da Cruz, Daniel
The Grotto of the Formigans, Del Rey, Second Printing: September 1987, 0-345-34760-9, pbMixed Doubles, Del Rey, First edition: August 1989, 0-345-35167-3, pb
Daley, Brian
A Tapestry of Magics, Del Rey, First edition: February 1983, 0-345-29862-6, pbThe Doomfarers of Coramonde, Del Rey, Third printing: February 1979, 0-345-25708-1, pb
The Starfollowers of Coramonde, Del Rey, First edition: February 1979, 0-345-27495-4, pb
Jinx on a Terran Inheritance, Del Rey, First edition: December 1985, 0-345-31488-3, Hobart Floyt #2, pb
Fall of the White Ship Avatar, Del Rey, First edition: January 1987, 0-345-32919-8, Hobart Floyt #3, pb
Tron, Del Rey, First edition: June 1982, 0-345-30352-0, pb
Smoke on the Water, Del Rey, First edition: February 1998, 0-345-35858-9, Gammalaw #1, pb
Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds, Del Rey, First edition: May 1985, 0-345-31487-5, Hobart Floyt #1, pb
Dalkey, Kara
Crystal Sage, Roc, First printing: May 1999, 0-451-45640-8, pbDalmas, John
w/ Rod Martin, The Playmasters, Baen, First printing: January 1987, 0-671-65610-4, pbThe Kalif's War, Baen, First printing, June 1991, 0-671-72062-7, The Regiment #3, pb
The General's President, Baen, First printing, February 1988, 0-671-65384-9, pb
Fanglith, Baen, First printing: October 1985, 0-671-55988-5, pb
The Reality Matrix, Baen, First printing: August 1986, 0-671-65583-3, pb
The Regiment, Baen, First printing: March 1987, 0-671-65626-0, pb
The White Regiment, Baen, First printing: June 1990, 0-671-69880-X, pb
The Lion of Farside, Nook
Daniel, Jerry C.
The Space Machine, Lenox Hill Press, 1971, hcDaniels, Les
Citizen Vampire, Ace, Ace edition / July 1983, 0-441-10603-X, pbDann, Jack
Time tipping, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hcDann, Joshua
Time Share, Ace, Ace edition / July 1997, 0-441-00457-1, Timeshare #1, pbA Time for War, Ace, Ace edition / August 1999, 0-441-00638-8, Timeshare #3, pb
Second Time Around, Ace, Ace edition / October 1998, 0-441-00567-5, Time Share #2, pb
Dantone, Desni
Ignited, Ignited #1, Kindle
Darlton, Clark
Recruits for Arkon, Ace, First Ace Printing: August 1975, 441-66060, Perry Rhodan #76, pb
Snowman in Flames, Ace, 1973, 441-66008, Perry Rhodan #25, pb
The Thrall of Hypno, Ace, 1972, 441-65991, Perry Rhodan #20, pb
Escape to Venus, Ace, 1972, 441-65984, Perry Rhodan #15, pb
The Rebels of Tuglan, Ace, 1972, 441-65981, Perry Rhodan #12, pb
Quest Through Space and Time, Ace, 1971, 441-65978, Perry Rhodan #9, pb
The Galactic Riddle, Ace, 1971, 441-65977, Perry Rhodan #8, pb
The Plague of Oblivion, Ace, 1973, 441-66010, Perry Rhodan #28, pb
Spaceship of Ancestors, Ace, First Ace Printing: June 1975, 441-66057, Perry Rhodan #73, pb
Conflict Center: Naator, Ace, First Ace Printing: August 1975, 441-66061, Perry Rhodan #77, pb
Ernst Ellert Returns!, Ace, First Ace Printing: November 1975, 441-66067, Perry Rhodan #83, pb
Blazing Sun, Ace, First Ace Printing: January 1976, 441-66070, Perry Rhodan #86, pb
The Starless Realm, Ace, First Ace Printing: January 1976, 441-66071, Perry Rhodan #87, pb
Vagabond of Space, Ace, First Ace Printing: April 1976, 441-66077, Perry Rhodan #93, pb
Phantom Fleet, Ace, First Ace Printing: June 1976, 441-66081, Perry Rhodan #97, pb
The Secret of the Time Vault, Ace, 1971, 441-65998, Perry Rhodan #6, pb
The Pseudo One, Ace, 1974, 441-66027, Perry Rhodan #44, pb
The Bonds of Eternity, Ace, 1975, 441-66053, Perry Rhodan #69, pb
Under the Stars of Druufon, Ace, 1975, 441-66052, Perry Rhodan #68, pb
A Touch of Eternity, Ace, 1974, 441-66040, Perry Rhodan #57, pb
Prisoner of Time, Ace, 1974, 441-66039, Perry Rhodan #56, pb
The Micro-Techs, Ace, 1974, 441-66038, Perry Rhodan #55, pb
Spybot!, Ace, 1974, 441-66036, Perry Rhodan #53, pb
Challenge of the Unknown, Ace, 1973, 441-66015, Perry Rhodan #32, pb
The Dead Live, Ace, 1974, 441-66031, Perry Rhodan #48, pb
A World Gone Mad, Ace, 1973, 441-66012, Perry Rhodan #29, pb
The Earth Dies, Ace, 1974, 441-66024, Perry Rhodan #41, pb
Red Eye of Betelgeuse, Ace, 1974, 441-66023, Perry Rhodan #40, pb
Epidemic Center: Aralon, Ace, 1973, 441-66020, Perry Rhodan #37 2 copies, pb
Epidemic Center: Aralon, Ace, 1973, 441-66020, Perry Rhodan #37, pb
Mutants VS. Mutants, Ace, 1972, 441-65990, Perry Rhodan #19, pb
The Giant's Partner, Ace, 1973, 441-66016, Perry Rhodan #33, pb
False Front, Ace, First Ace Printing: September 1976, 441-66087, Perry Rhodan #103, pb
Attack from the Unseen, Ace, 1974, 441-66033, Perry Rhodan #50 2 copies, pb
Infinity Flight, Ace, 1973, 441-66007, Perry Rhodan #24, pb
Darnay, Arsen
The Splendid Freedom, Ace, First Ace printing: December 1980, 0-441-77796-1, pbThe Siege of Faltara, Ace, First Ace printing: November 1978, 0-441-76341-3, pb
A Hostage for Hinterland, Del Rey, Second printing: September 1980, 0-345-28959-5, pb
Davidson, Avram
The Phoenix and the Mirror, Ace, Second Ace edition, January 1978, 0-441-66155-6, pb
Magic for Sale, Ace, Ace original / September 1983, 0-441-51535-2, Anthology, pb
Ursus of Ultima Thule, Avon, First Avon printing, April 1973, 380-17657, pb
Strange Seas and Shores, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1981, 0-441-78922-6, Collection, pb
Rork!, Manor, A Manor Book - 1977, 0-532-15227-4, pb
Peregrine: Secundus, Berkley, Berkley edition / May 1981, 0-425-04829-2, pb
The Island Under the Earth, Ace, 1969, 020-37425, pb
Masters of the Maze, Manor, A Manor Book - 1976, 0-532-12439-4, pb
Mutiny in Space, Pyramid, Third printing, June 1974, 0-515-03376-6, pb
Peregrine: Primus, Ace, First Ace printing: October 1977, 0-441-65950-0, pb
The Enemy of My Enemy, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, December 1966, X1341, pb
Davidson, Michael
The Karma Machine, Popular Library, 1975, 445-00248, pbDavies, L. P.
