A Belmont book - November 1967, 500-00795, pbSatellite City, Ace, 1975, 441-75045, pb
Perchance to Dream, Ace, First Ace printing: December 1977, 0-441-65948-9, pb
Rolltown, Ace, First Ace printing: June 1976, 441-73450, pb
The Lagrangists, Tor, First Tor printing, December 1983, 0-812-55125-7, pb
The Cosmic Eye, Belmont, A Belmont Tower Book - April 1965, 505-50802, pb
w/ Dean Ing, Eternity, Baen, First Baen printing, October 1984, 0-671-55913-3, pb
w/ Dean Ing, Trojan Orbit, Baen, First printing, March 1985, 0-671-55942-7, pb
The Towers of Utopia, Bantam, A Bantam book / July 1975, 553-06384, pb
Looking Backward, from the Year 2000, Ace, First Ace Printing: March 1973, 441-48970, pb
After Utopia, Ace, First Ace printing: November 1977, 0-441-00958-1, pb
Lagrange Five, Bantam, A Bantam book / October 1979, 0-553-12806-X, pb
Reynolds, Ted
The Tides of God, Ace, Ace edition / February 1989, 0-441-80894-8, New Ace Science Fiction Specials, pbEarth Unaware, Leisure Books, 0-8439-0628-6, pb
Rice, Anne
Interview with the Vampire, Knopf, Book Club Edition, hcThe Vampire Lestat, Ballantine, Twenty Fifth printing, October 1993, 0-345-31386-0, pb
The Queen of the Damned, Ballantine, First printing, October 1989, 0-345-35152-5, Vampire Chronicles #3, pb
Rice, Morgan
A Quest of Heroes, Sorcerer's Ring #1, Kindle
Richardson, Kat
Underground, Greywalker #2, pbPoltergeist, Greywalker #3, pb
Vanished, Greywalker #4, pb
Labyrinth, Greywalker #5, pb
Rimmer, Robert H.
Love Me Tomorrow, Signet, First Signet printing, December 1978, 0-451-E8385-7, pbRingo, John
Gust Front, Baen, First paperback printing, April 2002, 0-7434-3525-7, pb, NookA Hymn Before Battle, Baen, First paperback printing, October 2001, 0-671-31841-1, pb, Nook
Emerald Sea, Nook
The Road to Damascus, Nook
There Will be Dragons, Nook
When the Devil Dances, Nook
w/ Travis Taylor, Warp Speed, Nook
Von Neumann's War, Nook
The Last Centurion, Nook
The Hero, Nook
Sister Time, Nook
Hells Faire, Nook
Eye of the Storm, Nook
East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Nook
Cally's War, Nook
Against the Tide, Nook
Ghost, Ghost #1, pb, Nook
Kildar, Ghost #2, pb, Nook
Choosers of the Slain, Ghost #3, pb, Nook
Unto the Breach, Ghost #4, pb, Nook
A Deeper Blue, Ghost #5, pb, Nook
Into the Looking Glass, hc, Nook
Princess of Wands, hc, Nook
Queen of Wands, Nook
Ripley, Karen
The Tenth Class, Del Rey, First edition: January 1991, 0-345-37033-3, pbPrisoner of Dreams, Del Rey, First edition: November 1989, 0-345-36162-8, pb
Roberson, Jennifer
Shapechangers, DAW #564, 1983, 0-87997-907-0, Cheysuli #1, pb
The Song of Homana, DAW #634, 1985, 0-88677-057-2, Cheysuli #2, pb
Legacy of the Sword, DAW #669, 1985, 0-88677-124-2, Cheysuli #3, pb
Track of the White Wolf, DAW #705, 1986, 0-88677-193-5, Cheysuli #4, pb
A Pride of Princes, DAW #734, 1987, 0-88677-261-3, Cheysuli #5, pb
Daughter of the Lion, DAW #770, 1988, 0-88677-324-5, Cheysuli #6, pb
Flight of the Raven, DAW #818, First Printing, June 1990, 0-88677-422-5, Cheysuli #7, pb
Sword Dancer, DAW #684, 1986, 0-88677-152-8, Del & Tiger #1, pb
Sword Singer, DAW #755, 1988, 0-88677-295-8, Del & Tiger #2, pb
Sword Maker, DAW #794, First printing, 0-88677-367-?, Del & Tiger #3, pb
Sword-Breaker, DAW #854, First printing, July 1991, 0-88677-476-4, Tiger & Del #4, pb
Sword-Born, DAW #1081, First paperback printing, March 1999, 0-88677-827-1, Tiger & Del #5, pb
Sword-Bound, Tiger & Del #7, Nook
Karavans, pb
The DeepWood, Karavans #2, pb
Roberts, Keith
The Inner Wheel, Playboy Press, 1970, 872-16143, pbRobinson, Frank
Children of the Dragon, Avon, First Avon printing, January 1978, 0-380-01819-5, pbRobinson, Kim Stanley
Red Mars, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / November 1993, 0-553-56073-5, pbIcehenge, Ace, Ace original / October 1984, 0-441-35854-3, pb
The Memory of Whiteness, Tor, First mass market printing: July 1986, 0-812-55235-0, pb
Escape from Kathmandu, Tor, First mass market printing: June 1990, 0-812-50059-8, pb
Planet on the Table, Tor, First Mass market printing: July 1987, 0-812-55237-7, Collection, pb
Green Mars, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / June 1995, 0-553-57239-3, pb
Pacific Edge, Tor, First mass market printing, June 1991, 0-812-50056-3, Autographed by KSR?, pb
The Wild Shore, Ace, Ace original / March 1984, 0-441-88870-4, New Ace Science Fiction Specials #1, pb
The Blind Geometer, Tor, First Tor edition: October 1989, 0-812-50010-5, Tor Double #13 w/ LeGuin's The New Atlantis, pb
A Short, Sharp Shock, Tor, First edition: December 1990, 0-812-50895-5, Tor Double #28 w/ Vance's The Dragon Masters, pb
Robinson, Spider
Antinomy, Dell, First printing - October 1980, 0-440-10235-9, Collection, pbMelancholy Elephants, Tor, First printing, June 1985, 0-812-55231-8, Collection, pb
Telempath, Tor, First Tor printing, October 1983, 0-812-55228-8, pb
Night of Power, Berkley, Berkley edition / January 1986, 0-425-08475-2, pb
Mindkiller, Berkley, Berkley edition / November 1983, 0-425-06288-0, pb
Time Pressure, Ace, Ace edition / September 1988, 0-441-80933-2, pb
w/ Jeanne Robinson, Stardance, Dial, Book Club Edition, hc
w/ Jeanne Robinson, Starseed, Ace, Ace paperback edition / September 1992, 0-441-78360-0, Sequel to Stardance, pb
w/ Jeanne Robinson, Starmind, Ace, Ace paperback edition / February 1996, 0-441-00305-2, pb
The Best of All Possible Worlds, Ace, First Ace printing: April 1980, 0-441-05483-8, Anthology, pb
Life House, pb
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, Ace, Sixth printing / January 1983, 0-441-09037-0, Callahan's #1, pb
Time Travelers Strictly Cash, Ace, Third printing / January 1983, 0-441-81277-5, Callahan's #2, pb
Callahan's Secret, Berkley, Berkley edition / July 1986, 0-425-09082-5, Callahan's #3, pb
Callahan's Lady, Ace, Ace mass market edition / March 1990, 0-441-09072-9, pb
Lady Slings the Booze, Ace, Ace edition / December 1993, 0-441-46929-9, pb
The Callahan Touch, Ace, Ace paperback edition / January 1995, 0-441-00133-5, pb
Callahan's Legacy, Tor, First Mass market edition: September 1997, 0-812-55035-8, pb
Callahan's Key, Bantam, First printing, May 2001, 0-553-58060-4, pb
Callahan's Con, pb
Rohmer, Sax
The Mask of Fu Manchu, Pyramid, Third printing, April 1966, R1303, pbThe Shadow of Fu Manchu, Pyramid, Third printing, September 1970, X2294, pb
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu, Pyramid, Second printing, November 1965, R-1302, pb
The Wrath of Fu Manchu, DAW #186, 1975, 0-87997-224-6, pb
The Hand of Fu Manchu, Pyramid, Second printing, March 1966, R1306, pb
President Fu Manchu, Pyramid, Second printing, December 1969, X2135, pb
Rosenberg, Joel
The Fire Duke, Avon, First printing: May 1995, 0-380-72207-0, Keepers of the Hidden Ways #1, pbThe Road to Ehvenor, Roc, First printing, November 1992, 0-451-45191-0, Guardians of the Flame #6, pb
Guardians of the Flame, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains The Sleeping Dragon, The Sword & The Chain & The Silver Crown, hc
Hero, Roc, First Mass Market printing: November 1991, 0-451-45119-8, Sequel to Not for Glory, pb
The Warrior Lives, Roc, First Roc printing, April 1990, 0-451-45001-9, Guardians of the Flame #5, pb
The Heir Apparent, Signet, First printing, May 1987, 0-451-14820-7, Guardians of the Flame #4, pb
Not Exactly the Three Musketeers, Tor, First mass market edition: February 2000, 0-812-55046-3, Guardians of the Flame, pb
Ties of Blood and Silver, Signet, First printing, September 1984, 0-451-14621-2, pb
Hour of the Octopus, Ace, Ace edition / March 1994, 0-441-16975-9, Sequel to D'Shai, pb
Emile and the Dutchman, Signet, First printing, January 1986, 0-451-14016-8, pb
The Silver Stone, Avon, First printing: July 1998, 0-380-72208-9, Keepers of the Hidden Ways #2, pb
The Crimson Sky, Avon, First printing, December 1998, 0-380-78932-9, Keepers of the Hidden Ways #3, pb
Not Quite Scaramouche, Tor, First mass market edition: June 2002, 0-812-57470-2, pb
D'Shai, Ace, Ace edition / February 1991, 0-441-15751-3, Dave C., pb
Not for Glory, Signet, First Signet printing, March 1989, 0-451-15845-8, pb
Rosenblum, Mary
Chimera, Del Rey, First edition: November 1993, 0-345-38528-4, pbThe Stone Garden, Del Rey, First printing, January 1995, 0-345-38958-1, pb
Drylands, Del Rey, First edition: April 1993, 0-345-38038-X, pb
Roshwald, Mordecai
Level 7, McGraw-Hill, Book Club Edition 1959, hcA Small Armageddon, Signet, First Signet printing, September 1976, 451-W7194, pb
Rosny, J. H.
