I haven't read this book yet. Just got the press release, and requested a review copy. When I get it, you'll all get the scoop - Jon.
Flashes from the Other World - Magic Realism Style Collection of Stories from
Author Julie Ann Weinstein
Encinitas, CA - Oct 26, 2010 - Author Julie Ann Weinstein announces the release of her short story collection, Flashes from the Other World .
The author is widely known for her magic realism style prose, a Pushcart Nominee and has been a semifinalist in various literary contests. With over ninety published stories under her belt, this book reflects the author's distinct style, a mix of paranormal, magical, mysterious and wacky all rolled into one stellar collection.
Ms. Weinstein is also a flash fiction writing teacher and writing consultant. From the jacket copy of Flashes from the Other World: "Magic without the hocus pocus, these stories explore the ethereal blur between reality and not, between dream and sleep, between love and other than love. They present relationships with a tender wackiness. Tossed into the mix are mischievous ghosts, who give the talking plants and even the seductive and vocal grains of sand a run for their money. Quirky and offbeat, these stories will touch your heart, although they may tug at your funny bone first."
"The collection itself is in the vein of magic realism, which is a style of fiction that first became
popular in Latin America with writers like Isabelle Allende and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I think of magic realism as reality that is slightly bent as compared to science fiction which stretches the bounds of reality exponentially. In my writing it's often a surreal landscape where the question of what is a dream and what is reality blur. It can be a place where the intangible becomes tangible, whether it's a ghost or a flower, vegetables, grains of sand or even a snail talking. In a world where things are often perceived as black and white, I see the shades and layers in between, finding new colors where the human emotions and the senses come alive," notes author Julie Ann Weinstein.
About the book:
Flashes From the Other World by Julie Ann Weinstein
ISBN: 978-0984621644
Publisher: All Things That Matter Press
Date of publish: Sept 26, 2010
Pages: 160
S.R.P.: $15.99
About the author:
Julie Ann Weinstein has published over ninety short stories and is a Pushcart Nominee. Recently the author was profiled in the San Diego Union Tribune - North Coast edition. Two of her stories were semifinalists in A Word With You Press, Ain't That Quaint Contest and Julie's second novel was also nominated as a semifinalist in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Contest.
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