The Artificial Man, Scholastic Book Services, September 1968, TK1248, pb
Davis, Margaret
Mind Light, Del Rey, First edition: January 1993, 0-345-37718-4, pbDe Camp, L. Sprague
The Reluctant Shaman, Pyramid, First printing, November 1970, 515-2347, Collection, pb
Rivers of Time, Baen, First printing, November 1993, 0-671-72195-X, pb
w/ Christopher Stasheff, The Enchanter Reborn, Baen, First printing, September 1992, 0-671-72134-8, pb
The Ancient Engineers, Ballantine, Fourth printing, July 1974, 0-345-23783-8, Non SF, pb
Rogue Queen, Signet, First printing, November 1972, 451-Q5256, pb
The Queen of Zamba, Ace, First Ace printing: May 1982, 0-441-69658-9, Krishna #1, pb
w/ Fletcher Pratt, Tales from Gavagan's Bar, Bantam, Bantam edition / January 1980, 0-553-13127-3, Collection, pb
Tower of Zanid, Airmont, Airmont edition published February 1963, SF2, 2 copies ($.60 & 1.50 cover), pb
The Virgin & The Wheels, Popular Library, April 1976, 445-00362, Double, pb
The Tritonian Ring, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: April 1977, 0-345-25803-7, pb
The Prisoner of Zhamanak, Ace, Ace edition / April 1983, 0-441-67937-4, Krishna #5, pb
The Continent Makers, Signet, First printing, November 1971, 451-Q4825, pb
w/ Fletcher Pratt, Wall of Serpents, Dell, First Dell printing - November 1979, 0-440-19639-6, pb
The Blade of Conan, Ace, First Ace printing: May 1979, 0-441-11670-1, Anthology, pb
w/ Leigh Brackett, Divide and Rule, Tor, First Tor edition: January 1990, 0-812-50362-7, Tor Double #17 w/ Brackett's Sword of Rhiannon, pb
The Best of L. Sprague De Camp, Ballantine, Second printing: May 1986, 0-345-32930-9, Collection, pb
The Hostage of Zir, Berkley, Book Club Edition, hc
w/ Fletcher Pratt, The Compleat Enchanter, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
The Reluctant King, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains The Goblin Tower, The Clocks of Iraz & The Unbeheaded King, hc
The Bronze God of Rhodes, Damaged Copy, pb
The Glory that Was, Paperback Library, First printing: March 1971, 63-452, pb
w/ Catherine Crook de Camp, The Stones of Nomuru, Baen, First Baen printing, May 1991, 0-671-72053-8, pb
w/ Lin Carter, Conan The Buccaneer, Sphere, Reprinted 1976, 0-7221-4682-5, pb
w/ Lin Carter, Conan of Aquilonia, Ace, 1977, 0-441-11682-5, pb
w/ Fletcher Pratt, The Compleat Enchanter, Del Rey, Second printing: October 1977, 0-345-27502-0, pb+hc
The Goblin Tower, Sphere, 1968, 0-7221-2915-7, pb
The Carnelian Cube, Lancer, 1969, 447-74676, $3.00?, pb
The Goblin Tower, Pyramid, First printing, December 1968, T-1927, pb
w/ Lin Carter, Conan of the Isles, Lancer, 1968, 73-800, $3.00, pb
The Great Fetish, Pocket Books, First printing, March 1980, 0-671-83161-5, pb
The Wheels of If, Berkley, 425-01893, pb
w/ Lin Carter & Bjorn Nyberg, Conan the Swordsman, Bantam, A Banatm book / August 1978, 0-553-12018-2, Cover art by Tim Kirk, pb
The Honorable Barbarian, Del Rey, First Mass Market edition: May 1990, 0-345-36652-2, pb
w/ Fletcher Pratt, The Incomplete Enchanter, Pyramid, First printing, August 1960, G530, $4-6.00, pb
The Fallible Fiend, Del Rey, First edition: May 1981, 0-345-29367-3, Two copies, pb
w/ Catherine Crook de Camp, The Incorporated Knight, Baen, First Baen printing: September 1988, 0-671-65435-7, pb
w/ Fletcher Pratt, The Castle of Iron, Pyramid, First printing: April 1962, F-722, $2.50, pb
w/ Lin Carter, Conan the Barbarian, Bantam, A Bantam book / May 1982, 0-553-22544-8, Movie Tie in, pb
w/ Fletcher Pratt, Land of Unreason, Dell, First Dell printing - March 1979, 0-440-14736-0, pb
Rivers of Time, Baen, First printing, November 1993, 0-671-72195-X, Collection, pb
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, Ballantine, First Ballantine Books Edition, Second Printing: August 1976, 0-345-25118-0, pb
The Ancient Engineers, Ballantine, Fourth printing, July 1974, 0-345-23783-8, Non SF, pb
w/ Christopher Stascheff, The Enchanter Reborn, Baen, First printing, September 1992, 0-671-72134-8, pb
Lest Darkness Fall, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published February 1963, F817, $3.75, pb
Lest Darkness Fall, Del Rey, Third printing: August 1979, 0-345-28285-X, pb
de Lint, Charles
Dreams Underfoot, Tor, First mass market edition: July 1994, 0-812-51621-4, pb
Trader, Tor, First mass market edition: February 1988, 0-812-55157-5, pb
The Little Country, Tor, First Tor edition: March 1993, 0-812-52248-6, pb
de Saint Exupery, Antoine
The Little Prince, Harbrace, 0-15-652820-7, 2 copies, pbDefontenay, C. I.
Star, DAW #167, 1975, 0-87997-200-9, 2 copies, pbdeFord, Miriam Allen
Xenogenesis, Ballantine, First printing, March 1969, 345-01546, Collection, pbDeitz, Tom
Fireshaper's Doom, Avon, First printing, December 1987, 0-380-75329-4, pbDreambuilder, Avon, First Avonova printing: October 1992, 0-380-76290-0, Soulsmith #2, pb
Wordwright, Avon, First Avonova printing: September 1993, 0-380-76291-9, Soulsmith #3, pb
Soulsmith, Avon, First Avonova printing: October 1991, 0-380-76289-7, Soulsmith #1, pb
Windmaster's Bane, Avon, First printing, October 1986, 0-38075029-5, pb
The Gryphon King, Avon, First printing, June 1989, 0-380-75506-8, pb
Stoneskin's Revenge, Avon, First printing, March 1991, 0-380-76063-0, pb
Del Franco, Mark
Unshapely Things, Connor Grey #1, pbUnquiet Dreams, Connor Grey #2, pb
Del Rey, Lester
Attack from Atlantis, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: June 1978, 0-345-27448-2, pbBest Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Second Annual Collection, Dutton, Book Club Edition
Day of the Giants, Airmont, March 1964, SF5, pb
Dead Ringer, Nook
The Eleventh Commandment, Del Rey, Third printing: September 1981, 0-345-29641-9, pb
Moon of Mutiny, Signet, First printing, November 1969, 451-Q5539, pb
Mortals and Monsters, Ballantine, 1965, U2236, Collection $3.75, pb
The Mysterious Planet, Del Rey, First Ballantine Books edition: April 1978, 0-345-27121-1, pb
w/ Erik van Lhin, Police Your Planet, Ballantine, First printing: May 1975, 0-345-24465-6, pb, Nook
Pstalemate, Berkley, 1971, 425-02292, pb
The Runaway Robot, SBS, TX 863, juvenile, os
The Sky is Falling & Badge of Infamy, Ace, 441-76960, Ace Double, pb. Nook
Victory, Nook
w/ Risa Kessler, Once Upon a Time, Ballantine, First edition: November 1991, 0-345-26263-2, Anthology, hc
Delaney, Joseph H.
w/ Marc Stiegler, Valentina, Baen, First Baen printing, October 1984, 0-671-55916-8, pbDelany, Samuel R.
