In case anyone out there is worried, yes I am still reading away at more or less my usual pace, I just seem to have no time nor energy to blog much about the books after running a sandwich shop seven days a week. All creativity flees.
I did a massive re-read of nine of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs after reading the latest one, Storm Cursed, out a month or so ago.
Discovered the Jackaby series (historical fantasy detective stuff) by Ritter, and am currently reading the conclusion in The Dire King.
Keeping up with Bujold's Penric and Desdemona stuff.
Read the "Sweep" series by Ilona Andrews, and found it reasonably entertaining, with a bit of a different take on vampires and werewolves. Also read the latest in Andrews' Kate Daniels series, Magic Triumphs.
Read a few of the Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne. They started out to be entertaining, but around the third one I just lost interest.
Wild Country, in The Others world by Bishop, was very tasty.
Some miscellaneous other novels by "new" authors, but nothing that grabbed me enough to actually pay good money to follow up.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.