Quest of the Dawn Man, Ace, 1964, F-269, $3.00, pbRoss, Kat
The Midnight Sea, Fourth Element #1, Kindle
Rothfuss, Patrick
The Name of the Wind, pbRowley, Christopher
The War for Eternity, Del Rey, First edition: November 1983, 0-345-31052-7, pbStarhammer, Del Rey, First edition: February 1986, 0-345-31490-5, pb
Roy, John Flint
A Guide to Barsoom, Ballantine, First edition: October 1976, 0-345-24722-1, Cover by Vallejo, pbRucker, Rudy
Software, Avon, First Avon printing: November 1987, 0-380-70177-4, pbMaster of Space and Time, Baen, First Baen printing, December 1985, 0-671-55997-4, pb
Wetware, Avon, First Avon books printing: April 1988, 0-380-70178-2, Sequel to Software, pb
Freeware, Avon, First trade printing: April 1997, 0-380-79278-8, pb
Ruemmler, John David
Night of the Nazgul, Berkley, 1985, 0-425-08685-2, Tolkien Quest #1, pbRusch, Kristin, Kathryn
The Disappeared, Retrieval Artist #1, NookConsequences, Retrieval Artist #3, pb
Russ, Joanna
The Adventures of Alyx, Pocket Books, First Timescape books printing, August 1983, 0-671-45900-7, pbWe Who Are About to, Dell, Second printing - May 1978, 0-440-19428-8, pb
And Chaos Died, Ace, 1970, 441-02268, pb
Russell, Eric Frank
The Best of Eric Frank Russell, Ballantine, First edition: October 1978, 0-345-27700-7, Collection, pbWasp, Perma Book, First printing, February 1959, M4120, pb
Men, Martians and Machines, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, May 1965, F1088, pb
Russell, John Robert
Ta, Pocket Books, Pocket book edition published April 1975, 671-78890-X, pbCabu, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published April 1974, 0-671-77718-1, pb
Sar, Pocket Books, Pocket book edition published May 1974, 671-77726, pb
Russell, Ray
Sagittarius, Playboy Press, 1971, 16131, Collection, pbRusso, Richard Paul
Subterranean Gallery, Tor, First edition: July 1989, 0-812-55259-8, pbDestroying Angel, Ace, Ace edition / July 1992, 0-441-14273-7, pb
Saberhagen, Fred
An Old Friend of the Family, Ace, This Ace printing: October 1981, 0-441-62161-9, Dracula Files Book, pbThe Third Book of Swords, Tor, First mass market printing, August 1985, 0-812-55307-1, pb
The First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story, Tor, First mass market printing, January 1988, 0-812-55337-3, pb
The Water of Thought, Tor, First printing: May 1981, 0-523-48501-8, pb
The Dracula Tape, Ace, First Ace printing: January 1980, 0-441-16599-0, Dracula files book, pb (missing, replaced with NOOK)
Specimens, Ace, Ace printing: March 1981, 0-441-77791-0, pb
The Fifth Book of Lost Swords: Coinspinner's Story, Tor, First Mass Market edition: September 1990, 0-812-55286-5, pb
Dancing Bears, pb
Thorn, Ace, First printing: September 1980, 0-441-80744-5, Dracula Files Book, pb
The First Book of Swords, Tor, First mass market printing, April 1984, 0-812-55298-9, pb
Berserker, Ace, First Ace printing: September 1978, 0-441-05404-8, pb
Brother Assassin, Ballantine, First printing: January 1969, 72018, pb
The White Bull, Baen, First printing, December 1988, 0-671-69794-3, Pilgrim #3, pb
The Frankenstein Papers, Baen, First printing, February 1986, 0-671-65550-7, pb
The White Bull, Baen, First printing, December 1988, 0-671-69794-3, Pilgrim #3, pb
Dominion, Tor, First printing, June 1982, 0-812-48536-0, Dracula files book, pb
The Third Book of Lost Swords: Stonecutter's Story, Tor, First mass market printing, March 1989, 0-812-55288-1, pb
The Second Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinder's Story, Tor, First mass market printing, July 1988, 0-812-55296-2, pb
After the Fact, Baen, First printing, March 1988, 0-671-65391-1, Pilgrim #2, pb
Pyramids, Baen, First printing, January 1987, 0-671-65609-0, Pilgrim #1, pb
Octagon, Ace, First Ace Printing: July 1981, 0-441-60739-X, pb
The Holmes Dracula File, Ace, Fourth printing: September 1982, 0-441-34247-7, Dracula Files Book, pb
The Book of Saberhagen, DAW #136, 1974, 0-87997-153-3, Collection, pb
Ardneh's World, Baen, First Baen printing, April 1988, 0-671-65404-7, Empire of the East #3, pb
Berserker Man, Ace, Second Ace printing: January 1980, 0-441-05407-2, pb
Berserker: Blue Death, Tor, First mass market printing: September 1987, 0-812-55329-2, pb
The Arrival, Tor, First mass market edition: December 2000, 0-812-56888-5, Earth: Final Conflict #1, pb
The Berserker Throne, Tor, First Tor printing: December 1986, 0-812-55318-7, pb
The Berserker Attack, Otherworlds Club, 0-681-56056-8, pb
A Matter of Taste, Tor, First mass market printing: January 1992, 0-812-52575-2, Dracula files book, pb
The Second Book of Swords, Tor, First mass market printing, February 1985, 0-812-55305-5, pb
Berserker's Planet, DAW #147, 1974, 0-87997-167-3, pb
The Golden People, Baen, First Baen printing, September 1984, 0-671-55904-4, pb
The Lost Swords: The Second Triad, Guild America, Book Club Edition, hc
Changeling Earth, DAW #041, 1972, 0-87997-041-3, pb
A Century of Progress, Tor, First Tor edition: September 1983, 0-812-55341-1, pb
The Fourth Book of Lost Swords: Farslayer's Story, Tor, First Mass Market edition: March 1990, 0-812-55284-9, pb
A Question of Time, Tor, First mass market printing: January 1993, 0-812-52577-9, Dracula Files Book, pb
The Black Mountains, Universal, 1973, 0-426-12757-9, Empire of the East #2, pb
The Broken Lands, Universal, 1973, 0-426-12749-8, Empire of the East #1, pb
The Broken Lands, Ace, 1968, G-740, Empire of the East #1 $2.25, pb
The Lost Swords: The First Triad, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Sadler, Barry
Casca: The Eternal Mercenary, Charter, Ninth printing / August 1984, 0-441-21773-7, Casca #1, pbCasca: The Warlord, Charter, Fifth printing / September 1982, 0-441-09221-7, Casca #4, pb
Casca: God of Death, Charter, Eighth printing / April 1984, 0-441-09325-6, Casca #2, pb
Sagara, Michelle
Cast in Shadow, Elantra #1, NookCast in Courtlight, Elantra #2, pb
Cast in Secret, Elantra #3, pb
Cast in Chaos, Elantra #6, Nook
Cast in Ruin, Elantra #7, Nook
Cast in Peril, Elantra #8, Nook
Saint Crow, Lilith
The Iron Worm Affair, Bannon & Claire #1, Nook
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda
The Swordswoman, Tor, First printing, March 1982, 0-523-48526-3, pbThe Swordswoman, Tor, Book Club Edition, hc
Salsitz, R. A. V.
Where Dragons Lie, Signet, First printing, December, 1985, 0-451-14055-9, pbSanderson, Brandon
The Hero of Ages, pb
The Well of Ascension, pb
Mistborn, pb
Sarabande, William
Forbidden Land, Bantam, Bantam edition / September 1989, 0-553-28206-9, The First Americans #3, pbWolves of the Dawn, Bantam, Bantam edition / February 1987, 0-553-25802-8, pb
Sargent, Pamela
Venus of Shadows, Doubleday, First Edition December 1988, 0-385-24840-7, Sequel to Venus of Dreams, hcThe Golden Space, Pocket Books, First printing, March 1983, 0-671-83607-2, pb
Watchstar, Pocket Books, Book Club Edition, hc
Nebula Awards 30, HBJ, First edition, 1996, 0-15-600097-0, Series Anthology, os
w/ Marc Gascoigne, Streets of Blood, Roc, First printing, December 1992, 0-451-45199-6, Shadowrun #8, pb
Sawyer, Robert J.
