Friday, June 8, 2012

Book Blogger Hop - June 8 to June 14

Time again for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy for Books.

Book Blogger Hop
Today's question: Blogging Question: If you were to write a book, what type of book would you write?

My answer: Oddly enough, it wouldn't be science fiction or fantasy, or even fiction at all. I really am not a good storyteller. The most likely thing for me to write would be something like Dave Ramsey's books, teaching people common sense methods for dealing with their finances in a rough and tumble world. I also might write a cookbook. I spent about a dozen years in the restaurant business, and preparing meals for friends and family is something that I do effortlessly, compared to working dinner rushes or huge banquets, so I have some insights about how to fix tasty, nutritious meals without working too hard at it. A third area that I might write about would be organic gardening. It's turning into a hot topic these days, but I've been doing it since the late 60s, and again, I've got some simple approaches to gardening the lazy way I could share.


ProudHillbilly said...

Essays about history.

Angela - Bookaunt said...

I enjoyed reading your answer. It is cool that you would do a cookbook or a finance book. Personally I don't know that I could do that, but I love cookbooks. Here is a link to my answer:

Elizabeth said...

Your book ideas are great...a cookbook would be good for me too.

Saw your name on the Book Blogger Hop and wanted to stop by.

My answer can be found here:

Hope you can hop on by.


Silver's Reviews

Anonymous said...

I am anxiously awaiting publication of your cookbook/food treatise.