Today's Question:
What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"
I think there's a difference between Blogger's definition of "follower" vs. the real-world one. I officially follow quite a few blogs via Blogger, but I don't put people on that list unless I really think I'll be interested in what they have to say over the long haul. I don't just follow people in order to get more followers, myself. If people really want to keep apprised of what I have to say, then they should follow my blog via Blogger.
I think the majority of the people who actually read my blog regularly are personal friends, who stop by to find out what I'm reading right now, and whether I liked the books.
I have dozens of blogs that I follow regularly that don't appear on my list here, but are bookmarked in my browser. When one of those folks fails to post a new entry for over thirty days, unless there's a good excuse, I remove them from my list and stop going there.
I hope people continue to find my posts interesting, and I'd hate to lose any readers, but if they're simply not interested in what I have to say, why would they waste their time here?
a lot of the comments on the post are cracking me up. "oh no, I lost a follower! what did I do wrong!"
blogging should not be a popularity contest.
Stopping by from the hop...thanks for visiting my site.
I see you are a tech person...if I have a computer question, would you mind if I ask?
I don't have any now, but if I do in the future, would you mind?
silversolara AT gmail DOT com
THANKS again for stopping by.
I love your "card catalog" Very thorough and a unique idea.
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