Calculating God, Tor, First mass market edition: July 2001, 0-812-58035-4, pbFar-Seer, Ace, Ace edition / June 1992, 0-441-22551-9, pb
llegal Alien, Ace, Ace mass market edition / January 1999, 0-441-00592-6, pb
Factoring Humanity, Tor, First edition: May 1999, 0-812-57129-0, pb
Frameshift, Tor, 0-812-57108-8, pb
Starplex, Ace, Mass market edition / October 1996, 0-441-00372-9, pb
Foreigner, Ace, Ace edition / June 1994, 0-441-00017-7, pb
Flash Forward, Tor, 0-812-58034-6, pb
Saxon, Peter
The Haunting of Alan Mais, Berkley, Berkley Medallion Edition, August 1969, X1727, The Guardians #3, pbThe Curse of Rathlaw, Magnum, 1968, 73-750, The Guardians #2?, pb
Scalzi, John
Zoe's War, Old Man's War #4, pbThe Ghost Brigades, Old Man's War #2, pb
Old Man's War, Old Man's War #1, pb
The Human Division, Nook
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann
The Godmother's Web, Ace, Acee mass market edition / February 1999, 0-441-00600-0, pbThe Drastic Dragon of Draco, Texas, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / June 1986, 0-553-25887-7, pb
The Godmother, Ace, Ace mass market edition / April 1995, 0-441-00269-2, pb
Nothing Sacred, Bantam, Bantam edition / January 1992, 0-553-29511-X, pb
Songs from the Seashell Archives Volume I, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / October 1987, 0-553-26957-7, Contains Song of Sorcery and The Unicorn Creed, pb
Songs from the Seashell Archives Volume II, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / March 1988, 0-553-27009-5, Contains Bronwyn's Bane and The Christening Quest, pb
The Harem of Aman Akbar, Bantam, 2nd printing / September 1987, 0-553-26718-3, pb
The Goldcamp Vampire, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / November 1987, 0-553-26717-5, pb
Scheer, K. H.
Fortress of the Six Moons, Ace, 1971, 441-65999, Perry Rhodan #7, pbw/ Kurt Mahr, The Vega Sector, Ace, Third printing, 1974, 441-66105, Perry Rhodan #5, pb
Duel Under the Double Sun, Ace, First Ace Printing: February 1977, 441-66092, Perry Rhodan #108, pb
Scheer, K. H. Walter Ernsting, The Radiant Dome, Ace, Third printing 1974, 441-66102, Perry Rhodan #2, pb
Crimson Universe, Ace, 1975, 441-66051, Perry Rhodan #67, pb
The Last Days of Atlantis, Ace, 1975, 441-66045, Perry Rhodan #62, pb
Fortress Atlantis, Ace, 1974, 441-66035, Perry Rhodan #52, pb
Again: Atlan!, Ace, 1974, 441-66029, Perry Rhodan #46, pb
Time's Lonely One, Ace, 1974, 441-66025, Perry Rhodan #42, pb
Man and Monster, Ace, 1973, 441-66019, Perry Rhodan #36 2 copies, pb
Realm of the Tri-Planets, Ace, 1973, 441-66014, Perry Rhodan #31, pb
The Cosmic Decoy, Ace, 1973, 441-66004, Perry Rhodan #21, pb
The Immortal Unknown, Ace, 1972, 441-65982, Perry Rhodan #13, pb
Power Key, Ace, First Ace Printing: September 1975, 441-66062, Perry Rhodan #78, pb
The Colombus Affair, Ace, First Ace Printing: October 1975, 441-66064, Perry Rhodan #80, pb
The Blue System, Ace, First Ace Printing: July 1976, 441-66083, Perry Rhodan #99, pb
w/ Walter Ernsting, Enterprise Stardust, Ace, Third printing 1974, 441-66101, Perry Rhodan #1, pb
The Target Star, Ace, First Ace Printing: April 1976, 441-66076, Perry Rhodan #92, pb
The Mystery of the Anti, Ace, First Ace Printing: February 1976, 441-66072, Perry Rhodan #88, pb
Schenck, Hilbert
Wave Rider, Pocket Books, First Pocket Books printing, January 1980, 0-671-83265-4, Collection, pbSchmidt, Stanley
The Sins of the Fathers, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, April 1976, 425-03089, pbNewton and the Quasi-Apple, Popular Library, Popular Library Edition, June 1977, 0-445-03223-5, pb
Unknown, Baen, First printing, October 1988, 0-671-69785-4, Anthology, pb
Schmitz, James H.
The Eternal Frontiers, Berkley, Berkley Medallion Edition, November 1973, 425-02458, pbThe Telzey Toy, DAW #082, First printing, December 1973, 0-87977-086-3, pb
The Lion Game, DAW #038, 1972, 0-87997-038-3, pb
Scholz, Carter w/ Glenn Harcourt
Palimpsests, Ace, Ace Original / September 1984, 0-441-65065-1, New Ace Science Fiction Specials #4, pbScithers, George H. w/ Darrell Schweitzer
Another Round at the Spaceport Bar, Avon, First Avon printing: April 1989, 0-380-75650-1, Anthology, pbTales from the Spaceport Bar, Avon, First Avon printing: January 1987, 0-380-89943-4, Anthology, pb
Scortia, Thomas N.
Artery of Fire, Popular Library, 1972, 445-00535, pbScott, Jody
Passing for Human, DAW #262, First printing, October 1977, 0-87997-330-7, pbScott, Melissa
The Kindly Ones, Baen, First printing, September 1987, 0-671-65351-2, pbThe Game Beyond, Baen, First printing, November 1984, 0-671-55918-4, pb
Five-Twelfths of Heaven, Baen, First printing, April 1985, 0-671-55952-4, Silence #1, pb
Silence in Solitude, Baen, First printing, November 1986, 0-671-65699-7, Silence #2, pb
The Empress of Earth, Baen, First printing, November 1987, 0-671-65364-4, Silence #3, pb
w/ Lisa A. Barnett, The Armor of Light, Baen, First printing, October 1988, 0-671-69783-8, 2 copies, pb
Dreamships, Tor, First printing, July 1993, 0-812-51302-9, pb
Mighty Good Road, Baen, First printing, May 1990, 0-671-69873-7, pb
Burning Bright, Tor, First printing: May 1994, 0-812-52175-7, pb
Trouble and Her Friends, Tor, First mass market edition: June 1995, 0-812-52213-3, pb
Searls, Hank
The Pilgrim Project, Fawcett, Second printing: July 1964, R798, pbSellings, Arthur
The Power of X, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, February 1970, X1801, pbSerling, Rod
Night Gallery, Bantam, 6th printing, 0-553-08697, Collection, pbShaara, Michael
Soldier Boy, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books printing, March 1982, 0-671-83342-1, Collection, pbShatner, William
Tek Vengeance, Ace, Ace edition / December 1993, 0-441-80012-2, Jake Cadigan #4, pbTeklab, Ace, First printing, January 1993, 0-441-80011-4, Jake Cadigan #3, pb
Teklords, Ace, Ace mass-market printing / January 1992, 0-441-80010-6, Jake Cadigan #2, pb
Tekwar, Ace, Ace edition / August 1990, 0-441-80208-7, Jake Cadigan #1, pb
Shaw, Bob
The Ceres Solution, DAW #590, First DAW printing, August 1984, 0-87997-946-1, pbThe Palace of Eternity, Ace, 1969, 0-441-65050, pb
Other Days, Other Eyes, Ace, First Ace printing, July 1972, 0-441-64240, pb
One Million Tomorrows, Ace, 1970, 0-441-62938, pb
Nightwalk, Dell, First Dell Printing - March 1979, 0-440-15996-2, pb
The Ragged Astronauts, Baen, First paperback printing, May 1988, 0-671-65405-5, Sequel to the Wooden Spaceships, pb
Who Goes Here?, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1978, 0-441-88575-6, pb
The Wooden Spaceships, Baen, First paperback printing, July 1989, 0-671-69830-3, pb
Tomorrow Lies in Ambush, Ace, First Ace printing: February 1973, 441-81656, Collection, pb
Shea, Michael
The Color Out of Time, DAW #595, First printing, September 1984, 0-87997-954-2, pbA Quest for Simbilis, DAW #088, 1973, 0-87997-092-8, pb
Sheckley, Robert
Ask a Foolish Question, NookBad Medicine, Nook
Beside Still Waters, Nook
Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?, DAW #099, 1973, 0-87997-106-3, pb
Citizen in Space, Ballantine, First Bal-Hi printing, March 1968, U2862, Collection, pb, Nook
Cordle to Onion to Carrot, Nook
Cost of Living, Nook
Death Wish, Nook
Dimension of Miracles, Dell, First printing - June 1968, 1940, pb
Diplomatic Immunity, Nook
Forever, Nook
Keep Your Shape, Nook
The Hour of Battle, Nook
Journey Beyond Tomorrow, Dell, First Dell printing - February 1969, 4268, 2 copies, pb
The Leech, Nook
Mindswap, Dell, First Dell printing - January 1967, 5643, pb, Nook
Notions: Unlimited, Bantam, 2nd printing ... November 1968, F3850, Collection, pb
One Man's Poison, Nook
Options, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published June 1975, V3688, pb, Nook
Pilgrimage to Earth, Bantam, A Bantam book published October 1957, A1672, Collection, pb, Nook
The People Trap, Dell, First printing - December 1968, 6881, Collection, pb
Reborn Again, Nook
Shards of Space, Bantam, A Bantam book / published July 1962, J2443, Collection, pb
Soma Blues, Nook
The Status Civilization and Notions: Unlimited, Ace, First Ace printing: November 1979, 0-441-78537-9, pb, Nook
Store of Infinity, Bantam, 2nd printing ... March 1970, H5229, Collection, pb
Untouched by Human Hands, Ballantine, First Bal-Hi printing: December, 1967, U2855, Collection, pb
Warm, Nook
Warrior Race, Nook
Watchbird, Nook
A Wind is Rising, Nook
Sheffield, Charles
Cold As Ice, Tor, First printing: June 1993, 0-812-51163-8, pbTrader's World, Del Rey, First edition: November 1988, 0-345-34432-4, pb
The Web Between the Worlds, Arrow, Arrow edition 1981, 0-09-926670-9, pb
Summertide, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: January 1991, 0-345-36937-8, The Heritage Universe #1, pb
Putting Up Roots, Tor, First mass market edition: November 1998, 0-812-53892-7, pb
Divergence, Del Rey, First Mass market edition: February 1992, 0-345-36938-6, The Heritage Universe #2, pb
Aftermath, Bantam, Bantam mass market edition / August 1999, 0-553-57738-7, pb
Brother to Dragons, Baen, First printing, November 1992, 0-671-72141-0, pb
Proteus Unbound, Del Rey, First edition: March 1989, 0-345-34434-0, pb
Transcendence, Ballantine, First mass market edition: April 1993, 0-345-36982-3, The Heritage Universe #3, pb
Godspeed, Tor, First mass market edition: November 1994, 0-812-51992-2, pb
The Billion Dollar Boy, Tor, First mass market edition: July 1998, 0-812-53891-9, pb
My Brother's Keeper, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1982, 0-441-55132-7, pb
The McAndrew Chronicles, Tor, First Tor printing, June 1983, 0-523-48566-2, pb
Hidden Variables, Ace, First Ace printing: July 1981, 0-441-32991-8, Collection, pb
The Nimrod Hund, Baen, First printing, August 1986, 0-671-65582-5, pb
Between the Strokes of Night, Baen, First printing, July 1985, 0-671-55977-X, pb
Vectors, Ace, First Ace printing: December 1979, 0-441-86057-5, Collection, pb
Sight of Proteus, Ace, First Ace printing: September 1978, 0-441-76343-X, pb
Sheffield, Charles, Jerry Pournelle, Higher Education, pb
Erasmus Magister, Ace, First Ace printing: June 1982, 0-441-21526-2, pb
Death Day, pb
Earthrise, pb
Shellabarger, Samuel
Prince of Foxes, hcShelley, Rick
Lieutenant, Ace, Ace edition / October 1998, 0-441-00568-3, DMC #2, pbJump Pay, pb
Until Relieved, pb
Sideshow, pb
Officer Cadet, Ace, Ace edition / May 1998, 0-441-00526-8, DMC #1, pb
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein, Pyramid, Third printing, February 1964, R290, $2.50-3.75, pb
Shepard, Lucius
Life During Wartime, Bantam, Bantam rack edition / June 1991, 0-553-29066-5, pbShepherd, Joel
Crossover, pbBreakaway, pb
Shepherd, Mark
Elvendude, Baen, First printing, November 1994, 0-671-87630-9, Serrated Edge, pbSherman, Joel Henry
Corpseman, Ballantine, First edition: February 1988, 0-345-34461-8, pbRandom Factor, Del Rey, First edition: April 1991, 0-345-35226-8, pb
Sherman, Josepha
The Chaos Gate, Baen, First printing, April 1994, 0-671-87597-3, Bard's Tale #2, pbSherred, T. L.
