This week's question:
"What book are you most looking forward to seeing published in 2011? Why are you anticipating that book?"
It's really difficult to narrow it down to just one book, but if I had to choose between all the new releases, I believe I'd have to go with Ghost Story by Jim Butcher. The story arc of the Dresden Files took a very radical turn and left us all with a big cliffhanging mystery. Hopefully, Butcher will resolve this in Ghost Story.
Hoping on by to say hi. Started following you. I have watched the Dresden Files that was on syfy but never read the books..I really need too. :)
I've meant to read Jim Butcher's books for quite some time. Have heard really good things about them.
Have a good weekend!
Hi, thanks for the visit to e-Volving Books.
I've read about 8 of the Jim Butcher Dresden books, but not the last couple. Perhaps its time to revisit?
I'm a huge fan of his Codex Alera series, and have read those cover to cover multiple times :)
@Ladystorm - The books are great - just ignore the fact that they have very little to do with the tv episodes, and you'll be fine.
@Kay - Butcher has written some great stuff - give it a try!
@Deepali - I loved the Codex Alera stuff as well. I'd love to see Butcher take on an sf novel someday.
Jim Butcher rocks!!! :)
I chose one of China Mieville's books for my answer this week.
Happy Hopping!!
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