The Star Pit, Tor, First Tor edition: January 1989, 0-812-55956-8, Tor Double #04 w/ Varley's Tango Charlie and Foxtrot Romeo, pbBabel-17, Ace, Sixth Ace printing: April 1978, 0-441-04595-2, pb
The Fall of the Towers, Ace, 441-22642, pb
The Einstein Intersection, Bantam, Bantam edition / April 1981, 0-553-20310-X, Also have Ace editioon F-427, pb
Nova, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Tales of Neveryon, Bantam, A Bantam book / September 1979, 0-553-12333-5, pb
Dhalgren, Bantam, 4th printing, 553-08554, pb
Delattre, Pierre
Tales of a Dalai Lama, Ballantine, First printing, January 1973, 0-345-03048-6, pbDerleth, August
Someone in the Dark, Jove, First edition November 1978, 0-515-04378-4, Collection, pbThe Mask of Cthulhu, Beagle, First Printing: July 1971, 8441-95107, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
The Trail of Cthulhu, Beagle, First Printing: July 1971, 8441-95108, Cthulhu Mythos, pb
Devenport, Emily
Eggheads, Roc, First printing, April 1996, 0-451-45517-7, pbLarissa, Roc, First printing, October 1993, 0-451-45276-3, pb
Scorpianne, Roc, First printing, August 1994, 0-451-45318-2, pb
The Kronos Condition, Roc, First printing, February 1997, 0-451-45554-1, pb
DeVet, Charles V.,
w/ Katherine MacLean, Second Game, DAW #435, First Printing, May 1981, 0-87997-620-9, pbDexter, Susan
The Mountains of Channadran, Del Rey, First edition: September 1986, 0-345-31976-1, The Winter King's War #3, pbThe Sword of Callandra, Del Rey, First edition: March 1985, 0-345-29717-2, The Winter King's War #2, pb
The Ring of Allaire, Del Rey, Second printing: November 1982, 0-345-31121-3, The Winter King's War #1, pb
The Wizard's Shadow, Del Rey, First edition, August 1993, 0-345-38064-9, pb
Dexter, William
World in Eclipse, Paperback Library, First printing: September 1966, 52-338, Other similar books up to $15?, pbDiamond, Graham
Dungeons of Kuba, Playboy, 1979, 0-872-16524-8, Empire Princess #2, pbLady of the Haven, Playboy, 1978, 0-872-16477-2, Empire Princess #1, pb
Cinnabar, Fawcett, First edition: April 1985, 0-449-12463-0, pb
The Falcon of Eden, Playboy, 1980, 0-872-16717-8, Empire Princess #3, pb
The Thief of Kalimar, Fawcett, 1979, 0-449-1-4214-0, 2 copies, pb
Dibell, Ansen
Summerfair, DAW #495, 1982, 0-87997-759-0, pb
Pursuit of the Screamer, DAW #296, 1978, 0-87997-386-2, pb
Dick, Philip K
Our Friends from Frolix 8, Ace, Book Club Edition, hcA Scanner Darkly, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Dickinson, Peter
The Weathermonger, DAW #104, First printing, May 1974, 0-87997-112-6, pbThe Green Gene, DAW #174, 1975, 0-87997-209-2, pb
Dickson, Gordon R.
The Space Swimmers, Ace, This Ace printing: September 1979, 0-441-77765-1, Sequel to Home from the Shore, pbTactics of Mistake, DAW # 009, First printing, June 1972, 0-87997-009-X, pb
Sleepwalker's World, DAW #UY1192, 1975, 0-87997-192-4, pb
The Dragon and the George, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Three to Dorsai, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Necromancer, Tactics of Mistake, & Dorsai! 2 copies, hc
Home from the Shore, Ace, First Ace printing: August 1979, 0-441-34256-6, See The Space Swimmers, pb
The R-Master, Lippincott, Book Club Edition, hc
The Chantry Guild, Ace, Ace mass market edition / June 1989, 0-441-10266-2, pb
None But Man, DAW #UE1621, 1981, 0-87997-621-7, pb
Masters of Everon, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Necromancer, DAW #274, 1977, 0-87997-353-6, pb
Tactics of Mistake, DAW #UW1279, 1976, 0-87997-279-3, pb
Dorsai!, DAW #UE1342, 1977, 0-87997-342-0, pb
The Pritcher Mass, DAW #UY1236, 1976, 0-87997-236-X, pb
Soldier, Ask Not, DAW #UE1339, 1977, 0-87997-339-0, pb
Way of the Pilgrim, Ace, Ace edition / September 1988, 0-441-87487-8, pb
Mission to Universe, Del Rey, First edition: March 1977, 0-345-25703-0, pb
Steel Brother, Tor, First printing: December 1985, 0-812-53552-9, pb
The Alien Way, Bantam, A Bantam book / published February 1965, F2941, pb
Beginnings, Baen, First Printing, August 1988, 0-671-65429-2, Collection, pb
Forward!, Baen, First Printing, July 1985, 0-671-55971-0, Collection, pb
Time Storm, St. Martins, Book Club Edition, hc
The Book of Gordon Dickson, DAW #055, First Printing, May 1973, 0-87997-055-3, Collection, pb
Future Love, Bobbs-Merrill, Book Club Edition, Anthology, hc
The R-Master, DAW #137, First printing, February 1975, 0-87997-155-X, pb
The Spirit of Dorsai, Ace, First mass market printing: April 1980, 0-441-77803-8, pb
Dietz, William C.
War World, Ace, Ace edition / November 1986, 0-441-87346-4, Sam McCade #1, pb
Prison Planet, Ace, Ace edition / March 1989, 0-441-67936-6, pb
Matrix Man, Roc, First printing, October 1990, 0-451-45035-3, pb
Drifter's Run, Ace, Ace edition / June 1992, 0-441-16814-0, Lando #2, pb
Freehold, Ace, Ace edition / March 1987, 0-441-25186-2, pb
Mars Prime, Roc, First printing, November 1992, 0-451-45208-9, pb
Imperial Bounty, Ace, Ace edition / May 1988, 0-441-36697-X, Sam McCade #2, pb
w/ David Drake, Cluster Command, Baen, First printing, May 1989, 0-671-69817-6, Crisis of Empire #2, pb
Alien Bounty, Ace, Ace edition / May 1990, 0-441-01544-1, Sam McCade #3, pb
Bodyguard, Ace, Ace edition / October 1994, 0-441-00105-X, pb
Drifter, Ace, Ace edition / September 1991, 0-441-16813-2, Lando #1, pb
McCade's Bounty, Ace, Ace edition / December 1990, 0-441-52303-X, Sam McCade #5, pb
Legion Series
Legion of the Damned, Ace, Ace edition / August 1993, 0-441-48040-3, pb
The Final Battle, Ace, Ace edition / July 1995, 0-441-00217-X, Legion of the Damned #2, pb
By Blood Alone, Ace, Ace edition, July 1999, 0-441-00631-0, Legion of the Damned #3, pb
For More than Glory, Legion of the Damned #5, hc
For Those Who Fell, Legion of the Damned #6, hc
Disch, Thomas M.
Triplicity, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Echo Round His Bones, The Genocides & The Puppies of Terra, hc
Doctorow, Cory
Printcrime, NookDown and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Nook
A Place so Foreign, Nook
Craphound, Nook
Return to Pleasure Island, Nook
Eastern Standard Tribe, Nook
Shadow of the Mothaship, Nook
Super Man and the Bug Out, Nook
Home Again, Home Again, Nook
Someone Comes to Town, Someone L..., Nook
Dolinsky, Mike
Mind One, Dell, Second printing - August 1973, 440-05648, 2 copies, pbDolley, Chris
Resonance, hcDonaldson, Stephen R.