First Person, Peculiar, Ballantine, First printing: January, 1972, 0-345-02469-9, Collection, pbSherrell, Carl
Arcane, Jove, First Jove/HBJ edition published August 1978, 0-515-04466-0, pbThe Space Prodigal, Dell, First printing - August 1981, 0-440-18289-1, pb
Shetterly, Will
Elsewhere, Tor, First Tor edition: December 1992, 0-81252003-3, pb
Witchblood, Ace, Ace Fantasy edition / April 1986, 0-441-89644-8, pb
The Tangled Lands, Ace, Ace Original / December 1989, 0-441-79804-7, Sequel to Cats Have No Lord, pb
Cats Have No Lord, Ace, Ace Original / April 1985, 0-441-09493-7, pb
Shiel, M. P.
The Purple Cloud, Paperback Library, Second printing: April 1966, 52-944, pbShinn, Sharon
Wrapt in Crystal, Ace, Ace mass market edition / March 2000, 0-441-00714-7, pbJovah's Angel, Ace, Ace mass market edition, 0-441-00519-5, pb
The Alleluia Files, Ace, Ace mass market edition / May 1999, 0-441-00620-5, pb
Summers at Castle Auburn, Ace, Ace mass market edition / May 2002, 0-441-00928-X, pb
The Shape-Changer's Wife, Ace, Ace edition / October 1995, 0-441-00261-7, pb
Archangel, Ace, Ace mass market edition / April 1997, 0-441-00432-6, pb
Heart of Gold, Ace, Ace mass market edition / April 2001, 0-441-00821-6, pb
Mystic and Rider, Ace mass market edition / March 2006, 0-441-01303-1, Twelve Houses #1, pb
The Thirteenth House, Twelve Houses #2, hc
Dark Moon Defender, Twelve Houses #3, pb
Reader and Raelynx, Twelve Houses #4, pb
Fortune and Fate, Twelve Houses #5, Nook
Shirley, John
Eclipse, Popular Library, First Warner Books printing: November 1987, 0-445-20506-7, A Song Called Youth - Book One, pbEclipse Corona, Popular Library, First printing: April 1990, 0-445-20510-5, A Song Called Youth - Book Three, pb
Eclipse Penumbra, Popular Library, First printing: May 1988, 0-445-20508-3, A Song Called Youth - Book Two, pb
Shols, W. W.
Secret Barrier X, Ace, 1972, 441-65986, Perry Rhodan #16, pbShwartz, Susan
Habitats, DAW #591, First printing, August 1984, 0-87997-948-8, Anthology, pbSievert, John
C.A.D.S. Zebra, First printing, November 1985, 0-8217-1641-7, pbSilverberg, Robert
In Another Country, Tor, First Tor edition: February 1990, 0-812-50193-4, Tor Double #18 w/ Moore's Vintage Season, pbConquerors from the Darkness, Dell, First Dell printing - September 1968, 1456, pb
Thorns, Ballantine, Third printing: August 1973, 0-345-23447-2, pb
Time of the Great Freeze, Dell, Third Dell printing - August 1969, 8922, pb
The Book of Skulls, Bantam, Bantam edition / January 1983, 0-553-23057-3, pb
Voyagers in Time, Tempo, First printing, July 1970, 448-05344, Anthology, pb
The Science Fiction Bestiary, Dell, First Laurel printing - February 1974, 440-08139, Anthology, pb
Triax, Pinnacle, First printing, December 1977, 523-40121-3, Anthology, pb
Beyond Control, Dell, First printing- February 1974, 440-02112, Collection, pb
Other Dimensions, Pinnacle, First printing, September 1974, 523-00422-2, Anthology, pb
The Time Hoppers, Ace, First Ace printing: February 1982, 0-441-81195-7, pb
Across a Billion Years, Tor, First Tor printing, December 1983, 0-812-55450-7, pb
To Live Again, Berkley, Berkley edition, June 1978, 0-425-09774-0, pb
Star of Gypsies, Donald I. Fine, Inc., First Edition 1986, 0-917657-92-6, hc
Dark Stars, Ballantine, 1969, 345-01796, Anthology, pb
A Time of Changes, Signet, First printing, August 1971, 451-Q4729, pb
The Man in the Maze, Avon, Third printing, 0-380-38539-2, pb
The Second Trip, Signet, First printing, March 1973, 451-Q5402, pb
Godling, Go Home!, Belmont, A Belmont book - June 1964, L92-591, $4.50, pb
Downward to the Earth, Berkley, Berkley edition, February 1979, 0-425-03952-8, pb
The Feast of St. Dionysus, Berkley, Berkley edition, August 1979, 0-425-04174-3, pb
Dying Inside, Ballantine, Second printing: February 1976, 0-345-24822-8, pb
Earth's Other Shadow, Signet, First printing, June 1973, 451-Q5538, Collection, pb
Nebula Award Stories 18, Bantam, Bantam edition / September 1984, 0-553-24371-3, Series Anthology, pb
The Cube Root of Uncertainty, Collier, First Collier Books edition 1971, 02539, pb
Stepsons of Terra, Ace, Reprint, 441-78600, pb
The Stochastic Man, Fawcett, 1975, 0-449-13570-5, pb
Recalled to Life, Lancer, A Lancer Focus Book - 1967, 72-156, $3.00, pb
The Seed of Earth, Ace, Reprint, 441-75875, pb
Chains of the Sea, Thomas Nelson, Book Club edition 1973, Anthology, hc
Valentine Pontifex, Arbor House, Book Club Edition, hc
Lord Valentine's Castle, Harper & Row, Book Club Edition, hc
To Open the Sky, Berkley, Berkley edition, July 1978, 0-425-03810-6, pb
Valley Beyond Time, Dell, First Dell printing -January 1973, 440-09249, Collection, pb
Majipoor Chronicles, Arbor House, Book Club Edition, hc
The New Atlantis, Hawthorn, Book Club edition 1975, Anthology, hc
Revolt on Alpha C, SBS, TX 137, juvenile, os
Lost Race of Mars, SBS, TX 535, juvenile, os
At Winter's End, Warner, First printed in paperback: April 1989, 0-446-35397-3, pb
Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One, Doubleday, 1970, Anthology, hc
Chains of the Sea, Dell, First Laurel printing - November 1974, 440-01418, Anthology, pb
Nightwings, Tor, First Tor edition: September 1989, 0-812-50194-2, Tor Double #15 w/ Vance's Last Castle, pb
The World Inside, Doubleday, First edition 1971, hc
Simak, Clifford D.
