Friday, June 17, 2011

Book Blogger Hop June 17 to 20

It's time again for the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Crazy for Books.

Book Blogger Hop

This week's question:
"How many books are currently in your To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile?"

If we're talking about the official TBR pile, on the shelf by my bed, then the number fluctuates a lot, but right now it looks like twenty-two.


The Book Angel said...

Wow, so far, it looks like I have the smallest TBR pile. But, it's all part of a system. I can't have over 14 books in my pile. It keeps me from spending relentlessly haha.

My hop is here:

Pen said...

Thanks for hopping by.

Twenty-two? I'm jealous--I can never read fast enough.

Addicted to Paleo said...

Much more manageable number then the hundreds that I have been encountering... or have :) Thats why I keep mine broken up in different places, then it isn't as overwhelming!


Book Sake said...

Wow, lots of Sci-fi and fantasy books I haven't heard of yet. New follower here.

Our Hop post is here.

Loni said...

22! That's so tame. I don't remember when my pile was 22. More like 202 right now!

pussreboots said...

I'd love to be back to the point of only having 22 to read. Come read my Book Blogger Hop post in which I discuss my TBR and coin a new way of measuring it.

Sayeth said...

Yes, I wasn't really sure how to answer the question. Is the TBR pile the list of books you want to read or the actual pile of books that you have waiting to be read? I answer for both in my post at Free Listens, my audiobook blog.

Elizabeth said...

22 is manageable...not bad at all.....I only have 29 to be read. Pretty manageable.

Just stopping by to say hello and to take a look around.

ONLY 24 hours left to enter.

I am having a Father's Day giveaway on my blog if you would like to stop by.

Hope you can visit.


Jon said...

So, yes, 22 books was the actual, physical contents of the shelves near my nightstand that I intend to read over the next month or two. The number is constantly shifting as I go to the library once a week to check out new books, and buy more books both used and new.
The good/bad news is, I talked to my mother last night, and she has two boxes of books for me that I'll add to the pile when I return from next weekend's travels. I'm guessing at that point the TBR pile jumps to around 60.

Howard Sherman said...

These book blogger hop questions just get better and better. This one looks easy but I think it’s a trick question. We all know it’s the same answer – the writing – but we all have different perspectives of what good writing is.

Hop on over to my blog at and read my three-prong answer as I explain why I’ll decide to pick up a book or put it down in under sixty seconds.

Happy July 4th Weekend!

Howard Sherman, Implementor