The Wounded Land, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #1, hcWhite Gold Wielder, Del Rey, First U. S. Edition: April 1984, 0-345-31699-1, Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #3, pb
Lord Foul's Bane, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #1 2 copies, hc
The Illearth War, Holt Rinehart Winston, Book Club Edition, First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #2, hc
The Power That Preserves, Holt Rinehart Winston, Book Club Edition, First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #3 3 copies, hc
The One Tree, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #2, hc
The Illearth War, Del Rey, Ninth printing: November 1980, 0-345-29656-7, First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever #2, pb
Douglas, Carole Nelson
Exiles of the Rynth, Del Rey, First Edition: July 1984, 0-345-30836-0, Sequel to Six of Swords, pbSix of Swords, Del Rey, Seventh printing: February 1984, 0-345-31810-2, pb
Counterprobe, Tor, First mass market edition: March 1990, 0-812-53596-0, Sequel to Probe, pb
Probe, Tor, First mass market printing: December 1986, 0-812-53587-1, pb
Douglass, Sara
The Wayfarer Redemption, hcDowd, Tom
Night's Pawn, Roc, First printing, April 1993, 0-451-45238-0, Shadowrun #10, pbDowDell, Del
Warlord of Ghandor, DAW #253, First Printing, August 1977, 0-87997-315-3, pbDowner, Anne
The Spellkey Trilogy, Baen, First printing, February 1995, 0-671-87644-9, pbDoyle, Arthur Conan
The Edge of the Unknown, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, November, 1968, S1626, Non SF, pbThe Maracot Deep, W.W. Norton, 1968, pb
The Lost World, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, November, 1965, F1162, pb
The Lost World, Pyramid, F-713, pb
Doyle, Debra
w/ James D. MacDonald, Requiem for Boone, Tor, First mass market edition / June 2001, 0-812-54532-X, pbDozois, Gardner
The Year's Best Science Fiction Seventh Annual Collection, St. Martin's Press, First edition 1990, 0-312-04452-6, Series Anthology, OsThe Editors of Analog & IASFM, Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy, Davis Publications, First edition: May 1991, 0-312-06003-3, Commentary, pb
Drake, David
Time Safari, Tor, First printing, August, 1982, 0-523-48541-7, pbRanks of Bronze, Baen, First printing: May 1986, 0-671-65568-X, pb
Lacey and His Friends, Baen, First printing: October 1986, 0-671-65593-0, pb
Hammer's Slammers, Ace, Fourth printing / October 1983, 0-441-31599-2, pb
Dagger, Ace, Ace edition / April 1988, 0-441-80609-0, Thieve's World Novel #5, pb
At Any Price, Baen, First printing: September 1985, 0-671-55978-8, Hammer's Slammers Novel, pb
The Complete Hammer's Slammers Vol 2, hc
An Oblique Approach, Nook
Cross the Stars, Nook
Lt. Leary, Commanding, Nook
Northworld Trilogy, Nook
Old Nathan, Nook
Paying the Piper, Nook
Redliners, Nook
Seas of Venus, Nook
Starliner, Nook
The Far Side of the Stars, Nook
The Tank Lords, Nook
The World Turned Upside Down, Nook
With the Lightnings, Nook
Drew, Wayland
The Master of Norriya, Del Rey, First edition: July 1986, 0-345-30889-1, Erthring Cycle #3, pbThe Gaian Expedient, Del Rey, First edition: June 1985, 0-345-30888-3, Erthring Cycle #2, pb
The Memoirs of Alcheringia, Del Rey, First edition: May 1984, 0-345-30887-5, Erthring Cycle #1, pb
Dragonslayer, Del Rey, First edition: June 1981, 0-345-29694-X, pb
Willow, Del Rey, Second printing: June 1988, 0-345-35195-9, Movie Tie in, pb
Duane, Diane
The Door into Fire, Tor, First Tor printing: August 1985, 0-812-53671-1, Tale of the Five #1, pbDuncan, Dave
The Coming of Wisdom, Del Rey, First edition: August 1988, 0-345-35292-0, The Seventh Sword #2, pbShadow, Del Rey, First edition: November 1987, 0-345-34274-7, pb
The Destiny of the Sword, Del Rey, First edition: December 1988, 0-345-35293-9, The Seventh Sword #3, pb
The Reluctant Swordsman, Del Rey, First edition: May 1988, 0-345-35291-2, The Seventh Sword #1, pb
Dunne, G.K.
The Prince and the Gift, Kings & Castles #1, hcDunsany, Lord
The King of Elfland's Daughter, Ballantine, Second printing: September 1973, 0-345-23517-7, $9.00, pbThe Charwoman's Shadow, Ballantine, Third printing: October 1977, 0-345-27090-8, pb
Easton, M. Coleman
The Fisherman's Curse, Popular Library, First printing: February, 1987, 0-445-20332-3, pbIskiir, Popular Library, First printing: February, 1986, 0-445-20151-7, pb
Swimmers Beneath the Bright, Popular Library, First printing: September, 1987, 0-445-20456-7, pb
Masters of Glass, Popular Library, First printing: July, 1985, 0-445-20064-2, pb
Eddings, David
High Hunt, Fawcett, First printing, March 1976, 0-449-02754, Non SF, pbThe Sapphire Rose, Ballantine, First Edition: January 1993, 0-345-37472-X, Elenium #3, pb
Domes of Fire, Del Rey, First printing, July 1993, 0-345-38327-3, Book One of the Tamuli, pb
& Leigh, The Rivan Codex, Del Rey, First mass market edition: November 1999, 0-345-43586-9, pb
The Losers, Del Rey, First edition: September 1993, 0-345-38520-9, pb
Enchanter's End Game, Del Rey, First Edition: December, 1984, 0-345-30078-5, The Belgariad #5, pb
& Leigh, Belgarath the Sorcerer, Del Rey, First mass market edition: July 1996, 0-345-40395-9, pb
The Ruby Knight, Del Rey, First edition: January 1991, 0-345-37043-0, The Elenium #2, hc 10-13-91
Polgara the Sorceress, Del Rey, First edition: November 1997, 0-345-41662-7, hc
Castle of Wizardry, Del Rey, First Edition: May, 1984, 0-345-30080-7, The Belgariad #4, pb
Pawn of Prophecy, Del Rey, First Edition: April 1982, 0-345-29637-0, The Belgariad #1, pb
Queen of Sorcery, Del Rey, First Edition: November 1982, 0-345-30079-3, The Belgariad #2, pb
The Shining Ones, Del Rey, First mass market edition: August 1994, 0-345-38866-6, Tamuli #2, pb
Guardians of the West, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: March, 1988, 0-345-35266-1, Mallorean #1, pb
Sorceress of Darshiva, Random House, First Edition: December 1989, 0-345-33005-6, Malloreon #4, hc
Magician's Gambit, Del Rey, First Edition: June, 1983, 0-345-30077-7, The Belgariad #3, pb
The Hidden City, Del Rey, First edition: September 1995, 0-345-39040-7, Tamuli #3, pb
King of the Murgos, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: March, 1989, 0-345-35880-5, Mallorean #2, pb
The Diamond Throne, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: July, 1990, 0-345-36769-3, Elenium #1, pb
Demon Lord of Karanda, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: November, 1989, 0-345-36331-0, Mallorean #3, pb
The Seeress of Kell, Del Rey, First edition: May 1991, 0-345-33006-4, Malloreon #5, hc
The Belgariad: Part One, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Pawn of Prophecty, Queen of Sorcery & Magician's Gambit, hc
The Belgariad: Part Two, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Castle of Wizardry & Enchanter's End Game, hc
& Leigh, The Redemption of Althalus, Del Rey, First printing: November 2001, 0-345-44078-1, pb
The Sorceress of Darshiva, Del Rey, First Mass Market Edition: November 1990, 0-345-36935-1, Malloreon #4, pb
Eddison, E. R.
The Mezentian Gate, Ballantine, First printing: April 1969, 345-01578, pbA Fish Dinner in Memison, Del Rey, Third printing: April 1978, 0-345-27222-6, The Zimiamvian Trilogy #2, pb
The Mezentian Gate, Del Rey, Second printing: May 1978, 0-345-27221-8, The Zimiamvian Trilogy #3, pb
The Worm Ouroboros, Ballantine, Seventh U.S. printing: September 1973, 0-345-22001-3, 2 copies, 1 eighth printing, pb
Mistress of Mistresses, Del Rey, Fourth printing: January 1978, 0-345-27220-X, The Zimiamvian Trilogy #1, pb
Edgehill, Rosemary
The Warslayer, NookEdmondson, G. C.
w/ C.M. Kotlan, The Cunningham Equations, Ballantine, First Edition: June 1986, 0-345-33037-4, Cunningham Equations #1, pbw/ C.M. Kotlan, The Black Magician, Ballantine, First Edition: November 1986, 0-345-33221-0, Cunningham Equations #2, pb
w/ C.M. Kotlan, Maximum Effort, Ballantine, First Edition: November 1987, 0-345-33222-9, Cunningham Equations #3, pb
The Ship that Sailed the Time Stream, Ace, 1965, 441-76094, pb
Blessed Are the Meek, Nook
Edson, J. T.