Aliens for Neighbors, NookAll Flesh is Grass, Berkley, Berkley medallion edition, October 1966, X1312, pb, Nook
Auk House, Nook
Best Science Fiction Stories of Clifford D. Simak, Paperback Library, First printing: June 1972, 0-446-65808-1, Collection, pb
Cemetary World, DAW #531, 1983, 0-87997-825-2, pb, Nook
A Choice of Gods, Berkley, Third printing, 425-02412, pb, Nook
City, Ace, 1976, 441-10624, pb, Nook
The Civilization Game, Nook
Cosmic Engineers, Nook
The Creator and Other Stories, Nook
A Death in the House, Nook
Destiny Doll, Nook
Empire, Nook
Enchanted Pilgrimage, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: September 1983, 0-345-29869-1, pb, Book Club Edition hc, Nook
The Fellowship of the Talisman, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, hc, Nook
The Goblin Reservation, DAW #482, 1982, 0-87997-730-2, pb, Nook
A Heritage of Stars, Berkley, Book Club Edition, hc, Nook
Highway of Eternity, Del Rey, First mass market edition: June 1988, 0-345-32497-8, pb, Nook
Jackpot, Nook
The Marathon Photograph, Nook
Mastadonia, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, hc
Our Children's Children, Nook
Out of their Minds, DAW #514, 1982, 0-87997-791-4, pb, Nook
Project Pope, Nook
Ring Around the Sun, Nook
Shakespeare's Planet, Berkley, Book Club Edition, hc, Nook
So Bright the Vision, Ace, 441-77220, Collection, pb
Special Deliverance, Del Rey, First edition: December 1982, 0-345-29140-9, pb
Strangers in the Universe, Berkley, New edition, October 1963, F835, Collection 2 copies, pb
The Street that Wasn't There, Nook
Time and Again, Ace, 1962, F-239, $2.25, pb
Time and Again, Ace, Reprint, 441-81002, pb
Time is the Simplest Thing, Leisure Books, 1971, 0-8439-9480-1, pb, Nook
The Visitors, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, hc, Nook
Way Station, Manor Books, 532-12285, pb, Nook
The Werewolf Principle, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, June 1968, S1463, pb, Nook
Where the Evil Dwells, Del Rey, First paperback edition: September 1983, 0-345-29751-2, pb
Why Call Them Back From Heaven?, Ace, 1967, H-42, $3.00, pb, Nook
The World that Couldn't Be, Nook
The Worlds of Clifford Simak, Avon, 1961, G-1096, $3.00, pb
Simmons, Dan
The Fall of Hyperion, Bantam, Bantam edition / March 1991, 0-553-28820-2, pbHyperion, Bantam, Bantam edition / March 1990, 0-553-28368-5, pb
The Hollow Man, Bantam, Bantam edition / October 1993, 0-553-56350-5, pb
Endymion, pb
Phases of Gravity, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book / May 1989, 0-553-27764-2, pb
Simmons, Wm. Mark
One Foot in the Grave, Baen, First printing, May 1996, 0-671-87721-6, pbSladek, John T.
Mechasm, Ace, 1968, 020-71435, pbSleator, William
Interstellar Pig, Bantam, Bantam edition / February 1986, 0-553-25564-9, pbSlonczewski, Joan
A Door into Ocean, Avon, First Avon printing: February 1987, 0-380-70150-2, pbSmith, A. C. H.
The Dark Crystal, Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1982, 0-03-062436-3, Movie Tie In, pbSmith, Clark Ashton
The Monster of the Prophecy, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books printing, April 1983, 0-671-83544-0, pbThe Last Incantation, Pocket Books, First Timescape Books printing, August 1982, 0-671-83543-2, pb
Poseidonis, Ballantine, First printing, July 1973, 0-345-03353-1, $9.00, pb
Hyperborea, Ballantine, First printing, April 1971, 0-345-02206-8, $9.00, pb
Zothique, Ballantine, First printing, June 1970, 0-345-01938-5, $9.00, pb
Smith, Cordwainer
Space Lords, Pyramid, Second printing, November 1968, X1911, pbYou Will Never Be the Same, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, September 1970, 425-01894, pb
Quest of the Three Worlds, Del Rey, First Ballantine books edition: September 1978, 0-345-27715-5, pb
Norstrilia, Del Rey, Third printing: November 1978, 0-345-27800-3, 2 copies, pb
The Planet Buyer, Pyramid, A Pyramid book published October 1964, R1084, pb
The Underpeople, Pyramid, First printing, November 1968, X1910, pb
The Best of Cordwainer Smith, Del Rey, Second printing: October 1977 Classic SF Collections #5, 0-345-27202-1, Collection, pb
Smith, David C.
The Sorcerer's Shadow, Zebra, First printing: September 1978, 0-89083-387-7, pbThe Witch of the Indies, Zebra, First printing: June 1977, 0-89083-267-6, Black Vulmea #1?, pb
w/ Richard L. Tierney, Demon Night, Ace, First printing / March 1982, 0-441-71157-X, Red Sonja #2, pb
w/ Richard L. Tierney, The ring of Ikribu, Ace, First printing / December 1981, 0-441-71156-1, Red Sonja #2, pb
w/ Richard L. Tierney, When Hell Laughs, Ace, Third printing / July 1985, 0-441-71169-3, Red Sonja #3, pb
w/ Richard L. Tierney, Star of Doom, Ace, Third printing / July 1985, 0-441-71172-3, Red Sonja #6, pb
w/ Richard L. Tierney, Endithor's Daughter, Ace, Second printing / July 1985, 0-441-71170-7, Red Sonja #4, pb
w/ Richard L. Tierney, For the Witch of the Mists, Zebra, First printing: January 1978, 0-89083-313-3, Bran Mak Morn #3, pb
Smith, Evelyn E.
The Perfect Planet, Lancer, 1963, 72-679, $3.00, pbSmith, E. E. Doc
The Best of E.E. "Doc" Smith, NookThe Black Knight of the Iron Sphere, Nook
The Galaxy Primes, Nook
Masters of Space, Nook
New Lensman, Nook
Triplanetary, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published August 1965, R1222, Lensman Series #1, pb, Nook
First Lensman, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published December 1964, R1114, Lensman Series #2, pb, Nook
First Lensman, Pyramid, Sixth printing, January 1970, 511-02172, Lensman Series #2, pb
Galactic Patrol, Pyramid, Fifth printing, May 1968, X1457, Lensman Series #3, pb, Nook
Gray Lensman, Pyramid, Third printing, September 1967, X1245, Lensman Series #4, pb, Nook
Second Stage Lensman, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published November 1965, X1262, Lensman Series #5, pb, Nook
Second Stage Lensman, Pyramid, Eleventh printing, November 1976, 0-515-03172-0, Lensman Series #5, pb
Children of the Lens, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published February 1966, X1294, Lensman Series #6, pb, Nook
Masters of the Vortex, Pyramid, Eighth printing, January 1977, 0-515-03000-7, Lensman Series #7, pb
Spacehounds of IPC, Pyramid, Third printing, December 1973, 0-515-03300-6, Lensman Series #8, pb
Spacehounds of IPC, Ace, 1966, F-372, Lensman Series #8 $3.50?, pb, Nook
Dragon Lensman, Nook
Lensman from Rigel, Nook
The Skylark of Space, Pyramid, Third printing, April 1966, X1350, Skylark Series #1, pb, Nook
Skylark Three, Pyramid, Fifth printing, May 1970, 511-02233, Skylark Series #2, pb, Nook
Skylark of Valeron, Pyramid, Fourth printing, May 1968, X1458, Skylark Series #3, pb, Nook
Skylark Duquesne, Pyramid, Tenth printing, January 1976, 0-515-03050-3, Skylark Series #4, pb, Nook
The Vortex Blaster, Nook
Subspace Explorers, Ace, 1968, H-102, $3.00, pb
Subspace Encounter, Berkley, First Berkley printing, June 1983, 0-425-06244-9, Sequel to Subspace Explorers, pb, Nook
Subspace Survivors, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, Imperial Stars, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published February 1976, 0-515-03839-3, Family D'Alembert #1, pb, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, Stranglers Moon, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published July 1976, 0-515-04002-9, Family D'Alembert #2, pb, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, The Clockwork Traitor, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published January 1977, 0-515-04003-7, Family D'Alembert #3, pb, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, Getaway World, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published May 1977, 0-515-04004-5, Family D'Alembert #4, pb, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, Appointment at Bloodstar, Jove, First Jove/HBJ edition May 1978, 0-515-04005-3, Family D'Alembert #5, pb, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, The Purity Plot, Berkley, Berkley edition / June 1980, 0-425-04469-6, Family D'Alembert #6, pb, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, Planet of Treachery, Berkley, Berkley edition / May 1982, 0-425-05301-6, Family D'Alembert #7, pb, Nook
Eclipsing Binaries, Family D'Alembert #?, Nook
The Omicron Invasion, Family D'Alembert #?, Nook
w/ Stephen Goldin, The Omicron Invasion, Berkley, Berkley edition / September 1984, 0-425-07131-6, Family D'Alembert #9, pb
w/ Stephen Goldin, Revolt of the Galaxy, Berkley, Berkley edition / May 1985, 0-425-07675-X, Family D'Alembert #10, pb, Nook
Lord Tedric, Nook
Space Pirates, Nook
Z-Lensman, Nook
Smith, George H.
The Island Snatchers, DAW #298, 1978, 0-87997-388-9, pbSmith, George O.
Highways in Hiding, Lancer, A Lancer Book - 1967, 73-636, poor condition, pbSmith, Julie Dean
Call of Madness, Del Rey, First edition: April 1990, 0-345-36327-2, pbSmith, L. Neil
Henry Martyn, Tor, First mass market printing: August 1991, 0-812-50550-6, pbTheir Majesties Bucketeers, Del Rey, First edition: August 1981, 0-345-29244-8, pb
Sniegowski, Thomas E.
Dancing on the Head of a Pin, Remy Chandler #2, pb
A Kiss Before Apocalypse, Remy Chandler #3, pb
Snodgrass, Melinda
w/ Victor Milan, Runespear, Popular Library, First printing: April 1987, 0-445-20247-5, pbQueen's Gambit Declined, Questar, First printing: September 1989, 0-445-20767-1, pb
Circuit, Berkley, Berkley edition / April 1986, 0-425-08736-0, Circuit Trilogy #1, pb
Circuit Breaker, Berkley, Berkley edition / May 1987, 0-425-09776-5, Circuit Trilogy #2, pb
Final Circuit, Ace, Ace edition / May 1988, 0-441-22876-3, Circuit Trilogy #3, pb
Snyder, Cecil III
The Hawks of Arcturus, DAW #103, 1974, 0-87997-111-8, pbSnyder, Guy
Testament XXI, DAW #064, First printing, July 1973, 0-87997-064-2, pbSnyder, Midori
The Flight of Michael McBride, Tor, First mass market editon: September 1995, 0-812-52271-0, pbBeldan's Fire, Tor, First edition: January 1993, 0-812-50913-7, pb
New Moon, Ace, Ace edition/ February 1989, 0-441-57179-4, The Queen's Quarter #1, pb
Sadar's Keep, Tor, First edition: March 1991, 0-812-50912-9, pb
Soulstring, Ace, Ace edition / November 1987, 0-441-77591-8, pb
Soto, C S
Eldar Prophecy, pbSpielberg, Steven
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Dell, Sixth Dell printing - February 1978, 0-440-11433-0, pbSpinrad, Norman
The Void Captain's Tale, Bantam, Bantam edition / August 1986, 0-553-25995-4, pbSongs from the Stars, Bantam, Bantam edition / July 1985, 0-553-24879-0, pb
Riding the Torch, Tor, First edition, July 1990, 0-812-50551-4, Tor double #23 w/ Vinge's Tin Soldier, pb
The Men in the Jungle, Avon, 1970, N228, pb
Agent of Chaos, Unibook, pb
Spoor, Ryk E.
