Friday, June 3, 2011

Book Blogger Hop - June 3 to 6

Time for the weekly Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy for Books.
Book Blogger Hop

This week's question:

“Share your favorite post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart!”

I don't know that I have a favorite post, as such. The one that I might describe as close to my heart was the one about Ariel, by Steven R. Boyett. Re-reading the book after all these years took me back to a much simpler time in my life, I think. Then, it was nice to learn what happened to Pete and Ariel after almost thirty years of waiting and wondering when I read Boyett's sequel, Elegy Beach, which will be posted June 16th.


Darkfallen said...

I think a lot of peeps are having a hard time answering this question. But OMG you had to wait 30 yrs to see what happened next?!?! I would die;) lol

Cute blog and I'm a new follower btw!

Just stopping by. Have a great weekend!!
Hop on by Paranormal Wastelands and while your there enter for your chance to win some free book here!

Loni said...

That's a long time to wait for a sequel. You must have really liked the book.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Wow. I hope you will be happy with the sequel. I usually am not.

I'm stopping by via the Hop. I always follow back.

Also, I wanted to let you know that I am having a wonderful giveaway this month at my blog, Readerbuzz I'm giving away a lovely hardback copy of Anna and the French Kiss! Hope you will stop by.