Bunduki, DAW #201, 1976, 0-87997-243-2, pbEffinger, George Alec
Idle Pleasures, Berkley, Berkley edition / January 1983, 0-425-05744-5, Collection, pbThe Exile Kiss, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / March 1992, 0-553-29664-7, Marid Aubran #3, pb
When Gravity Fails, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / January 1988, 0-553-25555-X, Marid Aubran #1, pb
A Fire in the Sun, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / April 1990, 0-553-27407-4, Marid Aubran #2, pb
Escape to Tomorrow, Award, First Award printing, 1975, 426-1407, Planet of the Apes TV #2, pb
Egan, Doris
Two-Bit Heroes, DAW #870, First printing, January 1992, 0-88677-500-0, Ivory #2, pbGuilt-Edged Ivory, DAW #890, First printing, September 1992, 0-88677-538-8, Ivory #3, pb
The Gate of Ivory, DAW #771, First printing, February 1989, 0-88677-328-8, pb
Ehrlich, Max
The Big Eye, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hcEisenstein, Phyllis
In the Red Lord's Reach, Signet, First printing, July 1989, 0-451-16073-8, pbThe Crystal Palace, Signet, First printing, November 1988, 0-451-15678-1, pb
Sorcerer's Son, Del Rey, First edition: April 1979, 0-345-27642-6, pb
Born to Exile, Dell, First Dell printing - April 1980, 0-440-10854-3, pb
Eklund, Gordon
All Times Possible, DAW #108, 1974, 0-87997-117-7, pbElder, Joseph
Eros in Orbit, Pocket Books, May 1974, 671-77720-3, Anthology, pbThe Farthest Reaches, Pocket Books, First printing, September 1969, 671-75459, Anthology, pb
Elder, Michael
The Alien Earth, Pinnacle, Second printing, March 1976, 0-523-220829-6, pbElgin, Suzette Haden
Communipath Worlds, Pocket Books, First printing, August 1980, 0-671-83392-8, pbStar Anchored, Star Angered, DAW #579, 1983, 0-87997-929-1, pb
At the Seventh Level, DAW #010, 1972, 0-87997-010-3, pb
Native Tongue, DAW #589, 1984, 0-87997-945-3, Native Tongue #1, pb
The Judas Rose, DAW #699, 1986, 0-88677-186-2, Native Tongue #2, pb
Furthest, Ace, 1971, 441-25950, pb
Elliot, Richard
The Master File, Fawcett, First edition: September 1986, 0-449-12932-2, pbElliott, Kate
Cold Magic, Kindle
Cold Steel, Kindle
Cold Fire, Kindle
Ellison, Harlan
Again, Dangerous Visions, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Anthology, hcAll the Sounds of Fear, Panther, 1973, pb
Alone Against Tomorrow, Collier, First edition, 1972, 0-02-019780-2, Collection, pb
Approaching Oblivion, Signet, 1976, pb (2 copies)
Dangerous Visions, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Anthology, hc
Dangerous Visions #1, Berkley, Berkley Medallion edition, May 1969, N1686, Anthology, pb
Deathbird Stories, Dell, First printing- 1976, 440-01737, 1 Ripped badly, pb (2 copies)
Doomsman, Belmont, A Belmont/Tower Book - July 1972, 505-50244, Double Novel with Lin Carter's Thief of Thoth, pb (2 copies)
Earthman, Go Home!, Paperback Library, 1968, pb
Ellison Wonderland, Signet, First Signet printing, August 1974, 451-Y6041, Collection, pb (2 copies)
From the Land of Fear, Belmont, A Belmont/Tower Book- 1973, 0-505-50529, Collection, pb
From the Land of Fear, Belmont, A Belmont Tower book - 1974, 505-50750, Collection, pb (2 copies)
Gentleman Junkie, Ace 1983, pb
I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream, Pyramid, 1977, pb
Love Ain't Nothin' but Sex Misspelled, Pyramid, February 1976, pb
Memos from Purgatory, Avon pb
No Doors, No Windows, Ace, 1983, pb
No Doors, No Windows, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published November 1975, 0-515-03799-0, Collection, pb
Over the Edge, Belmont Tower, 1972, pb
Paingod, and Other Delusions, Pyramid, 1975, pb
Partners in Wonder, Avon, First printing, January 1972, N416, Anthology, pb
Partners in Wonder, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published May 1975, 0-515-03801-6, Anthology, pb (2 copies)
Shatterday, Houghton Mifflin, Book Club Edition, 1980, hc
Spider Kiss, Ace , First Ace printing: July 1982, 0-441-77793-7, Collection, pb
Spider Kiss, Pyramid, 1975, pb
Stalking the Machine, Berkley, 1984, pb
Strange Wine, Warner Books, June 1979, pb
The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World, Signet, First Signet printing, April 1974, 0-451-08590-6, Collection, pb (2 copies)
The Deadly Streets, Ace, 1983, pb
The Glass Teat, Ace, 1970, 441-29350, Collection, pb
The Glass Teat, Pyramid, 1976, pb
The Illustrated Harlan Ellison, Ace, First printing, June 1980, 0-44136516-7, pb
The Other Glass Teat, Pyramid, June 1975, 0-515-03791-5, pb
The Time of the Eye, Panther, 1974, pb
Web of the City, Avon, pb
Elrod, P. N.