Digital Knight, pbSpringer, Nancy
The Sable Moon, Pocket Books, First printing, February 1981, 0-671-83157-7, The Third book of Isle, pbThe White Hart, Pocket Books, Book Club Edition, hc
Spruill, Steven G.
Keepers of the Gate, Dell, First Dell printing - May 1978, 0-440-14441-8, pbStableford, Brian M.
Promised Land, DAW #092, 1973, 0-87997-097-9, Hooded Swan #3, pbOptiman, DAW #406, 1980, 0-87997-571-7, pb
Balance of Power, DAW #322, 1978, 0-87997-437-0, pb
The City of the Sun, DAW #289, 1978, 0-87997-377-3, Daedalus #4, pb
Wildeblood's Empire, DAW #263, 1977, 0-87997-331-5, Daedalus #3, pb
Critical Threshold, DAW #230, 1976, 0-87997-282-3, Daedalus #2, pb
Swan Song, DAW #149, 1975, 0-87997-171-1, Hooded Swan #6, pb
The Paradise Game, DAW #111, 1974, 0-87997-121-5, Hooded Swan #4, pb
The Realms of Tartarus, DAW #248, 1977, 0-87997-309-9, pb
To Challenge Chaos, DAW #007, 1972, 0-87997-007-3, pb
Rhapsody in Black, DAW #059, First printing, June 1973, 0-87997-059-6, Cover Art by Kelly Freas, pb
The Halcyon Drift, DAW #032, 1972, 0-87997-032-4, Hooded Swan #1, pb
In the Kingdom of the Beasts, Ace, Reprint, 441-37106, Dies Irae #2, pb
Stackpole, Michael A.
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars Tie In, pbLethal Heritage, FASA, 1989, 1-55560-091-3, Battletech Blood of Kerensky #1, pb
Blood Legacy, FASA, 1990, 1-55560-092-1, Battletech Blood of Kerensky #2, pb
Warrior: En Garde, FASA, 1988, 1-55560-046-8, Battletech Novel, pb
Warrior: Coupe, FASA, 1989, 1-55560-073-5, Battletech Novel, pb
Warrior: Riposte, FASA, 1988, 1-55560-068-9, Battletech Novel, pb
Stapeldon, Olaf
Odd John, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, August 1965, F1128, pbSirius, Penguin, Reprinted 1973, 0-14-00-1999-5, pb
Star Maker, Penguin, Reprinted 1973, 0-14-00-3541-9, pb
Starr, Bill
The Way to Dawnworld, Del Rey, Second printing: July 1979, 0-345-28166-7, Farstar & Son #1, pbThe Treasure of Wonderwhat, Del Rey, First edition: December 1976, 0-345-25157-1, Farstar & Son #2, pb
Stasheff, Christopher
Starship Troupers
A Company of Stars, Del Rey, First mass market edition: September 1992, 0-345-36889-4, Starship Troupers #1, pbWe Open on Venus, Del Rey, First mass market edition: February 1994, 0-345-36891-6, Starship Troupers #2, pb
A Slight Detour, Del Rey, First mass market edition: August 1994, 0-345-37601-3, Starship Troupers #3, pb
A Wizard in Bedlam, DAW #395, 1980, 0-87997-551-2, pb
Warlock of Grammarye
The Warlock in Spite of Himself, Ace, Second Ace printing: January 1978, 0-441-87301-4, Warlock Series #1, pbKing Kobold, Ace, Reprint, 441-44485, pb
King Kobold Revived, Ace, Ace original / June 1984, 0-441-44488-1,Warlock Series #2, pb
The Warlock Unlocked, Ace, First Ace printing: March 1982, 0-441-87325-1,Warlock Series #3, pb
The Warlock Enraged, Ace, Ace Science Fiction edition / December 1985, 0-441-87340-5,Warlock Series #4 pb
The Warlock Wandering, Ace, Ace Science Fiction edition / May 1986, 0-441-87361-8,Warlock Series #5 pb
The Warlock Heretical, Ace, Ace edition / August 1987, 0-441-87286-7,Warlock Series #7 pb
The Warlock's Companion, Ace, Ace edition / December 1988, 0-441-87341-3, Warlock Series #8, pb
The Warlock Insane, Ace, Ace edition / July 1989, 0-441-87364-2,Warlock Series #9, pb
The Warlock Rock, Ace, Ace edition / September 1990, 0-441-87313-8, Warlock Series #10, pb
Warlock and Son, Ace, Ace edition / October 1991, 0-441-87314-6, Warlock Series #11, pb
Escape Velocity, Ace, Ace original / October 1983, 0-441-21599-8, pb
Stateham, B. R.
Banners of the Sa'Yen, DAW #441, First printing, July 1981, 0-87997-636-5, pbStaton, Mary
From the Legend of Biel, Ace, Ace Book 1975, 0-441-25460, Ace Science Fiction Special 1, pbStaudinger, Michael C.
The Falcon Rises, TSR, First printing: June 1991, 1-56076-075-3, pbSteakley, John
Armor, DAW #605, 1984, 0-87997-979-8, pbVampires, Roc, First mass market printing: May 1992, 0-451-45153-8, pb
Steele, Allen
Clarke County, Space, Ace, Ace edition / December 1990, 0-441-1104404, pbLunar Descent, Ace, Ace Edition / October 1991, 0-441-50485-X, pb
Orbital Decay, Ace, Ace edition / November 1989, 0-441-49851-5, pb
The Tranquility Alternative, pb
A King of Infinite Space, Harper, First mass market edition, December 1998, 0-06-105756-8, pb
Labyrinth of Night, Ace, Ace Edition / October 1992, 0-441-46741-5, pb
Chronospace, Ace, Ace mass market edition / February 2002, 0-441-00906-9, pb
The Jericho Iteration, Ace, Ace edition / November 1995, 0-441-00271-4, pb
All-American Alien Boy, Ace, Ace mass market edition / October 1997, 0-441-00460-1, Collection, pb
Oceanspace, Ace, Ace mass market edition: May 2001, 0-441-00850-X, pb
Stein, Kevin
Brothers Majere, TSR, First printing: December 1989, 0-88038-776-9, Dragon Lance Preludes #3, pbStephenson, Neal
Snow Crash, pbThe Diamond Age, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / March 1996, 0-553-57331-4, pb
Zodiac, Bantam, Bantam edition / July 1995, 0-553-57386-1, pb
Sterling, Brett
The Tenth Planet, Popular Library, 60-2445, Captain Future Story by Edmund Hamilton, pbSterling, Bruce
Globalhead, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / November 1994, 0-553-56281-9, Collection, pbCrystal Express, Ace, Ace edition / December 1990, 0-441-12423-2, Collection 2 copies, pb
Mirrorshades, Ace, Ace edition / July 1988, 0-441-53382-5, Anthology, pb
Involution Ocean, HBJ, First edition published January 1977, 0-515-04301-X, Harlan Ellison Discovery Series #4, pb
The Artificial Kid, Ace, Ace edition / May 1987, 0-441-03095-5, pb
The Hacker Crackdown, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / December 1993, 0-553-56370-X, Non SF, pb
Heavy Weather, Bantam, Bantam paperback / January 1996, 0-553-57292-X, pb
Zeitgeist, Bantam, Bantam mass market edition / August 2001, 0-553-57641-0, pb
Holy Fire, Bantam, Bantam mass market edition / November 1997, 0-553-57549-X, pb
Islands in the Net, Ace, Ace edition/March 1989, 0-441-37423-9, New Ace Science Fiction Specials, pb
Schismatrix, Ace, Ace Science fiction edition / June 1986, 0-441-75400-7, pb
Distraction, Bantam, Bantam mass market edition / October 1999, 0-553-57639-9, pb
Stewart, Mary
The Last Enchantment, Fawcett, First printing: July 1980, 0-449-24207-2, pbThe Hollow Hills, Fawcett, July 1974, 449-02089, pb
Stewart, Sean
Nobody's Son, Ace, Ace edition / May 1995, 0-441-00128-9, pbPassion Play, Ace, Ace edition / December 1993, 0-441-65241-7, pb
Stickgold, Bob w/ Mark Noble
Gloryhits, Del Rey, First edition: December 1978, 0-345-27226-9, pbStine, G. Harry
Warrior Shield, Pinnacle, First printing: February 1992, 1-55817-589-X, Warbots #11, pbThe Third Industrial Revolution, Ace, First Ace printing: May 1979, 0-441-80664-3, Non SF, pb
Operation High Dragon, Pinnacle, First printing: January 1989, 1-55817-159-2, Warbots #5, pb
Blood Siege, Pinnacle, First printing: September 1990, 1-55817-402-8, Warbots #9, pb
The Lost Battalion, Pinnacle, First printing, April 1989, 0-55187-205-X, Warbots #6, pb
First Action, Roc, First printing, August 1993, 0-451-45269-0, Starsea Invaders #1?, pb
Operation Steel Band, Pinnacle, First printing: July 1988, 1-55817-061-8, Warbots #2, pb
Sierra Madre, Pinnacle, First printing: November 1988, 1-55817-132-0, Warbots #4, pb
Operation Iron Fist, Pinnacle, First printing: August 1989, 1-55817-253-X, Warbots #7, pb
Force of Arms, Pinnacle, First printing, March 1990, 1-55817-324-2, Warbots #8, pb
Guts and Glory, Warbots #10, pb
Warbots, Pinnacle, First printing: May 1988, 1-55817-111-8, Warbots #1, pb
The Bastaard Rebellion, Pinnacle, First printing, September 1988, 1-55817-089-8, Warbots #3, pb
Stine, Jovial Bob
Spaceballs: The Book, Scholastic Book Services, First Scholastic printing, June 1987, 0-590-41226-4, pbStirling, S. M.
