Friday, May 25, 2012

Book Blogger Hop - May 25 to May 31

Time again for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy for Books.

Book Blogger Hop

Today's question: Blogging Question: How do you handle the writing of a negative review?

My answer: I generally try to be somewhat gentle. There's no need to go on the attack. There are two types of writers (in general), new authors and established authors. In the case of a new author, I'll point out some issues with the story, characters, world-building, and tell people whether or not I finished the book. What usually happens when I read a "bad" book by a new author is that I don't finish reading it, as it just isn't good enough for me to waste my time further. With established authors, I'll usually just make a few points and say it's not up to their usual standards.


Peppermint Ph.D. said...

A book by a new author has to really grab my attention before I'll give it a try, especially one that a publisher contacts me about out of nowhere. I say no to a lot of those for that very reason.

Escape Artist said...

I've found most books for me aren't very bad, I did recently not finsh one, I just couldn't get into it, and there was another that in my personal opinion was poorly written but I loved the story line.

Thanks for hopping by!

Elizabeth said...

Definitely on the gentle. I agree.

Stop by my blog for my answer if you like.

Stopping by from The Book Blogger Hop.

Stop by my blog if you like.

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Silver's Reviews

Patricia said...

It seems most of us have similar answers. I agree with you!
I am your newest GFC follower. Hope to see you at my blog. I don't know about you but I love comments.