Red Death, Ace, Ace edition / November 1993, 0-441-71094-8, Jonathan Barret #1, pbDeath and the Maiden, Ace, Ace edition / July 1994, 0-441-00071-1, Jonathan Barret #2, pb
Death Masque, Ace, Ace edition / February 1995, 0-441-00143-2, Jonathan Barret #3, pb
Dance of Death, Ace, Ace edition / March 1996, 0-441-00309-5, Jonathan Barret #4, pb
Quincey Morris, Vampire, Baen, First printing, May 2001, 0-671-31988-4, pb
Bloodlust, Ace, Ace edition / March 1990, 0-441-06795-6, Vampire Files #1, pb
Lifeblood, Ace, Ace edition / June 1990, 0-441-84776-5, The Vampire Files #2, pb
Bloodcircle, Ace, Ace edition / October 1990, 0-441-06717-4, The Vampire Files #3, pb
Art in the Blood, Ace, Ace edition / February 1991, 0-441-85945-3, Vampire Files #4, pb
Fire in the Blood, Ace, Ace edition / June 1991, 0-441-85946-1, The Vampire Files #5, pb
Blood on the Water, Ace, Ace edition / June 1992, 0-441-85947-X, Vampire Files #6, pb
A Chill in the Blood, Ace, Ace mass market edition: June 1999, 0-441-0627-2, Vampire Files #7, pb
The Dark Sleep, Ace, Ace mass market edition, May 2000, 0-441-00723-6, Vampire Files #8, pb
Lady Crymsyn, Vampire Files #9, pb
Song in the Dark, Vampire Files #11, hc
w/ Nigel Bennett, Keeper of the King, Baen, First printing: January 1997, 0-671-87759-3, hc
Ernsting, Walter
w/ Kurt Mahr, Invasion from Space, Ace, 441-65793, Perry Rhodan #4, pbEshbach, Lloyd Arthur
The Scroll of Lucifer, Del Rey, First edition: May 1990, 0-345-32465-X, The Gates of Lucifer #4, pbThe Sorceress of Scath, Del Rey, First edition: August 1988, 0-345-32464-1, The Gates of Lucifer #3, pb
The Land Beyond the Gate, Del Rey, First edition: October 1984, 0-345-31647-9, The Gates of Lucifer #1, pb
The Armlet of the Gods, Del Rey, First edition: June 1986, 0-345-32463-3, The Gates of Lucifer #2, pb
Estep, Jennifer
Spider's Bite, Elemental Assassin #1, pbWeb of Lies, Elemental Assassin #2, pb
Venom, Elemental Assassin #3, pb
Tangled Web, Elemental Assassin #4,
Spider's Revenge, Elemental Assassin #5, Nook
By a Thread, Elemental Assassin #6, Nook
Widow's Web, Elemental Assassin #7, Nook
Deadly Sting, Elemental Assassin #8, Nook
Heart of Venom, Elemental Assassin #9, Nook
Poison Promise, Elemental Assassin #10, Nook
Spider's Trap, Elemental Assassin #11, Kindle
A Touch of Frost, Mythos Academy #1, Nook
Etheridge, Rutledge
Legend of the Duelist, Ace, Ace edition / July 1993, 0-441-47962-6, pbEvans, Linda
The Far Edge of Darkness, NookSleipnir, Nook
Fabi, Mark
Wyrm, Bantam, A Bantam/Spectra book, April 1998, 0-553-57808-1, pbFalk, Lee
The Vampires and the Witch, Avon, First Avon printing, June 1974, 380-19406, Phantom #12, pbThe Swamp Rats, Avon, First Avon printing, April 1974, 380-18820, Phantom #11, pb
The Assassins, Avon, First Avon printing, April 1975, 380-23283, Phantom #14, pb
The Cursre of the Two-Headed Bull, Avon, First Avon printing, July 1975, 380-24729, Phantom #15, pb
The Story of the Phantom, Avon, First Avon printing, September 1972, 380-02460, Phantom #1, pb
The Slave Market of Mucar, Avon, First Avon printing, November 1972, 380-02470, Phantom #2, pb
The Phantom and the Scorpia Menace, Avon, First Avon printing, December 1972, 380-02481, Phantom #3, pb
The Hydra Monster, Avon, First Avon printing, October 1973, 380-17061, Phantom #8, pb
The Island of Dogs, Avon, First Avon printing, February 1975, 380-23085, Phantom #13, pb
The Veiled Lady, Avon, First Avon printing, March 1973, 380-14498, Phantom #4, pb
Killer's Town, Avon, First Avon printing, December 1973, 380-17731, Phantom #9, pb
The Mystery of the Sea Horse, Avon, First Avon printing, August 1973, 380-15867, Phantom #7, pb
The Mysterious Ambassador, Avon, First Avon printing, July 1973, 380-15545, Phantom #6, pb
The Golden Circle, Avon, First Avon printing, May 1973, 380-14894, Phantom #5, pb
The Goggle-Eyed Pirates, Avon, First Avon printing, February 1974, 380-18184, Phantom #10, pb
Fallon, Jennifer
Medalon - Demon Child #1, hcTreason Keep, Demon Child #2, hc
Farmer, Philip Jose
The Lavalite World, Ace, First Ace printing: December 1977, 0-441-47420-9, Cover Art by Boris Vallejo, pbGods of Riverworld, Berkley, Berkley edition / January 1985, 0-425-07448-X, Riverworld #5, pb
The Gates of Creation, Ace, First printing, 1966, F-412, $2.00, pb
Farmer, Philip, Jose, J.H. Rosny, Ironcastle, DAW #187, 1975, 0-87997-225-4, pb
Tongues of the Moon, Pyramid, First printing, August 1964, R-1055, pb
Hadon of Ancient Opar, DAW #100, 1973, 0-87997-107-X, pb
The Other Log of Phileas Fogg, DAW #048, 1972, 0-87997-048-0, pb
Riverworld and Other Stories, Berkley, Berkley edition / November 1979, 0-425-04208-1, Riverworld #4, pb
The Unreasoning Mask, Berkley, Berkley edition / January 1983, 0-425-05551-5, pb
Tarzan Alive, Popular Library, December 1976, 0-445-08547-9, pb
Venus on the Half Shell, Bantam, Bantam edition / September 1988, 0-553-27531-3, pb
The Stone God Awakens, Ace, Second Ace printing: July 1973, 441-78651, pb
The Wind Whales of Ishmael, Ace, 1971, 441-89237, pb
Tarzan Alive, Popular Library, 1972, 445-00427, pb
Two Hawks from Earth, Ace, First Ace printing: May 1979, 0-441-83365-9, pb
Dare, Berkley, Berkley edition, February 1979, 0-425-03953-6, pb
Flight to Opar, DAW #197, 1976, 0-87997-238-6, 2 copies, pb
The Lovers, Del Rey, First edition: March 1980, 0-345-28691-X, pb
The Gates of Creation, Berkley, Berkley edition / October 1984, 0-425-07193-6, pb
Dark is the Sun, Del Rey, Fifth printing: January 1987, 0-345-33956-8, pb
The Adventure of the Peerless Peer, Dell, First Dell printing - September 1976, 440-00042, pb
The Book of Philip Jose Farmer, DAW #063, First printing, July 1973, 0-87997-063-4, Cover art by Jack Gaughan, pb
Father to the Stars, Tor, First printing: April 1981, 0-523-48504-2, Cover art by Janny Wurts, pb
To Your Scattered Bodies Go, Berkley, Nineteenth printing: May 1981, 0-425-05026-2, Riverworld #1, pb
Lord Tyger, Signet, First printing, July 1972, 451-Q5096, 2 copies, pb
A Private Cosmos, Ace, 1968, G-724, $2.25, pb
The Dark Design, Berkley, Berkley edition, July 1978, 0-425-03831-9, Riverworld #3, pb
The Alley God, Ballantine, First printing, 1961, F 588, $5-7.50?, pb
A Private Cosmos, Ace, Reprint, 0-441-67952-8, pb
The Fabulous Riverboat, Berkley, Twenty second printing: October 1983, 0-425-06489-1, Riverworld #2, pb
The Fabulous Riverboat, Berkley, Tenth printing, 0-425-03793-2, Riverworld #2, pb
Farren, Mick
Vickers, Ace, Ace edition / July 1988, 0-441-86290-X, pbThe Last Stand of the DNA Cowboys, Ballantine, First Edition: September 1989, 0-345-35808-2, pb
Protectorate, Ace, Ace original / January 1985, 0-441-68680-X, pb
Their Master's War, Del Rey, Fourth Printing: May 1989, 0-345-34554-1, pb
Citizen Phaid, Ace, Ace science fiction edition / January 1987, 0-441-10602-1, pb
Phaid the Gambler, Ace, Ace science fiction edition / August 1986, 0-441-66232-3, pb
The Texts of Festival, Avon, First Avon printing, April 1975, 380-27011, pb
Necrom, Del Rey, First Edition: February 1991, 0-345-36185-7, pb
The Long Orbit, Del Rey, First edition: September 2988, 0-345-35318-8, pb
Mars - The Red Planet, Del Rey, First edition: March 1990, 0-345-35809-0, pb
The Armageddon Crazy, Del Rey, First edition: May 1989, 0-345-35316-1, pb
Fast, Howard
A Touch of Infinity, DAW #124, First printing, October 1974, 0-87997-137-1, pbFaucette, John
Siege of Earth, Unibook, Peacemakers #2, pbFeeley, Gregory
The Oxygen Barons, Ace, Ace edition / July 1990, 0-441-64571-2, New Ace Science Fiction Specials, pbFeintuch, David
The Still, Warner, First mass market printing: June 1998, 0-446-60551-4, pbChallenger's Hope, Warner, First printing, May 1995, 0-446-60097-0, Nick Seafort #2, pb
Midshipman's Hope, Warner, First printing, November 1994, 0-446-60096-2, Nick Seafort #1, pb
Fisherman's Hope, Warner Books, First printing, March 1996, 0-446-60099-7, Nicholas Seafort #4, pb
Prisoner's Hope, Warner, First printing, October 1995, 0-446-60098-9, Nick Seafort #3, pb
Voices of Hope, Warner, First printing, October 1996, 0-446-60333-3, pb
Patriarch's Hope, Warner, First paperback printing, April 2000, 0-446-60486-7, pb
Feist, Raymond E.