The Anvil, Baen, First printing, June 1993, 0-671-72171-2, The General #3, pbMarching Through Georgia, Baen, First printing, May 1988, 0-671-65407-1, pb
Under the Yoke, Baen, First printing, October 1989, 0-671-69843-5, pb
The Stone Dogs, Baen, First printing, August 1990, 0-671-72009-0, pb
The Forge, Baen, First printing, February 1991, 0-671-72037-6, The General #1, pb
The Hammer, Baen, First printing, February 1992, 0-671-72105-4, The General #2, pb
On the Oceans of Eternity, Roc, First printing, April 2000, 0-451-45780-3, pb
Against the Tide of Years, Roc, First printing, May 1999, 0-451-45743-9, pb
Island in the Sea of Time, Roc, First printing, March 1998, 0-451-45675-0, pb
The Steel, Baen, First printing, October 1993, 0-671-72189-5, The General #4, pb
Drakon, Baen, First printing, February 1996, 0-671-87719-9, pb
Stockton, Frank R.
The Great Stone of Sardis, Belmont, 1976, 508-51103, pbStoker, Bram
Dracula, Dell, Sixth printing-February 1971, 440-02148, pbStone, Charlotte
The Four Wishes, DAW #552, 1983, 0-87997-877-5, Cheon of Weltanland #1, pbStrauss, Victoria
The Garden of Stone, Avon, First printing, November 1999, 0-380-79752-6, pbStross, Charles
The Family Trade, Merchant Princes #1, hcThe Fuller Memorandum, Laundry Files #3, hc
The Atrocity Archives, Laundry Files #1, pb
Wireless, Collection, pb
Strugatski, Arkadi & Boris
Hard to Be a God, DAW#126, First printing, November 1974, 0-87997-141-X, pbSturgeon, Theodore
Case and the Dreamer, Signet, First Signet printing, September 1974, 0-451-07933-7, pbNot Without Sorcery, Ballantine, Second printing: December 1975, 0-345-24664-0, Collection, pb
The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon, Ace, 1972, 441-91060, Collection, pb
Aliens 4, Avon, 1959, T304, Collection, pb
Aliens 4, Avon, Third printing, October 1970, 380-02363, Collection, pb
The Cosmic Rape, Dell, First printing, December 1968, 1512, pb
E Pluribus Unicorn, Ballantine, 1953, 179, Collection poor condition, pb
Sturgeon in Orbit, Pyramid, A Pyramid book - published February 1964, F974, Collection $3.00, pb
More than Human, Ballantine, Seventh printing, June 1972, 0-345-02756-6, pb
Sturgeon is Alive and Well... Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, August 1971, 425-02045, Collection poor condition, pb
The Synthetic Man, Pyramid, Fifth printing - May 1969, 511-02007, pb
A Touch of Strange, DAW #286, First DAW printing, April 1978, 0-87997-373-0, Collection, pb
Venus Plus X, Pyramid, Third printing, March 1968, X1773, pb
Starshine, Pyramid, Third printing, March 1972, 515-2658, Collection, pb
Sucharitkul, Somtow
Mallworld, Tor, First Tor printing: June 1984, 0-812-55513-9, pbSummers, Ian
The Art of the Brothers Hildebrandt, Ballantine, Book Club edition, osSutton, Jeff
The Mindblocked Man, DAW #008, 1972, 0-87997-008-1, Cover art by Jack Gaughan 2 copies, pbSpacehive, Ace, First Edition 1960, D-478, pb
Apollo at Go, Putnam, Book Club Edition, hc
Swann, S. Andrew
Partisan, DAW #1007, First printing, December 1995, 0-88677-670-8, Hostile Takeover #2, pbProfiteer, DAW #981, First printing, April 1995, 0-88677-647-3, Hostile Takeover #1, pb
Revolutionary, DAW #1026, First printing, June 1996, 0-88677-699-6, Hostile Takeover #3, pb
Swann, Thomas Burnett
The Not-World, DAW #140, 1974, 0-87997-158-4, pbThe Weirwoods, Ace, Reprint, 0-441-87941-1, pb
Where is the Bird of Fire?, Ace, 1970, 441-88270, pb
How Are the Mighty Fallen, DAW #094, 1973, 0-87997-100-2, pb
Day of the Minotaur, Ace, Second Ace printing: March 1978, 0-441-13921-3, pb
The Tournament of Thorns, Ace, First Ace printing: July 1976, 441-81900, Ace Science Fiction Special 8, pb
Lady of the Bees, Ace, First Ace printing: May 1976, 441-46850, Ace Science Fiction Special 7, pb
The Forest of Forever, Ace, 1971, 441-24650, pb
Will-O-The-Wisp, Corgi, Corgi edition published 1976, 0-552-10358-6, pb
Cry Silver Bells, DAW #270, 1977, 0-87997-345-5, pb
Moondust, Ace, Reprinted in 1977, 0-441-54201-8, pb
The Minikins of Yam, DAW #182, 1975, 0-87997-219-X, pb
Green Phoenix, DAW #UY1222, 1975, 0-87997-222-X, pb
WolfWinter, Ballantine, First printing: November 1972, 0-345-02095-4, pb
The Gods Abide, DAW #222, 1976, 0-87997-272-6, pb
Swanwick, Michael
In the Drift, Ace, Ace Original/February 1985, 0-441-35869-1, New Ace Science Fiction Specials #6, pbSykes, S. C. w/ Eugene Mallove
Red Genesis, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / August 1991, 0-553-28874-1, The Next Wave #1, pbTakei, George w/ Robert Asprin
Mirror Friend, Mirror Foe, Playboy Press, Second printing, December 1979, 0-872-16581-7, Autographed Copy, pbTarr, Judith
Ars Magica, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra book /September 1989, 0-553-28145-3, pbTaylor, Keith
Bard IV Ravens Gathering, Ace, Ace edition / November 1987, 0-441-04924-9, pbBard, Ace, First Ace printing: November 1981, 0-441-05000-X, pb
Teixeira, Kevin
A Virtual Soul, Del Rey, First edition: September 1999, 0-345-42675-4, pbTenn, William
A Lamp for Medusa, Belmont, A Belmont book - June 1968, B60-077, Belmont Double w/ Van Arnam's The Players of Hell, pbThe Square Root of Man, Del Rey, Second printing: February 1981, 0-345-29230-8, Collection, pb
Of All Possible Worlds, Ballantine, Third Printing - June 1968, U6136, Collection, pb
The Seven Sexes, Ballantine, First Printing: June 1968, U6134, Collection, pb
The Wooden Star, Ballantine, First Printing: June 1968, U6133, Collection, pb
The Human Angle, Ballantine, Third Printing: June 1968, U6135, Collection, pb
Of Men and Monsters, Ballantine, Second Printing: December 1975, 345-24884-8-150, pb
Tepper, Sheri S.
Dervish Daughter, Tor, First printing: March 1986, 0-812-55612-7, pbA Plague of Angels, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / December 1994, 0-553-56873-6, pb
Shadow's End, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / December 1995, 0-553-57236-8, pb
The Song of Mavin Manyshaped, Ace, Ace edition / March 1985, 0-441-77523-3, pb
The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped, Ace, Ace edition / June 1985, 0-441-24092-5, pb
The Search of Mavin Manyshaped, Ace, Ace edition / September 1985, 0-441-75712-X, pb
The Awakeners, Tor, First mass market printing: April 1988, 0-812-55617-8, Northshore #1, pb
The True Game, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains King's Blood Four, Necromancer Nine & Wizard's Eleven, hc
The End of the Game, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Jinian Footseer, Dervish Daughter & Jinian StarEye, hc
Grass, Bantam, Bantam edition / August 1990, 0-553-28565-3, pb
After Long Silence, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / December 1987, 0-553-26944-5, pb
The Gate to Women's Country, Bantam, Bantam edition / August 1989, 0-553-28064-3, pb
Thomas, Craig
Winterhawk, Avon, First Avon books printing: May 1988, 0-380-70389-0, pbFirefox, Bantam, Bantam edition / December 1978, 0-553-11820-X, Movie tie in, pb
Thomas, Thomas T.
