First, she catches a dose of satyr rut mojo when she and Cody try to break up an orgy at the local gay bar, and falls into bed with her almost boyfriend, Sinclair, who turns out to be the descendant of a long line of obeahs (Jamaican sorcerers), which is the main conflict in what passes for the story line of Autumn Bones. When it turns out that her Mr. Right has forgotten to tell her his whole life story and important details from his sordid past, though, she decides that they need to be "just friends-with benefits, of course" while they sort out the members of his family who want to get her out of the picture and force him to return to the islands.
Then, when she discovers Cody sleeping off his lycanthropic adventures in the nude, she jumps his furry bones, too. This complicates their working arrangement somewhat, but if it all goes south, it's obvious she won't lack for company, as Stefan the Outcast seems more than willing to take one for the team. All of the side plots turn out to be pretty much just distracting candy for the main event, which pits Daisy and her allies against a shambling resurrected giant axe murderer. One sub plot remained unresolved at the end, so I am certain we'll see more of Daisy's antics.
There must be money in urban fantasy - I can't imagine why Carey would waste her time with it otherwise.
Hmm. I was curious about this, but only because it was Jacqueline Carey. Otherwise, I tend to give urban fantasy a wide berth.
Doesn't sound like she'll be enough to change that, but maybe dabbling in UF will recharge her batteries and bring her back to more epics along the lines of Terre d'Ange.
Yes, I wish she'd come back from the dark side. There was a time when the early writers of urban fantasy were doing some imaginative things, but now it's boundaries are so blurred with paranormal romance, there's not much that's original and interesting out there any more.
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