Magician: Master, Bantam, Bantam edition / April 1986, 0-553-25646-7, Riftwar #2, pbw/ Janny Wurts, Servant of the Empire, Bantam, Bantam edition / December 1991, 0-553-29245-5, Kelewan #2, pb
Silverthorn, Bantam, Bantam edition / September 1986, 0-553-25928-8, Riftwar #3, pb
Magician: Apprentice, Bantam, Bantam edition / January 1986, 0-553-25575-4, Riftwar #1, pb
w/ Janny Wurts, Daughter of the Empire, Bantam, Bantam edition / June 1988, 0-553-27211-X, Kelewan #1, pb
The King's Buccaneer, Bantam, Bantam paperback / January 1984, 0-553-56373-4, pb
Rise of a Merchant Prince, Avon, First printing: May 1996, 0-38072087-6, Serpentwar Saga #2, pb
w/ Janny Wurts, Mistress of the Empire, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / May 1993, 0-553-56118-9, Kelewan #3, pb
Faerie Tale, Bantam, Bantam edition / February 1989, 0-553-27783-9, pb
Prince of the Blood, Bantam, Bantam edition / June 1990, 0-553-28524-6, Riftwar #5, pb
A Darkness at Sethanon, Bantam, Bantam edition / February 1987, 0-553-26328-5, Riftwar #4, pb
Shadow of a Dark Queen, Avon, First printing: May 1995, 0-380-72086-8, Serpentwar Saga #1, pb
Rage of a Demon King, Avon, First Avon Eos printing: April 1998, 0-380-72088-4, pb
Flight of the Nighthawks, Darkwar Saga #1, Nook
Felice, Cynthia
The Khan's Persuasion, Ace, Ace edition / January 1991, 0-441-42527-5, pbThe Sunbound, Dell, First printing - April 1981, 0-440-18373-1, pb
Eclipses, Pocket Books, First printing: June 1983, 0-671-83224-7, pb
Fergusson, Bruce
The Mace of Souls, Avon, First printing, June 1991, 0-380-71180-X, pbThe Shadow of His Wings, Avon, First printing, March 1988, 0-380-70415-3, pb
Findley, Nigel
Shadowplay, Roc, First printing, February 1993, 0-451-45228-3, Shadowrun #9, pb
2XS, Roc, First printing, February 1992, 0-451-45139-2, Shadowrun: #4, pb
Finney, Charles G.
The Unholy City, Pyramid, Pyramid edition published June 1968, 511-01818, pbThe Circus of Dr. Lao, Bantam, Bantam edition: April 1964, F2755, pb
Fisher, Lou
The Blue Ice Pilot, Warner, First printing: June 1986, 0-445-20244-0, pbFlewelling, Lynn
Stalking Darkness, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / March 1997, 0-553-57543-0, Nightrunner #2, pbTraitor's Moon, Bantam, A Bantam Spectra Book / July 1999, 0-553-57725-5, Nightrunner #3, pb
Luck in the Shadows, Bantam, September 1996, 0-553-57542-2, Nightrunner #1, pb
Flint, Eric
1632, Baen, First printing, February 2001, 0-671-31972-8, pb, Nook1634 - The Baltic War, Nook
1812 - The Rivers of War, Nook
The Philosophical Strangler, Baen, First paperback printing: March 2002, 0-7434-3541-9, pb, Nook
Mother of Demons, Baen, First printing, Septermber 1997, 0-671-87800-X, pb, Nook
Boundary, Nook
Destiny's Shield, Nook
Fortune's Stroke, Nook
Forward the Mage, Nook
Grantville Gazette Volume I, Nook
In the Heart of Darkness, Nook
Pyramid Power, Nook
Ring of Fire, Nook
Slow Train to Arcturus, Nook
The Course of Empire, Nook
The Dance of Time, Nook
The Dragon Done It, Nook
The Rats, the Bats, and the Ugly, Nook
The Sorceress of Karres, Nook
The Tide of Victory, Nook
The Tyrant, Nook
Florescu, Radu w/ Raymond T. McNally
In Search of Dracula, Warner, Fifth printing: April 1974, 0-446-78069-3, Non SF, pbIn Search of Frankenstein, Warner, Warner edition 1976, 0-446-89160-6, Non SF, pb
Flynn, Michael
Firestar, Tor, First mass market edition: March 1997, 0-812-53006-3, pbFalling Stars, Tor, First edition: February 2001, 0-312-87443-X, hc
Lodestar, Tor, First mass market edition: April 2001, 0-812-54296-7, pb
Rogue Star, Tor, First mass market edition: April 1999, 0-812-54299-1, pb
Fontenay, Charles L.
The Day the Oceans Overflowed, Priory, 1051, pbFord, John M.
w/ Gene Wolfe, Fugue State, Tor, First edition: September 1990, 0-812-50813-0, Tor Double #25 w/ Wolfe's The Death of Doctor Island, pbWeb of Angels, Tor, First Tor edition: November 1992, 0-812-50959-5, pb
The Dragon Waiting, Avon, First printing, April 1985, 0-380-69887-0, pb
Growing Up Weightless, Bantam, Bantam paperback edition / August 1994, 0-553-56814-0, pb
Forrest, Elizabeth
Phoenix Fire, DAW #874, First printing, March 1992, 0-88677-515-9, pbFort, Charles
Lo!, Ace, 48862, pbForward, Robert L.
Flight of the Dragonfly, Baen, First Baen printing: February 1985, 0-671-55937-0, pbStarquake, Del Rey, First edition: September 1986, 0-345-31233-3, pb
Dragon's Egg, Del Rey, First edition: February 1981, 0-345-28349-X, pb
Indistinguishble from Magic, Baen, First printing, September 1995, 0-671-87686-4, pb
Camelot 30K, pb
Foster, M. A.
