Friday, May 11, 2012

Book Blogger Hop - May 11 to May 17

Time again for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy for Books.

Book Blogger Hop
Today's question: Who is your favorite book character? I’ll give you a maximum of two choices, but they have to be from different genres!

My answer:
It's very very difficult to narrow it down to one or two. This is the type of question that could spawn a whole series of posts on different characters, but I'll give it my best shot.

From the Fantasy genre, I'd have to say Bilbo Baggins. You have to bear in mind that I read The Hobbit as a young child, shortly after the books were first published in the U.S., so I'm not a Johnny-Come-Lately to the LOTR craze spawned by Peter Jackson's movies. Bilbo is one of my favorite folks mostly because he constantly learns, changes, and grows throughout his adventure. From a parochial and isolated background, he constantly does his best to do his duty, and ends up a completely different person than he ever thought he could be, achieving one of the highest honors of Middle Earth - Elf Friend.

From Science Fiction, once again I love a character who barrels on through barriers, against the odds, Miles Vorkosigan of Bujold's stories. His character truly deepens as time goes by, and his childhood loyalties mature into deep, adult convictions and strong relationships. Bujold says, in once of the stories, that the most important thing to examine about a man is the quality of his friends, and Miles' selections in this area are impeccable. He surrounds himself with competent, trustworthy, and loyal companions, and urges them always to become someone greater than they ever imagined.


Shirley @ My Bookshelf said...

Well worded! Who doesn't love Bilbo Baggins? The Hobbit was required reading when I was in grade eight. I truly enjoyed the experience! As yet, I haven't made my way through The Lord of the Rings, but do enjoy the films. Can't wait for The Hobbit to be released later this year!

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment today. :)

Shirley @ My Bookshelf said...

By the way, you should enter the contest to win a copy of Oath of Office, since you enjoyed the review. Here's a link: Oath of Office Giveaway. Contest is open to residents of the US and closes May 18th, 2012.

Jenna said...

Bilbo Baggins! Wonderful choice!!

My hop response