The commander of Basilisk station is a political hack named Pavel Young, who has a score to settle with Honor from their days at the academy together. He takes the opportunity to set her up for failure by leaving the entire system under her command, woefully undermannned. However, he hasn't reckoned on Honor's determination to do the job, whatever it takes.
Under a series of incompentent commanders, Medusa and Basilisk Station have become a haven for smugglers and a center for subversive activities of the People's Republic of Haven, Manticore's enemies. Honor's creative use of the technology and personnel at her disposal soon brings smuggling activities to a crashing halt, earning her the enmity of powerful merchant princes whose ships are carrying contraband.
The PRH's tactics prove a little tougher to unravel and thwart, however. There's plenty of tricks, traps, and interesting twists that set the stage for all the Honor novels to follow.
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