Waves, DAW #404, 1980, 0-87997-569-5, pbThe Day of the Klesh, DAW #357, 1979, 0-87997-492-3, pb
The Warriors of Dawn, DAW #135, 1974, 0-87997-152-5, pb
Foster, Alan Dean
Bloodhype, Del Rey, Fourth printing: August 1980, 0-345-29476-9, pbDark Star, Del Rey, Third printing: October 1978, 0-345-27727-9, pb
Clash of the Titans, Warner, First printing: June 1981, 0-446-93675-8, pb
Alien, Warner, First printing: June 1979, 0-446-82977-3, pb
Nor Crystal Tears, Del Rey, Third printing: October 1982, 0-345-29141-7, pb
Midworld, Del Rey, Third printing: August 1983, 0-345-31017-9, pb
For Love of Mother-Not, Del Rey, First edition: March 1983, 0-345-30511-6, pb
...Who Needs Enemies?, Del Rey, First edition: June 1984, 0-345-31657-6, Collection, pb
The End of the Matter, Del Rey, First edition: November 1977, 0-345-25861-4, pb
Alien, Warner, First Printing: June 1979, 0-446-82977-3, pb
Flinx in Flux, Del Rey, First edition: July 1988, 0-345-34363-8, pb
Orphan Star, Del Rey, Fifth printing: August 1981, 0-345-29903-5, pb
The Deluge Drivers, Del Rey, First Edition: June 1987, 0-345-33330-6, Icerigger #3, pb
The Hour of the Gate, Warner, First Warner printing, February 1984, 0-446-90354-X, Spellsinger #2, pb
The Day of the Dissonance, Warner, First Warner printing, September 1984, 0-446-32133-8, Spellsinger #3, pb
The Moment of the Magician, Warner, First Warner printing, March 1985, 0-446-32326-8, Spellsinger #4, pb
Cyber Way, Ace, Ace edition / May 1990, 0-441-13245-6, pb
Cat-A-lyst, Ace, Ace edition / July 1991, 0-441-64661-1, pb
Cachalot, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, hc
The Paths of the Perambulator, Warner, First Warner printing, February 1986, 0-446-32679-8, Spellsinger #5, pb
Spellsinger, Warner, First Warner printing, June 1983, 0-446-90352-3, Spellsinger #1, pb
Icerigger, Del Rey, Eleventh printing, May 1987, 0-345-33395-0, Icerigger #1, pb
The Black Hole, Del Rey, First edition: December 1979, 0-345-28538-7, pb
Quozl, Ace, Ace edition / May 1989, 0-441-69454-3, pb
Midworld, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, hc
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, Star Wars Tie In 2 copies, hc
The Black Hole, Del Rey, Book Club Edition, 2 copies, hc
Season of the Spellsong, Doubleday, Book Club Edition, Contains Spellsinger, Hour of the Gate & Day of the Dissonance, hc
The Time of the Transference, Warner, First Warner printing, January 1987, 0-446-30009-8, Spellsinger #6, pb
The Spoils of War, Del Rey, First mass market edition, January 1994, 0-345-37576-9, The Damned #3, pb
The Tar-Aiym Krang, Del Rey, Eighth printing: May 1983, 0-345-30280-X, pb
Codgerspace, Ace, Ace edition / July 1992, 0-441-71851-5, pb
Mission to Moulokin, Del Rey, First edition: April 1979, 0-345-27676-0, Icerigger #2, pb
Alien 3, Warner Books, First printing, June 1992, 0-446-36216-6, pb
The Man Who Used the Universe, Warner, First printing, August 1983, 0-446-90353-1, pb
With Friends Like These..., Del Rey, First edition: December 1977, 0-345-25701-4, Collection, pb
Son of Spellsinger, Warner, First printing, April 1993, 0-446-36257-3, pb
Chorus Skating, Warner, First printing, October 1994, 0-446-36237-9, pb
Luana, Ballantine, First printing, February 1974, 0-345-23793-5, Cover by Frazetta, pb
The False Mirror, Del Rey, First edition: June 1993, 0-345-37575-0, Book Two of the Damned, pb
To the Vanishing Point, Warner, Book Club Edition, hc
A Call to Arms, Del Rey, First mass market edition: April 1992, 0-345-37574-2, The Damned #1, pb
The I Inside, Warner, First printing: July 1984, 0-446-32027-7, pb
Greenthieves, Ace, Ace edition / October 1994, 0-441-00104-1, pb
Sentenced to Prism, Del Rey, First edition: September 1985, 0-345-31980-X, pb
Jed the Dead, pb
Mid-Flynx, hc
Patrimony, hc
The Trouble Magnet, hc
Foster, Robert
A Guide to Middle Earth, Ballantine, Fourth printing: June 1975, 0-345-24936-4, Cover by Tim Kirk, pbThe Complete Guide to Middle Earth, Del Rey, First edition: March 1979, 0-345-27975-1, Cover by The Brothers Hildebrandt, pb
Fox, Gardner F.
Kothar of the Magic Sword, Unibook, pbKothar and the Demon-Queen, Tower, 1969, T-075-2, pb
Thief of Llarn, Ace, 1965, F-399, $3-4.50, pb
Warrior of Llarn, Ace, 1964, F-307, $4-6.00, pb
Kyrik and the Lost Queen, Leisure Books, 1978, 0-8439-00420, pb
Kyrik and the Wizard's Sword, Leisure Books, 1976, 0-8439-00333, pb
Kothar - Barbarian Swordsman, Belmont, Belmont Books - April 1969, 500-01003, Cover by Frazetta, pb
Kyrik: Warlock Warriorord, Leisure Books, April 1975, 0-8439-00252, pb
Kothar and the Wizard Slayer, Unibook, pb
Kothar and the Conjurer's Curse, Belmont, Belmont Books - September 1970, 505-2051, Cover by Frazetta, pb
Kyrik Fights the Demon World, Leisure Books, 1975, 0-8439-00284, pb
Franke, Herbert W.
The Mind Net, DAW #123, 1974, 0-87997-136-3, pbThe Orchid Cage, DAW #079, 1973, 0-87997-082-0, pb
Franklin, Cheryl, J.
Fire Get, DAW #726, First printing, November 1987, 0-88677-231-1, Taormin #1, pbFire Crossing, DAW #843, First printing, March 1991, 0-88677-468-3, Taormin #3, pb
The Light in Exile, DAW #804, First printing, January 1990, 0-88677-417-9, pb
Frankowski, Leo
The Fata Morgana, Baen, First paperback printing: July 2000, 0-671-57876-6, pbThe Flying Warlord, Ballantine, First Edition: October 1989, 0-345-32765-9, Book Four in the Adventures of Conrad Stargard, pb
The Radiant Warrior, Ballantine, First Edition: July 1989, 0-345-32764-0, Book Three in the Adventures of Conrad Stargard, pb
The Cross-Time Engineer, Ballantine, First Edition: February 1986, 0-345-32762-4, Book One in the Adventures of Conrad Stargard, pb
A Boy and His Tank, Baen, First paperback printing, February 2000, 0-671-57850-2, pb
Copernick's Rebellion, Del Rey, First edition, April 1987, 0-345-34033-7, pb
Conrad's Quest for Rubber, Del Rey, First edition: December 1998, 0-345-36850-9, pb
Lord Conrad's Lady, Del Rey, First Edition, September 1990, 0-345-36849-5, Book One in the Adventures of Conrad Stargard, pb
The High-Tech Knight, Ballantine, Second Printing: July 1989, 0-345-32763-2, Book Two in the Adventures of Conrad Stargard, pb
Frazetta, Frank
Frank Frazetta Book Two, Bantam, First U.S. edition, June 1977, 0-553-01057-3, osThe Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta, Scribner's, 1975, 0684-14416-6, 2 copies, 1 hard & 1 soft, os
The Frazetta Treasury, os
Freer, Dave
A Mankind Witch, NookPyramid Scheme, Nook
Rats, Bats and Vats, Nook
The Forlorn, Nook
Frezza, Robert
A Small Colonial War, Del Rey, First edition: February 1990, 0-345-36200-4, pbFriedell, Egon
The Return of the Time Machine, DAW #022, First printing 1972, 0-87997-022-7, pb
Friedman, C. S.
Black Sun Rising, DAW #864, First paperback printing, September 1992, 0-88677-527-2, pbThis Alien Shore, DAW #1096, First paperback printing, July 1999, 0-88677-799-2, pb
The Madness Season, DAW #829, First printing, October 1990, 0-88677-444-6, pb
When True Night Falls, DAW #926, First printing, September 1994, 0-88677-615-5, Coldfire Trilogy #2, pb
In Conquest Born, DAW #707, 1986, 0-88677-198-6, pb
Crown of Shadows, DAW #1001, First printing, August 1996, 0-88677-717-8, Coldfire Trilogy #3, pb
Feast of Souls, DAW #1389, Magister Trilogy #1, pb
Wings of Wrath, DAW #1464, Magister Trilogy #2, pb
The Wilding, pb
Friedman, David
Harald, NookFriedman, Michael Jan
The Hammer and the Horn, Popular Library, First Printing: June, 1985, 0-445-20028-6, pb
Friesner, Esther M.
Sphynxes Wild, Signet, First printing, May 1989, 0-451-15974-8, pbSpells of Mortal Weaving, Avon, First Avon printing, May 1986, 0-380-75001-5, pb
Druid's Blood, Signet, First printing, July 1988, 0-451-15408-8, pb
Here Be Demons, Ace, Ace edition / May 1988, 0-441-32797-4, pb
New York by Knight, Signet, First printing, September 1986, 0-451-14496-1, pb
Froud, Brian w/ Alan Lee
Faeries, Bantam, 1978, 0-553-01159-6, Illustrations, osFurey, Maggie
Aurian, Bantam, Bantam book / August 1994, 0-553-56525-7, Aurian #1, pbDhiammara, Bantam, Bantam book / November 1997, 0-553-57557-0, Aurian #4, pb
Harp of Winds, Bantam, Bantam book / February 1995, 0-553-56526-5, Aurian #2, pb