First Citizen, Baen, First printing: December 1987, 0-671-65368-7, pbME, Baen, First printing, August 1991, 0-671-72073-2, pb
Crygender, Baen, First printing, January 1992, 0-671-72101-1, pb
w/ David Drake, An Honorable Defense, Baen, First printing: November 1988, 0-671-69789-7, Crisis of Empire #1, pb
Thompson, Paul B. w/ Tonya R. Carter
Darkness & Light, TSR, First printing: April 1989, 0-88038-722-X, Dragon Lance Preludes #1, pbThompson, Harlan
Silent Running, SBS, TK2227, Movie tie in, pbThomson, Amy
Virtual Girl, Ace, Ace edition / August 1993, 0-441-86500-3, pbThe Color of Distance, Ace, Ace mass market edition: July 1999, 0-441-00632-9, pb
Through Alien Eyes, Ace, Ace mass market edition / June 2000, 0-441-00739-2, pb
Thornley, Diann
Ganwold's Child, Tor, First mass market edition: April 1996, 0-812-55095-1, Unified Worlds #1, pbDominion's Reach, Tor, First mass market edition: March 1999, 0-812-55098-6, Unified Worlds #3, pb
Echoes of Issel, Tor, First edition: March 1996, 0-312-86087-0, Unified Worlds #2, hc
Thurber, James
The 13 Clocks, Simon and Schuster, Sixth printing, hcThurman, Rob
Trick of the Light, Trickster #1, pbNightlife, Cal Leandros #1, pb
Moonshine, Cal Leandros #2, pb
Madhouse, Cal Leandros #3, pb
Deathwish, Cal Leandros #4, pb
Roadkill, Cal Leandros #5, pb
Timlett, Peter Valentine
The Seedbearers, Bantam, A Bantam book / April 1976, 553-02570, pbTwilight of the Serpent, Bantam, A Bantam book / February 1977, 0-553-10081-5, pb
The Power of the Serpent, Bantam, A Bantam book / September 1976, 0-553-02370-5, pb
Tine, Robert
Broken Eagle, Pinnacle, First printing / July 1985, 0-523-42367-5, pbTiptree, James, Jr.
The Color of Neanderthal Eyes, Tor, First Tor edition: January 1990, 0-812-55964-9, Tor Double #16 w/ Bishop's And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees, pbThe Starry Rift, Tor, First printing: July 1986, 0-312-93744-X, hc
Houston, Houston, Do You Read?, Tor, First edition: August 1989, 0-812-55962-2, Tor double #11 w/ Russ' Souls, pb
Star Songs of an Old Primate, Del Rey, First edition: January 1978, 0-345-25417-1, Collection, pb
Tolkien, J. R. R.
The Tolkien Reader, Ballantine, Twenty Seventh printing, 0-345-25585-2, pbThe Book of Lost Tales, Houghton-Mifflin, Book Club edition 1984, Part One 2 copies, hc
The Silmarillion, Houghton Mifflin, Book Club Edition, hc
Smith of Wootton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham, Ballantine, First Edition, Twelfth Printing: December 1975, 0-345-24564-4-150, pb
The Fellowship of the Ring, Houghton Mifflin, Book Club Edition, hc
The Two Towers, Ace, 1965, A-5, $6.00, pb
The Two Towers, Houghton Mifflin, Book Club Edition, hc
The Return of the King, Houghton Mifflin, Book Club Edition, hc
The Two Towers, Ballantine, Fifty second printing: March 1976, 0-345-25344-2, pb
The Fellowship of the Ring, Ballantine, Fifty seventh printing: June 1976, 0-345-25343-4, pb
The Hobbit, Ballantine, Fifty First printing, September 1974, 0-345-24031-6, pb
The Return of the King, Ballantine, Thirty Sixth printing, March 1973, 345-01535, pb
The Return of the King, Ballantine, Forty third printing, February 1974, 0-345-23511-8, pb
The Fellowship of the Ring, Ballantine, Fifty third printing, July 1975, 0-345-24827-9, poor condition, pb
The Hobbit, Ballantine, Sixtieth printing, August 1976, 0-345-25342-0, pb
The Hobbit, Ballantine, Thirty Seventh printing, September 1972, 345-01532, pb
The Two Towers, Ballantine, Thirty Sixth printing, March 1973, 345-01534, pb
Smith of Wooton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham, Ballantine, Tenth printing, January 1974, 0-345-21538-9, pb
Smith of Wooton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham, Ballantine, Eleventh printing, August 1975, 0-345-24564-4, pb
The Return of the King, Houghton Mifflin, Second Edition 1978, 0-395-27221-1, os
The Two Towers, Houghton Mifflin, Second Edition 1978, 0-395-27222-X, os
The Fellowship of the Ring, Houghton Mifflin, Second Edition 1978, 0-395-27223-8, os
The Silmarillion, Ballantine, First Ballantine books edition: March 1979, 0-345-27255-2, pb
Unfinished Tales, Houghton Mifflin, Book Club Edition, hc
The Hobbit, Nook
Toomey, Robert E., Jr.
A World of Trouble, Ballantine, First printing: May 1973, 0-345-03262-4, pbTorro, Pel
Beyond the Barrier of Space, Belmont, 1968, 43-268, 2 copies, pbGalaxy 666, Leisure Books, 1968, 0-8439-00259, pb
The Last Astronaut, Belmont, 1969, 43-247, pb
Tralins, Robert
The Cozmozoids, Belmont, A Belmont book - June 1966, B50-692, pbTrimble, Louis
The City Machine, DAW #024, 1972, 0-87997-024-3, pbThe Bodelan Way, DAW #086, 1973, 0-87997-090-1, pb
The Wandering Variables, DAW #034, 1972, 0-87997-034-0, pb
Trimble, Bjo
Star Trek Concordance, Ballantine, First edition: October 1976, 0-345-25137-7, osTrudeau, Gary B. (not exactly SF, but...)
What do we have for the Witnesses, Johnny?Bravo for Life's little Ironies
The Thrill is Gone, Bernie
And that's my Final Offer
Even Revolutionaries Like Chocolate Chip Cookies
Wouldn't a Gremlin Have Been More Sensible?
Call Me When You Find America
Dressed for Failure, I See
An Especially Tricky People
Speaking of Inalienable Rights, Amy...
The President is a Lot Smarter than You Think
But This War Had Such Promise
Stalking the Perfect Tan
Death of a Party Animal
In Search of Reagan's Brain
Still a Few Bugs in the System
The Wreck of the Rusty Nail
Unfortunately, She was Also Wired for Sound
Calling Dr. Whoopee
Any Grooming Hints for Your Fans, Rollie
He's Never Heard of You, Either
Dare to be Great, Ms. Caucus
We're not Out of the Woods, Yet
Ask for May, Settle for June
But the Pension Fund Was Just Sitting There
Welcome to Club Scud
Tubb, E. C.
Alien Seed, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published June, 1976, 0-671-80520-7, Space: 1999 #7, pbLallia, Ace, 441-71082, Ace Double with Nunes' Recoil (Dumarest of Terra #6), pb
Mayenne, DAW #054, 1973, 0-87997-054-5, Dumarest of Terra #9, pb
Jondelle, DAW #074, 1973, 0-87997-075-8, Dumarest of Terra #10, pb
The Winds of Gath, Ace, 1967, H-27, Ace Double with Coulson's Crisis on Cheiron $3.00, pb
Zenya, DAW #115, 1974, 0-87997-126-6, Dumarest of Terra #11, pb
Eloise, DAW #143, 0-87997-162-2, Dumarest of Terra #12, pb
Technos & A Scatter of Stardust, Ace, 441-79975, Ace Double (Dumarest of Terra #7), pb
Jack of Swords, DAW #198, 1976, 0-87997-239-4, Dumarest of Terra #14, pb
Spectrum of A Forgotten Sun, DAW #219, 1976, 0-87997-265-3, pb
Breakaway, Pocket Books, Pocket Book edition published September, 1975, 0-671-80184-8, Space: 1999 #1, pb
Century of the Manikin, DAW #018, 1972, 0-87997-018-9, pb
Collision Course, Pocket Books, Pocket Books edition published February 1976, 0-671-80274-7, Space: 1999 #4, pb
World of Promise, DAW #411, First printing, November 1980, 0-87997-579-2, Dumarest of Terra #23, pb
Angado, DAW #565, First printing, February 1984, 0-87997-908-9, Dumarest of Terra #29, pb
Haven of Darkness, DAW #242, 1977, 0-87997-299-8, Dumarest of Terra #16, pb
Pawn of the Omphalos, Fawcett, First Fawcett Gold medal printing: December 1980, 0-449-14377-5, pb
The Coming Event, DAW #479, 1981, 0-87997-725-6, Dumarest of Terra #26, pb
Melome, DAW #534, 1983, 0-87997-831-7, Dumarest of Terra #28, pb
The Terridae, DAW #455, 1981, 0-87997-662-4, Dumarest of Terra #25, pb
Eye of the Zodiac, DAW #163, First printing, September 1975, 0-87997-194-0, Dumarest of Terra #13 2 copies, pb
The Terra Data, DAW #383, 1979, 0-87997-533-4, Dumarest of Terra #22, pb
Iduna's Universe, DAW #363, 1979, 0-87997-500-8, Dumarest of Terra #21, pb
Web of Sand, DAW #348, 1979, 0-87997-479-6, Dumarest of Terra #20, pb
The Quillian Sector, DAW #319, 1978, 0-87997-426-5, Dumarest of Terra #19, pb
Rogue Planet, Pocket Books, Pocket Books edition published September 1976, 0-671-80710-2, Space: 1999 #9, pb
Derai, Ace, 0-441-14261-3, Dumarest of Terra #2 poor condition, pb
Incident on Ath, DAW #299, 1978, 0-87997-389-7, Dumarest of Terra #18, pb
Prison of Night, DAW #271, 1977, 0-87997-346-3, Dumarest of Terra #17, pb
Kalin, Ace, Second Ace printing: March 1978, 0-441-42801-0, Dumarest of Terra #4, pb
The Winds of Gath, Ace, This Ace printing: April 1982, 0-441-89302-3, Dumarest of Terra #1, pb
Turner, Gerry
Stranger from the Depths, SBS, 1st printing.. April 1970, TK 1611, Juvenile, pbTurtledove, Harry
The Misplaced Legion, Del Rey, Eighth printing: May 1993, 0-345-33067-6, Videssos Cycle #1, pbThe Case of the Toxic Spell Dump, Baen, First printing, December 1993, 0-671-72196-8, pb
The Pugnacious Peacemaker, Tor, First edition: April 1990, 0-812-50202-7, Tor Double #20 w/ DeCamp's The Wheels of If, pb
Agent of Byzantium, Worldwide Library, November 1988, 0-373-30301-7, pb